
19-End of Chapter 6

"What—" she blinked, felt the world sway before her and her lips parted as the glass of water slipped from her hands, fell upon the table. "What the fuck?" the world swayed, and fear jostled within her, her eyes widening as he moved in closer. His fingers dancing over her skin, the glossiness of it sending a shiver up her spine, it was cold, too cold. She felt disgust curl in her throat, her body trembling hard.

"I will pay you for this, I promise," he stated with a blink and a shrug. "Anything you want."

"What the fuck did you do?" she groaned, blinked a hundred times and hated herself for letting her guard down like this. She should have known that alien Alphas were fucking crazy. "Oh my God. It's only the first fucking week of the semester." There was panic in her voice, fear that blossomed and grew, sweat beading upon her brow. "You have got to be joking."

"I will help you." His eyes never left her face, the blue growing wider with his pleading. "My children will be stronger with your blood. I can see it in you, you're so weak that they'd fall out so easily from your little body. It would be so painless and quick when they hatch, I just have to lay them inside you, and you just have to grow fat. A lot fatter than this." He made a face at her arms. "You're too skinny, you'll die before they're ready."

"What the fuck?" She stood but the ground swam and her face fell, as she stumbled cold flowing up her veins, then collapsed back into the chair. "You did not spike the food to use me as your fucking incubator! You crazy son of a bitch!"

"You did not spike this food," he parroted, blinked once this time but slower, almost cat-like. "The water told me you'd come with a lot of challenges, I thought it would make your stay a little better if I eased you along. I don't think you would have understood the honour of helping a poseidon like myself, especially one of royalty." His smile was poison, acidic as he curled up on her lap, arms around her neck.

"By drugging me?" she snarled, incensed her hands reached to grasp at his apron pulling him closer with strength she did not know she have. "You cannot kill your roommate just to lay your exploding babies inside of me, for fuck's sake! There's plenty of Omegas to do that for you," she snarled. "I will murder you in your sleep you sick mother fuck—"

"No one is going to die. It was just a little poison," he admitted staring down at her, his fingers curling around her throat. "I'm too beautiful for prison." There was a sweep of his hand in his hair, a sassy snort escaping his throat. "And didn't you know there's no free meal in this world?"


"You bruise easily," he purred, holding her down, his body looming over hers and blocking out the light of the ceiling. In the shadows, his eyes grew only darker. "Greens and blues are very pretty on your skin, Levi shouldn't have healed you but he is sweeter than I am. Now why would they allow someone as weak as you are in here? They must want you to be used. My Guides are never this weak." His hands pulled tugged up her shirt, twisting over her skin, his cock nasty and jerking upon her jeans. "But it doesn't matter because they die anyway and I've been needing a little boost. Guides are only weak little cock sluts begging for Espers, you'd do so much better as an incubator for me—"

There was fear bubbling in her as he smiled, fingers tilting her head back as his face grew closer for a kiss. It was the action that did it for her, the closeness that led to a seep of sweetness through the mint in her nose. The potential of her exposure as an Omega that resulted in the bubble of energy that exploded through her veins, molten unfurling from the torment of hatred for this man. Because good God, no one could discover her Omega status.

Absolutely fucking no one.

And it was that energy that led to a strange strength that flooded her veins. One that gave her the power to slam him against the table, a rippling twist of her body and his face was blown back with her fist, cheeks red from the impact. He spilled across the surface as she leaped upon him, fist raised as she pulverised his face with her knees clamped around his body. His face grew red as he spluttered and twisted, and he raised his arms to throw her back, which he did.

"Get away from me!" he screeched, and that led to a burn in her bones. A flutter that had her soaring backwards for a brief moment. She fell upon the ground, hips bruised as he snarled and jumped upon her intent on holding her down.

But she didn't allow him to, the rage so deep and violent in her that her next blow was an aim to his throat, an undercut that had him spluttering with a split lip. He was falling, collapsed upon the ground along with the table that toppled to the floor. The utensils spilling upon the floor, they clattered as he screamed.

There was no way this could be one sided battle, but it was, with the poseidon struggled madly for control. But she had her hands on the knife before he did, her feet against his throat, she grabbed his dick and pulled, tugged the heated limb up close, with the knife against his length and her knee on his legs.

His dicks writhed under her touch but seemed to grow weaker when she jerked her fist and squeezed. She watched him choke, eyes going round and wide as the darkness of pupils suddenly filled the abyss of blue, turned watery hues of shivery black.

"Get off," he growled, the voice throbbing through her mind. The intensity burning through her flesh but it didn't work this time, not with adrenaline and necessity pumping through her veins. "Get off me," he repeated, the fear creeping across his face. "Get the fuck off me!" She stabbed her feet harder into his throat and he gurgled, choked as she snarled.

"You are one son of a bitch," was her hissed reply at the choking asshole, his body quivering as she dug the blade against his sensitive flesh. Purple blood began to bead from the skin and he winced, seemed genuinely in pain. "And naughty little boys need to know their place." Her fingers were stinging from the blows, but adrenaline continued pumping through her veins. "Kick me, and your dick is fucking gone. And you know exactly what happens to Alphas with no dicks." Her smile was ruthful. "Their knots explode, and they die during Ruts."

"Fuck," was his twisted reply, face going red from exertion. He writhed under her but her feet kept him down. And his voice seemed to waver, did not contain the power that it once had on her. Her mind growing used to its control, or perhaps it was the survival burning within her body that ended its rule upon her soul. "How are you still so—"

"Listen, slimy piece of shit," she growled, felt the oddness of how weak he seemed under her hands. "I'm not someone you can bully into submission. That's something none of you seem to fucking understand. I'm not a fucking plaything, breeder, guide, whatever the fuck. Leave me the fuck alone and I'll leave you alone. Got it?" She nudged her head towards his cocks, the five limbs merging as she clenched till they grew red and purple, then began spewing with a disgusting amount of pre-cum that slipped from the tip. "I'm castrating you today."

"You—" There was a choked whimper from him, and his hips jerked into her hands. "Don't touch me. Fuck, fuck, g-god. D-don't, I-I'm" A burst of fluid flooding her palm as he came, sobbing into his hands with a heavy jerk. There was a gasp as ropes of cum spewed free, dripping down her skin in pearly thick fluid. "Oh," he whimpered, seemed to grow weak in her arms, his body shivering from the afterglow, and his now singular cock grew soft slipping back into the flap in his skin.

"The hell?" she sneered, wiped her palms upon his skin. "You sick fuck. You like domination." He opened his mouth, and she was on him in seconds, her hands twisting down his throat with a slap upon his lip. Her knees upon his elbows, pushing him down. He tried to kick her but she sat upon his belly with a heavy drop, a quick slap to his mouth had him dazed. "Open," she hissed, and the alien gagged, unable to bite her with the way she pried him open with semen-stained fingers.

It was easy to find the eggs he so desperately seemed to want to fill her with hidden in a pocket behind molars that were too sharp for his own good. But the fishy tendencies of a Poseidon was none of her business because she pulled out his precious items with a satisfied grin.

"Mmf—" tears welled up in his eyes, genuine -not my children. Don't touch them. Don't—"

"You can make more, don't give me that crap. I won't fall for that shit," she hissed, and the tears disappeared with a roll of his eyes, although he continued blinking back the watery remains of his orgasm. "They're duds." She observed, rolled the blue orbs in her hands, then crushed them within her palm with a sadistic smile, watching it drip upon his chest. There was a moment of shock as he stared at her, helpless to her actions but it was then replaced with an angry growl. "There's nothing to impregnate. Interesting that you're still looking. Where's your Omega?"

He was hissing at her words, and she let him go with a laugh as he held himself close. There was no fear in her now that she knew he was weaker than she was. It was an odd statement to make coming from a human, and she flexed her arm, stretching her body. "An Omega will only ruin them."

"Have you had sex ed?" She chuckled, shaking her head. "You've got to be joking."

"The waters said an Alpha will be able to give them life in the future," he snarled, his voice dripping with poison, "it will happen, and it can happen." She blinked, stared at him carefully now as he touched his face, wincing at the wounds. He didn't seem so strong now, huddled against himself.

"Sure," she shrugged, understanding that he was not just a siren but also an oracle, "just don't plant them on everything. It's not going to work." She made a face, sighing as she stood to wash her hands in the sink. "So, what did you see in my future?"

He went quiet, stared at her carefully as he stood with shaking legs. "Some things."


"I laid my eggs in you," he choked out, soft and whispery. The power was lost from his voice, and she almost didn't hear him when he turned to go leaving her in the depths of a ruined kitchen. "And they lived."

A/N: Read ahead on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tinyeyecat

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