
Glorious Demise

The sun's frame barely sat above the horizon, its rays slowly growing dimmer and dimmer. The evening light shone above the antarctic landscape, and in the center of it lay a structure. And a myriad of people all walked to and fro, doing their jobs.

Among these people was a middle-aged fellow wearing a bulky coat and snow pants. A scarf wrapped around his neck and most of his face while snow goggles covered his eyes. He carried a few tubes filled with ice cores in his arms.

"Another day on the cold empty ice shelf. If Waldo were here, he'd easily be spotted." He stated while surveying the surroundings and watching his step before gazing at the sky.

Within the gradually darkening firmament, a faint dot sparkled. However, this dot seemed to move across the heavens slowly but steadily. Meanwhile, its brightness perceptibly grew larger.

"Hey Ignacio, let's come inside. We need to watch the news." Another completely bundled-up fellow warned before scurrying towards the base.

Ignacio paused for a while before following in their footsteps and entering the station. Afterward, he closed the door and ensured it was locked before removing all his gear. Subsequently, he went to the living room and sat beside his coworkers.

"What is the matter, Jonah? Why should I have stopped my work?" Ignacio questioned while scratching his grey beard, while his brownish eyes gazed upon him.

Jonah motioned Ignacio to sit down alongside their colleagues while he turned on the TV. Ignacio nodded before sitting in a rocking chair and placing his hand under his beard.

"Now watch." Jonah stated before turning on the television with the remote.

"Breaking news, NASA has told us that a five-mile wide iron asteroid will impact earth in one hour in Antarctica. Here is a picture taken by the Hubble space telescope." One of the news reporters warned before a picture of the asteroid appeared on the screen.

"We fear that global warming will happen almost instantly by this impact. As scientists state, the fireball resulting from this impact will melt all the ice in Antarctica within minutes." Another reporter stated while shivering on camera.

"However, we are lucky that immediate casualties will be minimized due to the impact location. However long, lasting ones will be much higher." The third reporter warned.

Meanwhile, in the Antarctic station, eerie silence prevailed. Everyone in the room stared at one another before one of them left before they grabbed some wine and beer.

"Let's not spend our last hour in despair but in merry and cheer! For we all will have a glorious and instant death!" The young lady who grabbed the wine proclaimed.

"Alright, we should drink and enjoy our last moments happily." Another coworker stated before getting up.

Everyone rose to their feet and spent their last hour partying and having a good time. However, Ignacio left to watch some Pokemon on TV in his room. After the hour had passed, an alarm sounded, stopping the merry occasion.

"Time is up, everyone. Let's go outside and stare death in the face and show we're not afraid!" Jonah announced, looking at everyone.

Everyone but Ignacio quickly left the station with their gear and watched the sky in unison. However, Ignacio just finished rewatching the last episode of the first season of Pokémon.

"Hehe, it's time." Ignacio spoke before he turned his gaze to the window. Staring at it quietly and without moving.

Eventually, a massive quake shook the facility while the ice around it began cracking. Ignacio looked at the sky and saw the clouds instantly blown away before a tremendous shockwave hit the premise.

He began smiling as he looked at Pokémon posters on the wall. As the facility shook more violently and the ground became tumultuous.

Before sighing, watching the sky turning red as a fireball approached.

"Hehe, I lived a good life." Ignacio stated before laying back in his bed and closing his eyes, waiting for death to envelope him in its embrace.

His desires were answered by instantly vaporizing, leaving no trace of his existence.

Meanwhile, all the ice in Antarctica immediately melted while some became steam. A gigantic lava sea lay in the center of the now rocky continent.


Meanwhile, on a beach, a small body began forming. As it did, Pokémon from the Kanto region all watched in curiosity. After finishing, the small boy lay on the ground.

He had simple clothing on his body, consisting of a grey t-shirt and sweatpants, along with blue shoes on his feet. He had short white hair that seemed to flow in the wind.

Not long after the Pokémon left, a small backpack formed beside him. It was filled with five changes of clothes and an extra pair of shoes. Afterward, his eyes opened as his light violet Iris shone dimly.

"Where am I? Is this the afterlife?" Ignacio questioned while staring at the sky. Before realizing he could breathe and sense things. He turned his head and saw the backpack beside him before getting up and looking at the ocean. It seemed to go on for eternity past the horizon.

Ignacio surveyed his surroundings as his eyes widened before walking to the water and looking at his reflection. Staring at his different face, his eyes widening, realizing he had reincarnated.

"Wait, I look like an anime character from a series I know well." Ignacio stated before seeing a book materialize in his hands.

He opened it up, and it read.

[Hello Ignacio Koch, I am the keeper of reincarnation. Welcome to the world you desire to enter. You are ten years old right now. I know what you are thinking. Why did I not give you a cheat? Well, it's simple it would upset the laws of this universe.

However, I know you can manage. Good luck in your endeavors. I have a surprise for you that will spice things up.]

"Oh no, how am I going to survive here?! There are terrifying Pokémon and organizations!" Ignacio's eyes dilated as he felt terror. He may die to an angry Pokémon.

Ignacio began panicking before suddenly pausing. After a few seconds, a smile crossed his face.

"Wait, I know the secret way to evolve Tentacool into a terror that can challenge legendary Pokémon." Ignacio whispered as he smiled wider.

Afterward, Ignacio grabbed his backpack and put the book in before walking across the beach.

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