
Being Weak Isn't a Sin; Staying Weak Is

With nearly everyone gathering in the middle of a street near Ichigo's house, including Rukia and Orihime, Ohta dropped down to see what they were discussing, followed closely by Soifon.

"Oh, hey, Ohta-kun~!" chimed Orhime, gravitating toward him alongside Rukia the moment he touched down.

"I'm fine," assured Ohta, eyes scanning the rather sorry-looking group gathered before him. With the exception of Yoruichi, Rukia, and Orihime, everyone looked tired and a bit worse for wear.

Seeing the 'judgmental' look on Ohta's face, Renji and Ichigo habitually frowned, the latter asking, "What happened to that guy with the half-jaw mask?"

"That's what you want to know?" asked Ohta. "I'm more curious to know why there aren't any EMS or emergency response forces mobilizing after you blew out the windows of multiple skyscrapers."

With Ohta directing his gaze to her, Yoruichi raised her brows and asked, "Why are you looking at me? Go bother Kisuke if you want to know things like that."

"That isn't important right now," said Hitsugaya, his stern yet childish face looking grimmer than usual as he said, "The Arrancar were much stronger than we anticipated. Even a Captain like me had to remove their Limiter..."

Dealing substantial damage to the egos of nearly everyone present, Ohta asked, "Seriously? I'm pretty sure the duo I was fighting were the leaders, and they didn't seem all that powerful to me. The homeless-looking guy with the talking pistols had some pretty insane Reiryoku, but I'm certain I could take him if I weren't worried about collateral damage."

Directing his gaze to Ichigo, Ohta added, "Speaking of which, you need to get your shit together. Creating huge explosions and craters in the middle of intersections is inconsiderate..."

Clenching his jaw, brow twitching, Ichigo replied, "I didn't exactly have a choice. That Seis Espada, or whatever he called himself, was a monster..."

"Really?" asked Ohta. "He seemed like the weakest of the bunch to me. I sent his sorry ass flying into the mountains outside the city with a single kick."

"We get it already. You're strong," growled Renji. "But, unless you can be in multiple places at once, you still need our help. If we hadn't been here, there's no telling what might have happened to the city."

"Then get stronger," retorted Ohta. "You people are literally ancient. You shouldn't have to depend on me and a group of High School students to solve all your problems."

Grabbing Ohta's sleeve, Rukia muttered, "That's enough, Ohta..." in a faint tone.

Nodding his head, Ohta replied, "You're right. You and Orihime also have school tomorrow, so let's get back."

"I'm also gonna head out," said Yoruichi, shifting her gaze to Toshiro as she asked, "I trust you and the members of your Advance Attack Squad can handle things from here?

Though he would have preferred everyone worked together to aid in the cleanup, Toshiro nodded in affirmation, stating, "Just leave it to us..." in a neutral tone. Almost immediately after that, Ohta, Rukia, Orihime, Yoruichi, and Soifon vamoosed, leaving behind the battered members of the attack squad and a very confused Ichigo. Orihime hadn't exactly publicized that she was living with Ohta and Rukia, so he was visibly confused when the former abruptly picked her up and whiskered her away...

"What was that about...?" asked Ichigo, more to himself than anyone present. However, as Rangiku noticed his reaction, a mischievous smile developed across her face as she mused, "Hoooo~? Were you unaware that Ohta-kun, Inoue-chan, and Kuchiki-san lived together...?"

While Ichigo still had an expression of confusion, asking, "Why...?" Renji clicked his tongue, kicking a small stone hard enough to embed it in an unfortunate privacy fence as he walked away in a huff.

Narrowing her eyes and folding her arms under her breasts alluringly, Rangiku asked, "Why do you think, Strawberry Boy? What could possibly compel a young and lonely woman to share a roof with an equally young and handsome boy~? I'll give you three guesses."

As awareness and understanding washed over him, Ichigo blinked several times, initially asserting, "That's not possible..." before promptly furrowing his brows and appending, "He's already in a relationship with Rukia..."

Exhaling a throaty chuckle that caused her ample bosom to heave in a very eye-catching manner, Rangiku regained an alluring smile and mused, "You're so cute and innocent, Strawberry. Rukia is the one pushing Ohta-kun to 'gain experience' by sleeping with other women. He's even taken me for a few rides, so believe me when I say it's not nearly as impossible as you think."

"That's enough, Matsumoto..." warned Toshiro, his expression morphing into a disproving frown. He allowed Rangiku to stay in Ohta's guest room since it saved them a substantial sum of money, but he didn't approve of her talking about her private affairs while on duty.

Puffing her cheeks, Rangiku pretended to pout as she said, "I was only trying to be considerate, Captain. Strawberry-kun deserves to know what his friends from school are up to, no?"

Without waiting for Toshiro's response, Rangiku looked back to Ichigo, her expression uncharacteristically serious as she said, "You should seriously consider finding a woman of your own, Strawberry-kun. Ohta-kun wasn't wrong when he said we shouldn't be getting you youngsters involved, but since you are, there's a chance you could die at any moment..."

Though he didn't ordinarily approve of Rangiku's words, Toshiro nodded in silent affirmation of her assertion. Ichigo was one of only a handful of cards they had to oppose Aizen's ambitions. The rest of them, even the Captain-Commander, had all been placed under the hypnotic influence of Aizen's Zanpaktuo, Kyōka Suigetsu. If Ohta failed, Ichigo would be one of the only people that could still oppose Aizen. In other words, there was a very good chance he would die in the near future...

Immediately losing any respect she might have gained from her Captain, Rangiku teased, "It's a shame Ohta seems like the jealous type. We're not in a relationship, but if I were to sleep with you, he'd probably give me the boot."

Blushing furiously, Ichigo shouted, "As if I would even consider it! Se–I mean, that kind of thing should only be done with the person you love...!"

Narrowing her eyes, Rangiku intentionally emphasized her breasts as she teased, "While I agree with you on principle, reality isn't all sunshine and rainbows, Strawberry-kun. Those you love and claim to love you can turn into complete strangers once the passion you have for one another fades. You should never give up searching for someone you love, but when your life is on the line, being picky could mean dying alone..."

"I'm going home..." said Ichigo, his expression contorted in frustration and apparent internal conflict. He could comprehend what Rangiku was trying to say, but while he had never put much consideration into things like love and romance, Ichigo felt it shouldn't be such a depressing thing...




"You were right..." muttered Ohta, lounging on the couch in his living room with Yoruichi sitting beside him with his hand on her ass. "The angrier she gets, the more adorable she becomes..."

"I know, right~?" purred Yoruichi, sporting a catty, unabashedly amused smile as she and Ohta watched Soifon, wearing a skimpy cat-girl outfit with fishnet stockings and high heels, perform an awkward shuffle with a vexed, furiously blushing face.

With Rukia and Orihime at school and the members of the Advance Attack Squad using the underground chamber to train, Ohta accepted Yoruichi's invitation to witness a show. He expected her to take him somewhere, but instead, she summoned Soifon and had the petite Captain don her current outfit, promising a reward if she managed to keep up the awkward dance for ten minutes without giving up or dying from embarrassment.

Causing Ohta's brows to rise, Yoruichi traced her finger along his chest and whispered, "I'll likely be preoccupied until Aizen and his forces make their move. While I'm gone, you're free to take out all your frustration and desires on Soifon..."


Hearing Yoruichi's words, Soifon nearly tripped and lost her rhythm, her face becoming even ruddier. As for Ohta, he maintained a relaxed smile, remarking, "It's pretty fucked up of you to volunteer someone who adores you for such a 'strenuous' duty..."

"Perhaps..." replied Yoruichi, shifting her gaze to Soifon as she appended, "However, if I didn't believe you were worthy of her, I wouldn't entrust my most precious subordinate to your care..."

Though she kept her dance going, the gap between Soifon's notably toned thighs shrank in response to her abdominal muscles, particularly those in her lower abdomen, contracting. At the same time, the already visible stain on her crotch became more apparent as a faint trace of love juices began to trickle down her thighs.

Returning her gaze to Ohta, Yoruichi's hot breath tickled his ear as she whispered, "I want you to make her see what me, Rukia, Orihime, and even that Matsumoto woman see in you..."

"And if I refuse...?" asked Ohta.

Regaining a catty smile, Yoruichi whispered, "Then she'll be pouty and despondent until I return. You wouldn't want that, would you? Just look how cute she is..."

Hearing Yoruichi call her cute, the fluttery feeling that filled Soifon's chest became more prominent. Unfortunately, much to her frustration, her body reacted similarly when Ohta remarked, "You're not wrong..." while staring 'intently' at her crotch.

"Okay, Soifon, it's been well over ten minutes at this point," said Yoruichi, waving the girl over as she said, "Come and get your reward."

Ceasing her agonizing dance, Soifon's breathing was noticeably labored as she scurried over to the couch, her brown eyes focused exclusively on Yoruichi. Unfortunately, just as Soifon had anticipated, Yoruichi inclined her head toward Ohta, musing, "I never said I would be the one rewarding you. Though I might be inclined to do so if you can convince your 'Master' to permit it..."

Staring at Ohta with a genuine plea in her eyes, Soifon lowered herself to her knees, placing her hands atop his as she said, "Please, Master...permit Yoruichi-sama to reward me..."

Before Ohta could respond with his approval, Yoruichi interjected to state, "Pretty convincing, but not very 'compelling.' We both know you can do better than that, Soifon. And if you do, I can assure you that your reward will be 'much' greater..."

With her jaw and brows quivering, Soifon placed her hands on Ohta's upper thighs, staring at him with moist, almost desperate eyes as she said, "Please, Master...tell Little Feng what she must do..."

Surprising the diminutive Captain, Ohta placed his hand atop her head, ruffling her hair and nearly knocking off her faux cat ears as he asserted, "You've already done more than enough. As for your reward...give me a moment..."

Rising to his feet, Ohta briefly parted with the two girls to retrieve an item from his room. When he returned, the smile on Yoruichi's face cramped a bit as he happened to be carrying a decently sized strap-on. Orihime had developed a penchant for having things shoved up her ass as far back as their time in Soul Society, so Rukia had 'acquired' the intimidating sex toy so the three of them could become even closer.

Simultaneously matching Yoruichi's expectations and shattering Soifon's completely, Ohta offered the strap-on to the diminutive Captain and said, "This is your reward. While I fuck your Mistress, you're free to peg the shit out of her. And don't worry. She was against it initially, but you'll find your Mistress isn't 'just' a pain in the ass. She can take it like a champ..."

Looking between Ohta and Yoruichi in utter disbelief, the fluttery feeling in Soifon's chest practically exploded when her beloved Mistress shrugged her shoulders and said, "It can't be helped. Go easy on me, okay?" with a dauntless smile on her face.


Before Soifon could claim that she would never do such a thing, Ohta placed his hand on her shoulder, his expression and tone serious as he said, "If you don't, she'll be using it on you..."

Contrasting Ohta's expectations, though he really should have expected it, Soifon's paling expression became bright red as she cradled the strap-on and responded, "I...I would prefer that..." in a faint tone that did little to veil her excitement.

"Sounds like fun," mused Yoruichi, grinning from ear to ear as she asked, "But are you certain? While I'm knocking at your back door, Ohta will be knocking at your front. You may have ruptured your hymen during training, but taking two dicks might be a bit much at your current level..."

Undaunted by Yoruichi's words, Soifon made a guts pose as she stared up at Ohta with fierce determination, stating, "I can take it!" before promptly remembering her 'place,' prompting her to get on her knees, executing a flawless dogeza as she appealed, "Please permit this lowly Feng to serve you, my Master...!"

With Soifon wearing her skimpy cat getup, Ohta found it difficult to take her seriously. However, as he didn't have much else planned for the day, he ultimately shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Sure, let's do it." with a hint of expectation in his eyes. Soifon wouldn't have been his type a few months prior, but after having his perceptions altered by his relationship with Rukia, Ohta was no longer oblivious to the charms of petite women...




(A/N: Google search Soifon Dancing Cat for dance reference o3o...)

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