
Volume 1 Chapter 35: Two Years Later (1)


After becoming an [Ancient Tree - Human], my growth rate as a [Commoner] has increased to a certain extent. My mana in particular, has finally crossed the threshold of a novice magician! It was from then on that I finally started to earnestly learn about magic, something I've dreamed of.

It's been two years, or... almost two years. I am almost fifteen years old now.

It's hard to say whether these two years were long or short. Those years allowed me to learn the basics of magic, not only did I learn proper incantation, the general process of chanting a spell - I also learned about magic circles. As of now, I am putting a lot of effort into studying magical magic circles.

Magic circles, in short, are chants and incantations written into words, symbols, or other written forms. That... might be a bit too simplistic for an explanation. But in any case, writing a magic circle is nothing like copying texts from a book. It also involves the color of the magical letters, the magical energy channeled into it, the formation of words, etc.

As for the principles behind incantation... that is something that we shall touch on another point. It is a very complex topic, not something that can be easily defined or explained in simple sentences. Magic, just like I expected, is something great and profound.

Anyway, a completed magic circle looks like a symmetrical circle formed by words (in most cases), and that is exactly what I am trying to create.

I opened my eyes, holding my head in an attempt to lessen my headache.

"Master? Master? Are you alright?" I was using Melon's soft legs as a pillow, and the first thing that entered my view was Melon's worried gaze.

"Aahh, nothing, nothing. Fatigue caused by excessive use of mana, like usual." I rubbed my forehead and sat up straight, sweeping my eyes over my messy workshop.

The ground was filled with sawdust, empty potion bottles here and there, as well as a piece of paper - almost like papyrus, actually - made from the Dryad's bark. The paper was filled to the brim with runes, complicated and hardly understood, that formed into a floral pattern.

I picked up the brush that has dropped to the ground, the brush still had remaining traces of illustrious gleaming ink - made from charcoal of [Millenium Fairy Wood].

... I couldn't help but feel depressed. Despite the fact that I am now an [Ancient Tree - Human], a [Commoner] is still a [Commoner]. I don't have the required mana to cast or recreate any awesome magic.

When the heck will I be able to complete this magic circle!? At this rate, I won't be finishing it even with the constant drinking of [Mana Replenishing Potions].

[Mana Replenishing Potions] are really harmful, as they forcibly convert mental energy into mana, like squeezing the juice out of a fruit. Overusage of the potion might result in a decrease of maximum mana, and damage you mentally.

You might be asking why I am not using the [Brewing Stand] to create my own version of the potion, right? Well, I did. But turns out it only increased the effectiveness of forceful conversion, the fact that it deals mental damage has not been changed, only made it even more damaging.

I reluctantly pulled out another bottle of [Mana Replenishing Potion (Beta)], as the name implies, it is one modified by my [Brewing Stand]. But Melon snatched it out of my hands as I was about to drink it.

"Master, you really should take a break." Melon's expression was extremely serious and strict. With such a gaze focused on my person, I had no choice but to allow Melon to push me onto a sofa as she pleased.

Then Melon stepped into the kitchen, and now the only person within the workshop is me.

I grabbed another staff that was placed on the table and started to play with it.

This particular staff is owned by Mirabelle. Under the pretense of 'maintenance and repair', I borrowed it to study it for my own ends.

Last time after I saved the four adventurers and sent them back to their guild, I've become inseparable with the guild known as Eyes of the Night Cat

Ever since then, they frequently come up the mountains to have me repair their stuff. I took the chance to study Mirabelle's staff whenever I could.

Her staff is unbreakable under normal circumstances, but I still do some simple maintenance for it. As for the reason why it won't break, it's because her staff has been [Elvenized]. (Tn: Sometimes, it would also be called as Elf Spiritualized)

All elves possess a skill that can turn a piece of equipment into a soul-bound object. However, this skill can only be used once. Therefore, all elves possess at least one item that has been [Elvenized].

Once the item has been [Elvenized], it becomes a growth equipment that can grow stronger with the wielder. And so long as the wielder is alive, the equipment will not break. Even if damaged, it will automatically repair itself.

[Elvenized] items are treated as part of an elf - treated like a limb or extension of one's being. It is extremely treasured, and seldom found on the open market, as they are often heirlooms or relics.

Right, back to the Guild subject. As of now, I usually take my monster drops or some of my products to the guild and let them sell it for me.

Currently, the guild known as Eyes of the Night Cat is a small guild with approximately twenty members. More than half of the members are away on long-term missions, be it trading, serving in the military, or exploring dungeons.

The guild master is a tough-looking middleaged lizard-kin. He appears rough but is actually a big softie. Unlike Melon, he appears more like a lizard than a human.

... Why not call the guild Eyes of the Lizard? Oh, well, that's because the guild master has many cats, and is a well renowned cat lover.

Normally there are only a few people lounging around, drinking tea, chatting with one another, the whole place exudes a casual and leisure atmosphere.

I looked at my hand - a ring with a symbol of a black cat worn on my finger. This ring is called a [Family Ring], and once you wear it, you can access a sort of bulletin board that allows you to leave messages. Despite the fact that there might be delays due to distance and other factors, it is still a very valuable asset. Such rings are hard to produce and are quite expensive in this time and age. Only core members of a big guild are usually seen wearing such rings.

Somehow in one way or another, I became a member of the guild without really knowing it...

Ahem, back to the staff.

After studying Mirabelle's staff intensively, I started to create a staff for Grace. After all, I made a promise that I was going to give her one as a gift for her coming-of-age.

All staves require a "central magic circle" in its design, and that is what I am trying to draw up right now... Hehehe, this isn't just a simple magic circle. This is something special that can only be created with knowledge of my previous life as well as my understanding of magic! You want to know more about it? Sorry, but I am going to leave you guys hanging for now.

"Master, please have some afternoon tea." Melon walked out of the kitchen with a plate of sandwiches and a pot of hot tea. Gracefully placing it on top of the tea table, and backing away submissively.

Such mannerisms befitting a maid... I have no idea where she learned this from.

Melon is already seventeen, and these two years have treated her nicely. Her tall beautiful figure, her elegant and humble bearings, pretty red hair done up in a high pony-tail, delicate facial features. The lizard-like parts only give her an air of mystery... All in all, nothing but the figure of one mature but charismatic young woman.

Not only that; her prowess in battle has grown even stronger. She is now LV35, surpassing my LV33 and Grace's LV34.

Indeed, she has been going crazy in the jungles all on her own... After witnessing it by my own eyes, I was starting to wonder who is the actual monster now.

And I must mention something! She has some passive skills with very frighteningly high skill levels at her disposal!

[Martial Arts LV169], [Heightened Hearing LV148], [Vibration Detection LV103]... I know for a fact that practicing on dummies will not yield EXP, but will increase skill mastery... but to see her skill levels at the third digits is absolutely mind-boggling.

Under normal criteria, having a skill that is higher than your actual LV by five is already a sign of dedication.

And er... according to the [Tablet], each level of [Martial Arts] increases her HP by 2%, attack, defense, and speed by 1%. Yup, once you do the math you'll realize that Melon's stats have at least been doubled.

"Excuse me Master, but will Ms. Grace join us for the meal?" I waved Melon over, indicating that she can sit and eat together with me, but she declined, answering with a question of her own instead.

"... How in the nether would I know?" I scowled, gulping down the sandwich in one go.

*Sigh*Something troublesome has happened, and it's affecting my performance. Also making me feel conflicting emotions while making the staff.

But it's okay, it's probably my fault for being too petty.

After all, Grace took her new friends to my secret base without me nor Melon knowing, letting them do a carpet survey through the entirety of the base and almost finding things that I didn't want the public to know, and then disappearing without a trace with no further explanation...


Not... at all...

Not at all, heh, who am I kidding.

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