
The Calm Before the Storm

After fucking in the shower and kissing her goodbye, Ohta left Rukia to rest while he went on patrol.

Staring out over the active but slowly quieting Karakura Town, enjoying the warm Summer air offset by a cool breeze, Ohta had a rare, genuine smile on his face. He usually wore a more sardonic smile, especially when interacting with others, but now that he and Rukia had become a couple, he felt his life had direction for the first time since his reincarnation. Life was easiest when walking alone, but it had infinitely more meaning when you walked it with someone else...

"At least until reality kicks in and life double-taps you in the dick..." mused Ohta, still smiling despite recalling one of the more tragic incidents of his previous life. He had once gotten married and attempted to retire from the life of a hitman/mercenary, but cutting ties with an international syndicate was easier said than done. He only had around six months of marital bliss before he returned home to find his wife had been blood eagled atop their bed...

"Dammit..." muttered Ohta, reaching up to rub his forehead as a piercing ring, similar to tinnitus, permeated his mind. He couldn't see it, but at the same time, a near-crimson glow exuded from his eyes...

"Experiencing withdrawals?" asked a familiar voice, accompanied by the appearance of Yoruichi in her cat form.

"I'm definitely regretting something..." muttered Ohta, shifting his gaze to Yoruichi to ask, "You finished thinking?"

"Something like that..." replied Yoruichi, casting her gaze over the city and falling silent for several seconds before stating, "Kisuke asked me to tell you to be cautious. Rukia's synchronization with her Gigai is over 90%, so, while unlikely, it's not impossible for her to get pregnant.

Raising his brows, Ohta asked, "If it were that easy to circumvent the difficulties of conceiving in Soul Society, I'm sure the Five Great Noble Families would have exploited the shit out of it."

"Gigai are a relatively recent invention," countered Yoruichi, explaining, "Kisuke developed them a little over a hundred years ago. He's also the only one who can create Gigai capable of exceeding 70% synchronization, so unless the Soul Society rescinds his exile, they're stuck using second-hand, knock-off goods."

Changing topics, Ohta offered a curt "Neat." before asking, "So, what's up? Did you come here to keep me company...?"

Furrowing her feline brows, Yoruichi asked, "What, you don't even want me around anymore? Does my presence make you nervous...?"

"Eh, not really," replied Ohta, musing, "I'm pretty confident in my self-restraint. I just expected you to let things air out for a few days before showing up shortly after Rukia and I finished a fuck-session."


Shifting her gaze back to the city below, Yoruichi muttered, "You're really annoying..." in a faint, huffy tone. She had, in fact, been planning to show up and tease the young couple, but it was annoying having Ohta call out her antics before she could implement them...

Extending his left hand, Ohta's expression and tone softened as he said, "Come here..." like he was coaxing an actual cat. Yoruichi frowned as he did so, but she eventually got up and approached him, arching her back as he ran his hand along her spine and scratched around her cheeks and ears.

Picking up the black cat and placing her into his lap, Ohta massaged both sides of Yoruichi's face as he softly asserted, "You know I care about you. If you ever need me to beat the shit out of someone, I'll be there. I just can't manage more than one woman at a time. It's too much of a hassle..."

Furrowing her brows, Yoruichi asked, "Why are you telling me this? I don't give two shits if you care about me..."

"Whatever you say, kitten..." muttered Ohta, continuing to caress the surly black cat for several minutes before she exhaled a notably frustrated sigh and made herself comfortable, eventually beginning to purr...

("I wonder if this is how Soi Fon feels...?") wondered Yoruichi, closing her eyes and momentarily allowing her concerns to slip away...




With Rukia deciding to remain in school until the conclusion of the term, assuming the Soul Society permitted it, Ohta's days were split between resting and training with Yoruichi. All they did was spar with one another, but as she was one of the strongest individuals in the Soul Society, Ohta benefitted more from their sparring than any explanations she might give. The only problem was that she had managed to contact Rukia behind his back, resulting in him having to endure quite a bit of frustration...

"What's the matter? Is your resolve beginning to slip~?" asked Yoruichi, eyes narrowed in amusement as Ohta avoided looking directly at her in Kisuke's healing hot spring.

"Not likely..." replied Ohta. However, if he didn't actively prevent himself from getting an erection using his psychic powers, his dick would readily betray him.

"Well, just let me know if you can't endure it any longer," teased Yoruichi, maintaining eye contact as she made a show of cleaning her body slowly and deliberately.

("I should definitely move to the Soul Society after Rukia's rescue...") thought Ohta. He knew it would be at least a few years before Yoruichi could return to the Soul Society and reclaim her title as the Head of the Shihouin. If he could create a bit of distance between them, she would presumably mellow out a bit...

In an attempt to get Ohta to look at her, Yoruichi's expression and tone gained a serious undertone as she said, "The Soul Society has begun to move. However, as Rukia's Gigai makes it impossible to detect her with the usual means, they will need some time to pinpoint her location. So long as a major incident doesn't occur, the two of you can keep playing around as long as you like..."

"Meaning a major incident is guaranteed to occur, right?" asked Ohta, rewarding Yoruichi by turning to meet her gaze. In response, she gave a curt nod, stating, "Kisuke predicts the catalyst will be one of your former classmates, one of the last surviving Quincy, Ishida Uryu. He's already begun to violate his father's orders by hunting Hollow during the day, so there's a good chance he will approach you or Ichigo in the future for a 'challenge.' That boy has a lot of pent-up resentment toward Soul Society, Shinigami in particular."

"His funeral..." remarked Ohta, averting his eyes from Yoruichi's buoyant breasts. He didn't have any feelings toward Ishida, positive or negative, but if the bespectacled brat decided to pick a fight, Ohta would teach him a hard lesson...

"You're not interested in hearing more?" asked Yoruichi. "You're usually so nosy..."

"My life got a lot simpler when I got with Rukia," said Ohta, leaning back and allowing his body to sink deeper into the scalding water as he said, "That's why you missed out. When I have something to fight for, I don't stress as much over the specifics. I just kick ass..."


Feeling a little annoyed, Yoruichi got out of the water, sitting on the edge of the hot spring and pulling up her leg, elbow on her knee, and cheek resting against her palm as she said, "Just remember that I'm in charge when we enter the Soul Society. If you act as you please and try to rush the rescue, you'll get each of us killed..."

"I'm not an idiot..." replied Ohta, opening his eyes and adopting a nascent deadpan when he saw how Yoruichi was seated. She was clearly flashing him, but instead of averting his eyes, Ohta stared directly at her pussy as he asserted, "If anyone is going to fuck things up, it's Ichigo. He's always had more bravado than sense..."

Spreading her legs a little wider, Yoruichi mused, "Perhaps. But, while you might find this difficult to believe, his potential is even greater than yours. If you slack off, he could surpass you in the blink of an eye."

Furrowing his brows, Ohta felt compelled to refute Yoruichi's claim, but knowing Ichigo's 'heritage,' it wasn't an exaggeration to say the orange-haired brat was a messianic figure in the making. He was also one of the 'weapons' Kisuke had prepared to derail Aizen's schemes and prevent the usurpation of the Soul King, so Ohta knew he couldn't be underestimated.

Closing his eyes, Ohta asserted, "I don't care about being on top. So long as I have enough power to live as I please, I couldn't care less about that type of asinine bullshit..."

Having resonated with Ohta more than a dozen times, Yoruichi knew he wasn't lying when he said he didn't care about being the strongest. From his point of view, strength was simply a means to secure his lifestyle. He had no grand ambitions or desire to leave behind a legacy. Had she taken him up on his offer to pursue him, he could have been a powerful weapon for the Shihouin Clan...

Exhaling what must have been her seventieth sigh for the day, Yoruichi was tempted to ask how ignoring her was 'living as he pleased,' but she knew the answer. Ohta was monogamous because he chose to be, not because he needed to be. He was willing to give his all to a relationship, so, in his mind, there was no room for more than one woman.

"You're such a prude..." remarked Yoruichi, her voice faint but carrying far enough for Ohta to hear.

"If that were true, we wouldn't be sharing a bath right now..." replied Ohta, closing his eyes as he added, "I consider myself pretty open-minded. I'm just not a fuckboy..."

Though it was an unfamiliar term, Yoruichi could easily guess the meaning of the word fuckboy, assuming it was the male equivalent of slut. Hearing it made her want to weaponize it against Ohta, but she ultimately exhaled another faint sigh before allowing her eyes to wander, feeling equal parts bored and frustrated. She was half-tempted to go and pester Kisuke, but, for reasons she refused to delve deeper into, she didn't think that was the best course of action...




Ignoring Yoruichi's warning from Kisuke, Ohta continued to fuck and cum inside Rukia every day, typically around 3-4 times but sometimes as many as ten. She got annoyed with him whenever he pointed it out, but she had a genuine interest and a real knack for sex. It could be the result of her 153 years of abstinence or the fact she could be captured and executed any day, but the petite Shinigami was a bit of a nympho, often being the first to initiate intimacy and actively suggesting they try positions she had read about in her books.

Fortunately for Rukia, while her pussy wasn't 'Demigoddess' tier, it wasn't too far off. Her diminutive size compared to Ohta's meant that, even after getting used to having sex, her pussy fit his cock like a second skin. She was also incredibly light, so whenever they took a shower together, he could hold her up and rail her with ease, her feet dangling as she placed her hands against the wall for support.

Though it initially bothered her, Rukia got used to being manhandled by Ohta and even developed the habit of climbing on him whenever she was feeling horny. This resulted in Ohta dubbing her a spider-bunny, but Rukia took it in stride, playfully referring to him as a boorish brute and a mongrel since he sometimes teased her for being a Noble. On that note, one of her favorite 'plays' was when he treated her like a Princess, worshipping her in a way that doubtlessly made Yoruichi extremely envious...




(A/N: For those expressing concerns about the MC and Rukia being 'fated' to break up, there's no need. I endeavor to write my stories as organically as possible, so unless Ohta has a compelling reason to break up with Rukia, he's with her for the long haul. That would require both characters to develop in a way that allowed them to realize their relationship wasn't going to work, so even if it does happen at some point, it won't happen for a long time or occur out of nowhere.)

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