
016 - Flashbacks

(A/N: Sorry this was meant to be chapter fifteen and the Xavier one was meant to be sixteen so please just grit your teeth and bear it. Sorry for the mistake.)

[June 11th, 1952 – Spencer Community Hospital]

He looks at Sky's face as he cradles her in his arms holding back tears.

It suddenly feels as if everything he has ever done doesn't matter as he sits next to a passed-out Claire.

Sky had whisps of Red Hair and is a chubby 7lb 8oz baby girl. She begins to stir as he sings a song that he hasn't heard since Nicole's dad passed away.

{Isn't she lovely - Callum J Wright}

She falls back to sleep as she hears a gentle lullaby.

'That's beautiful, honey.' Says Claire in her half-awake half-dead state.

Mike just nodded as he continues to look at his daughter's face.

'I swear that no matter what I'll be there for you and give you the best life possible, okay?' He says in his head as he closes his eyes and continues to rock her.

[July 30, 1954. – Memphis Tennessee.]

"Daddy what's the man doing." Asked sky as Elvis Presley began to do his iconic moves on stage. I just chuckle while shaking my head and respond. "I don't know honey but whatever it is everyone else likes it."

Even though she was only two she had been dosed with Project Akkadian and that combined with her already smart parents had ended with her being far smarter than the average university professor. Because of this Claire and Mike had decided to home-school her.

[April 1955]

We had been planning this for months. While we couldn't affect the main MCU timeline we could at least save someone who can help us in the future.

Isaiah Bradley was the only surviving member of a failed recreation of Erskine's Serum. I theorized that it was because of improper distribution of the strengthening compound and alteration fluids.

Isaiah just got lucky enough that he didn't die.

Using the Impressive network of informants, we had icked up in the last ten years we had found the facility he was being held in.

Officially he was in prison because he disobeyed orders to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. Where other soldiers would have been rewarded for their heroism, he was locked up so Hydra could experiment on him and figure out why it had worked on him and failed on the others.

Lucas had ended up fighting in the Korean war and had recruited four of his men who he viewed as loyal. They had been made to sign hundreds of non-disclosure agreements about what we had now dubbed Akkadian Serum.

Though they didn't know about my abilities, once they heard the story of Isaiah, they were all for helping him. We made it clear that we would be breaking the law and if caught there would be no backup. They all deferred to their commanding officer, Lucas.

I had made up my mind.

While I would try to make sure that the MCU begin roughly how it was meant to. It was impossible to keep it the same. Hell, it might not have even been the same in the first place considering the X-men will most likely exist.

The team was seven. Jim, Lucas, and his men would breach the facility. With me as exit and overwatch.

We had obtained the blueprints and had planned this meticulously.

Thirty seconds in and out.

Gas the vents with enough gas to even take out Isaiah.

Breach first door with mask and crowbar.

Down the hallway.

Breach second door with charge.

Inject tranquilizer into Isaiah.

Remove him and leave.

[A few days later…]

Isaiah is now awake.

The operation went off without a hitch.

He sits on his bed not being able to figure out where he is.

He's glad that there is now more surgeries or needles but at least he knew their motives. He looks over to the door as he hears it unlock. He prepares himself to fight. But he lowers his guard when he sees a man in his thirties holding hands with a five-year-old girl.

"Come, walk with us says the man." As he heads away from the door.

Isaiah reluctantly follows with apprehension on his face.

He follows the man as they head to an exterior door.

He looks at the scene around him. It is a vast garden filled with many plants. There was the odd gardener in the distance.

He could also see a small dome in the distance.

"Inside that dome are some of the last Ros Michel Bananas on the planet." Says the man who then waves him in another direction. He then leans down to the little girl and speaks. "Sky, go and play please, me and this kind man need to talk in private." She just nodded and then runs off with a smile plastered on her face.

He then turns to Isaiah and speaks. "Mr Bradley, my name is Mister Michael Cane. Please sit."

He motioned to a table on a patio amongst a few small trees.

"This is a cherry blossom grove I've had planted. It will be many years before its true beauty can be admired though." The man sighs as he opens a brown folder on the table.

"Why am I here?" Ask Isaiah while taking a seat still on edge about what is going on.

You as well as I know that your imprisonment was false and any other would have gotten the medal of honour for what you did.

"What makes you so sure." Asked Isaiah.

The man put a hand on his heart and said, "You are looking at a recipient of the bronze star, medal of honour and five purple hearts."

Isaiah nodding slightly says. "So, I'm guessing that's where the limps gone."

Mike just nods while looking over at Sky who is running fast for her age.

"She's fast." Stated Isaiah looking at the girl who is jumping things like they weren't there.

"Well, that would be because she is similar to you." Mike said while turning his face towards Isaiah.

Isaiah just sits there with a dumbfounded look on his face before finally asking "Why am I here?"

Mike just pushes the folder towards Isaiah. "I'm sorry, I tried to save them but by the time we found them it was too late."

Inside the folder was also evidence that hydra was the one experimenting on him.

"So, you want my help with hydra?" asked Isaiah.

"No, Mr Bradley. Hydra is already too deeply rooted in the government. What I'm offering you is a chance a revenge when we eventually weed them permanently from the world." States Mike.

"How?" says Isaiah with a clenched fist.

Mike goes onto explain his plan while leaving out his powers. Isaiah will be frozen until he is needed in the future.

Project: A Soldier of Our Own – Status: Complete Success.

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