
Arriving In Pewter City and a New Friend

After four hours, Ignacio woke up and, after opening his eyes, noticed the storm had passed while the sun's rays illuminated the forest floor and his face.

'That was close. I thought that storm would kill me. However, I'm lucky I survived.' Ignacio thought before getting up and smiling with gratitude.

After finishing his thoughts, he looked at his surroundings. And found out the tornado trashed the area. Additionally, he saw many Pokémon all moving to different forest areas.

"Tentacool, Vulpix, come out!" Ignacio stated, throwing their Pokéballs out.

"Tentacool." Tentacool replied before running to and hugging Ignacios right leg.

"Vulpix." Vulpix responded before running to Ignacio and climbing to his left shoulder.

"Are you both alright?" Ignacio questioned before patting Vulpix's and Tentacool's heads.

"Tentacool. Tentacool?"[Yes, I am. However, the main question should be. Are you okay, Ignacio?] Tentacool answered before nodding and pointing at Ignacio.

"Vulpix. Vulpix?"[I am alright as well, Ignacio. Are you?] Vulpix replied, nodding as well.

"I'm glad you are both alright, and I am as well. Do you want to continue our schedule until we reach Pewter City? Or head straight for the Pokémon center for your checkup? Nod for the first option, or shake your head for no." Ignacio asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Tentacool."[I want to continue the schedule until we reach Pewter City. I don't want to slack off, Ignacio. I want you to be safe.] Tentacool replied while nodding her head vigorously.

"Vulpix."[I also want to continue training. I still haven't learned the moves you asked me to. I want to impress you.] Vulpix nodded as well.

"Alright, we'll continue the schedule until we reach Pewter City. Afterward, we will give you both a check-up at the Pokémon center before challenging the Pewter City gym leader." Ignacio stated before, wondering if he'll face Brock or Flint in the gym.

Afterward, the trio continued the training schedule, eating and Ignacio walking while Vulpix and Tentacool rested and recuperated. However, the group arrived in Pewter City five hours later, on the same path Ash and his friends did in the series.

However, when he walked down the path, he saw a bearded man sitting on the ground beside a shelf full of rocks with price tags on them. Afterward, Ignacio called back his Pokémon.

'It seems I have arrived before the episode. Perhaps I can buy rocks that will work as weights for training.' Ignacio thought before walking in front and surveying the merchandise.

"Hello, do you wish to buy some rocks, young man? They are Pewter City souvenirs." The man questioned and explained while turning his head and looking at Ignacio.

"Yes, I do. However, I have some specific requirements for the rocks I need. For one, they must be compact but dense and usable as weights. While also being very durable." Ignacio stated his demand.

"I understand. Come with me. I have some extra merchandise inside my home. By the way, my name's Flint." Flint replied before getting up and motioning Ignacio to follow.

"Alright, I hope you have the rocks I need." Ignacio stated, following Flint inside his home.


Flint brought in some tea as Ignacio sat on a mat.

"So tell me, why are you looking for such a specific type of rock?" Flint asked while pouring some tea into a cup and giving it to Ignacio.

"Well, I'm a Pokémon trainer, and I require rocks that can be used for weight training." Ignacio explained before taking the cup and sipping the tea.

"A Pokémon trainer? So are you here to battle Brock, the Pewter City gym leader?" Flint asked while raising a brow.

"Yes, I am. However, I must check my Pokémons conditions at the Pokémon center." Ignacio replied while taking another sip.

"Alright, wait for me, and I'll see if I have the rocks you seek." Flint stated before turning around and leaving the room.

'I hope there are some. I believe it will be a good idea for my Pokémon to weight train. In the water and on land.' Ignacio thought before finishing his tea-filled cup.

After about five minutes, Flint returned with a small bag filled with spherical rocks. Subsequently, he placed it in front of Ignacio while gasping for air.

"I do have the type of stones you seek, they are very, very small, and each weighs a lot. Here feel one." Flint stated before grabbing one and placing it in Ignacio's hand.

"These are very heavy. How much do the rocks weigh?" Ignacio questioned while looking at Flint.

"Ten pounds, each an inch wide, long, and high. However, I acquired only twenty rocks like this on my travels." Flint replied before opening the bag on the floor, with great effort as the stones rolled onto it.

"Flint, where did you find these stones? I think I may need as many as possible." Ignacio replied, hoping Flint remembered.

"I can write the location down after. However, I'm curious. How many do you want to buy?" Flint questioned

"All of them, but only if I have enough money." Ignacio carefully explained

"You're lucky. The bigger the rock, the more they cost. And I have a discount if you buy in bulk. It will be ten dollars per rock separately or one hundred if you buy all of them." Flint replied

"Alright, I'll buy them." Ignacio nodded and handed a hundred dollars to Flint after putting down the rock.

"Don't forget the map here." Flint stated before giving an ancient map to Ignacio.

"Thank you, Flint. How much will this cost?" Ignacio asked

"It's on the house. And just a warning, you'll have trouble carrying these around. Thank you for your purchase. And the location on the map is near Saffron City." Flint replied before placing the rocks in the bag, tying it, and handing it to Ignacio.

"I understand. I'll see you sometime in the future, Flint. Farewell." Ignacio stated before picking up the bag with extreme difficulty. Afterward, he walked out of Flint's house.

'I hope my rocks help you, young man, and you can fulfill your dreams.' Flint thought before closing the door.


Ignacio continued to walk down the path while putting down the bags of rocks frequently due to running out of strength. After an hour, he reached the Pokémon center and entered before passing by many trainers and reaching the service desk.

"Hello, Miss? Are you Nurse Joy?" Ignacio asked, hoping to seem like he had never heard of this place.

"Yes, I am. May I know your name?" Nurse Joy asked while smiling.

"I'm Ignacio, and can you check up on my Pokémon?" Ignacio asked while showing his two Pokéballs and placing them on the desk.

"Sure thing Ignacio. You can sit in the common area or get a bite to eat in the food court if you like." Nurse Joy offered while taking the Pokéballs back.

"Alright, I'll go eat then. Thank you." Ignacio thanked before turning around and saw two people putting up a poster.

'I believe that is the poster of the Pokémon League.' Ignacio thought before smiling and leaving the area and towards the food court.

After Ignacio ordered his food and once it was prepared, he sat at a table and began eating.

'I wonder what's in store for me.' Ignacio thought as he ate.

However, after a few minutes passed, a young man began talking to people at tables further down. He had short red hair and a beard and wore a lab coat and jeans.

"Um, hello, can you please spare some change? I forgot my wallet back in my hotel room." The man asked while smiling at some other trainers.

"No thanks, just head back to your hotel room." One of the trainers stated, shaking her head.

"Aww, alright, sorry for bothering you." The man replied before moving down the tables and asking the next person.

'What's going on?' Ignacio thought before sighing and continuing to eat.

After a few more minutes, the man arrived at Ignacio's table.

"Young man, can you spare me some change? I promise I'll pay you back." The man pleaded.

"Sure, however, I'm coming with you when you order. I need to make sure you use it for food" Ignacio nodded, being cautious that the money would be used for what he requested.

"I have no problem and thank you for this. I'm Anthony. May I know your name?" Anthony asked while holding his hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Ignacio. Now let's get you your food." Ignacio replied before heading to the food counters.

Afterward, Ignacio bought a large meal for Anthony. However, when he was about to leave, Anthony stopped him.

"Thank you for helping me, Ignacio. Can I talk to you some more?" Anthony asked

"Sure you can." Ignacio nodded

The two returned to the table and began to chat.

"So Ignacio, what is your dream?" Anthony asked while he started enjoying his food with relish.

"I want to explore the world and be a powerful Pokémon trainer. How about you?" Ignacio questioned while raising his brow.

"I want to become a Pokémon professor. Say, are you here to battle with Brock?" Anthony asked while smiling.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" Ignacio questioned

"Well, I want to watch your match. Is that alright, Ignacio?" Anthony asked

"I don't mind." Ignacio stated while shrugging.

After Anthony finished eating, he followed Ignacio to the Pewter City gym.

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