
Chapter Nine: The Opportunity Denied

As Penny stood, alone on the training Ground she could not help but feel justified in her actions. She knew that taking another life was wrong but this whole world was about survival. It would be the first lives she took and they definitely wouldn't be the last. Penny was only doing what was right. She had no idea why her father couldn't simply see that.

And suddenly, a voice broke the silence " Hey Pen.." Penny turned around quickly, recognizing the voice all to well and it was indeed, Ember.

" What are you doing here?" Penny demmanded to know.

" I am here because I have a few questions.." Ember answered, trying to keep her calm though seeing Penny was making things difficult.

" You don't get to just come here and ask questions. You also don't get to just show up whenever you want and expect things from me.. " Penny growled.

" Are we not still working together? " Ember questioned, having hoped to avoid this drama all together.

" I think we stopped doing that when you became extremely jealous" Penny scoffed.

" I wasn't Jealous. I was trying to protect you from that girl. Who might I mention, could still very much be a threat that you refuse to see" Ember crosses her arms but Penny refuses to back down.

" I know for certain that she's not one. And I know who she truly is which is something i'm assuming you're still trying to figure out. But don't worry, I won't ruin the surprise for you. I don't want you figure it out all by yourself" and with that, Penny begins to walk away.

" PENNY"! Ember shouts.

" I am not listening " Penny hums cheerfully to spite Embers concern.

" Penny, I just care about you and I want to keep you safe.." Ember confesses, but her voice was not loud enough for Penny to hear and so she continued to walk away.

" I know she means well, but she doesn't know a single thing about Keera. And she doesn't need to keep spying on me just to keep me safe when I can do perfectly fine on my own " Penny felt offended that Ember felt that she was so helpless but she could not change Embers mind, that is one thing she knew for sure. Ember would be stuck on this for as long as Keera remained in her life.

Meanwhile, Keera watched from a distance, trying to decide on whether she should make a move on Ember or not considering Ember was quite vulnerable. Though before she could do anything, She saw amber vanish and thin air and she knew her opportunity had passed.

" Dammit " Keera punched the dirt beneath her feet. She was so close and yet so far away from confronting Ember though for the time being, she would have to wait until the time was perfect. And besides, Penny was much more of a concern for Keera. They had formed a bond but the bond was very strained thanks to mistrust. And if Keera Had any hopes of strengthening that bond, She would have to put a lot of time and work into it.

" If you want answers Ember, you soon will get them"

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