
Chapter Fourty Four: The False Queen

Keera led Penny to an abandoned cottage outside of the town where Keera believed that Kara would be hiding out. Penny had suspicions when it came to how Keera would know so much about Kara's supposed location but she tried her best to reamin calm.

" If this is a trap of any sort, im gonna have to kill Keera" Penny thought to herself. She knew that trusting anyone in the Underworld could usually bring great harm rather than a positive outcome and so she remained cautious as they approached the abandoned shack.

" There it is" Keera pointed out. " I have a feeling she is in there, but I dont think we should make a move on her until we know for certain what we are dealing with" Keera crouched down behind some bushes and Penny did the same.

" If she is really in there, then we are going to have a fight on our hands " Penny warned.

" I should be able to handle her though, but just in case, perhaps you should stay out here" Penny suggested which made Keera turn to her with concern. " Why in the world would you want me to wait out here? Don't you want backup? " Keera questioned but Penny shook her head.

" If things were to go bad and there I don't want to risk your life as well. I need you to stay out here and make sure that someone's alive to inform my parents of what happened. This very well could be a trick and we have to be well prepared for it. Making sure that Kara is stopped is the priority, even if its not by my hands" Penny looked to the shack and noticed that no sounds emmitted from it.

" I guess you have a point. But if you go in there alone, it could be bad.." Keera protested.

" I know that you want someone to survive here but we could both survive if we just worked togerher" Keera added.

" Is this not working together? " Penny questioned.

Keera froze for a moment before closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. " Fine, we will do it your way " she exhaled as she too, turned back to face the shack.

Both sat in complete silence for a long time. Neither could seem to find the right words to speak. It felt tense, and it felt foreign as opposed to what they were use too which was usually frinedly conversation.

But finally, Penny could not hold it in any longer and decided to speak.

" You wouldnt betray me, would you Keera? " Penny asked as Keera continued to look towards the shack.

" Of course not, I would never have the intention of betraying you. You are my friend" Keera assured but this was not good enough for Penny.

" I would hope not. Because if you did, I would give you the same treatment Im going to give Kara" Penny warned which caught the attention of Keera.

" I am not going to betray you. I know that you doubt me, its fine. But I would never do something like that. Especially not for someone as crazy as Kara supposedly is " Keera added as Pennys thoughts began to drift off back to Ember.

Seeing Ember again had warmed something within Penny and made her feel safe again. Her sheer presence made Penny feel as though she could see clearly, despite that Ember had been Jealous. Though, perhaps it was less about Jealousy, and more about warning Penny of what was to come. Because Ember seemed to dislike Keera immensly, and not trusting her Judgment on this was beginning to feel like a big mistake.

" Then what I want you to do, is sit right here " Penny stood to her feet and rushed inside of the shack before Keera could even react. Once inside the shack, Penny could see that it was completely empty. " Just as I thought" Penny smirked as she looked for a way to exit the Shack differently than the way that she had entered.

Keera looked on, confused as to why Penny would rush in so brashly. It took a few moments but Keera finally decided to get up and see whether Penny was okay considering she had heard nothing for several minutes. Though, as she rose to her feet, she was pushed back down to the ground with a firm hand on her shoulders.

" Dont even think about it " Ember growled down at Keera who stayed on the ground under the close observation of Ember. Despite holding Keera down, Penny was still nowhere to be seen. It had been several minutes and Ember grew worried.

" What trap did you send her into? " Ember questioned Keera who rolled her eyes.

" I didnt send her into a trap" Keera continued to plead.

" Then where is she? " Ember continued to Interrogate.

" I dont know. You saw her go in just like I did. We need to get in there and check on her.

Ember squeezed Keeras shoulder and forced her into the shock as she followed close behind. But once inside, they saw nothing. Penny was nowhere to be found, nothing was.

" What trickery is this? " Ember questioned as Keera leaned down, and swung her lead, Sweeping Embers feet out from under her. Ember hit the ground hard and Keera lept on top of Ember.

" I knew you did something to her" Ember grunted as she fought to get Keera off of her.

" I told you that I did nothing" Keera argued as she punched the ground, nearly missing Embers head, which sent Keera's fist through the floor.

" Oh yes you did" Penny called from the doorway. Keera looked up to see that Penny was completely safe.

Ember took advantage of the distraction and landed a stiff blow to Keera's cheek.

" You wanted me to come into this shack because you wanted to give someone a good look at me " Penny raised her hand in the air which sent someone crashing through the woods, planting their throat firmly into Pennys hand.

" Who is this? " Penny turned to see that the person was completely cloaked and struggled with a small amount of strength to get free. " You cant be Kara..you are far too weak" Penny smirked as she squeezed the throat of the mysterious figure.

" They are one of my former scouts. They have been following me for a while now to ensure I was safe. I really thought that you would have noticed them by now. They mean no harm, and I really thought Kara was here.." Keera pleaded.

" I'm not going to fall for your lies. I know damn good and well that this isnt a scout. And I also know that Kara is nowhere near hear because I sense magic..and her magic would be strong enough to stand out. Everything around here is weaker than a baby " Penny squeezed even tighter around the figures throat.

" I would advise you, to be truthful with me. Because Ember and Myself dont take kindly to those who betray us. And Ember already doesnt like you " Penny threatened as Ember punched Keera in the face rather hard.

" I don't know what you want from me. I am telling you the damn truth" Keera continued to maintain her inoccence.

" Okay..well lets just ask your friend here then? " Penny turns to the figure.

" If you tell me the truth and you rat her out, you get to live. If you lie, you will die along with her. I know Keera isnt working completey alone, so I want names" Penny loosened her grip slightlh so the figure could speak.

" You have many enemies" The Figure coughed out blood. " If you are worried about Keera..then you have no idea what is in store for you" The figure laughed as Penny sighed and with a slight flick of the wrist, snapped its neck and dropped the figure to the ground.

" And now your turn" Penny turned to Keera and approached her as Keera was now crying and pleading for her life. " I swear to you, I dont know what you want from me. I am telling you the damn truth. You can try to paint me as some bad person but I am not that. I swear to you " Keera cried.

" What are we going to do with her? " Ember questioned as Penny turned her back on Keera.

" We are going to get the truth"

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