Our ship soon dock at the ship port but my head had refused to dock, stepping out of my cabin at the announcement of our arrival I was dumb strucked, this is nothing like what I envisioned in my head, it nothing like the place am coming from
It wouldn't be wrong if I say I had just travelled from a rural area to an urban one, not just futuristic per say but its a far cry better than where I came from and all the memories I've been formulating In my head about the mainland
Now I knew why its been called a mainland, the buildings here are built in a more fashion and luxurious style, have modern day touch in them, some where four or five story buildings, the street lamps are also modernized, running on some sort of energy crystal
The roads tile and could even see some chart running on this same energy crystal, shops at some end selling all sort of things, clothes and accessory, I could even see a train rail at some end and sub way
"You don't have to act so surprise young man, put on some dignity why walking with me" Lora where a robe having everleaf insignia said pulling my attention back to reality as I scratch my head funnily at her words
It didn't take long to arrive at a particular place looking like an embassy of sort, there are people sitting behind desk at different ends having sign's of different, Lora parted ways with the group heading for the section having everleaf name tag on it
"We are heading to the everleaf district, the competition holds at another sector" Rebecca spoke when she saw my confused gaze as to why we are heading a different direction from Lora, after which she went on to explain why some sectors have a name tag and other just named randomly
"Since you know little about the main land, we would be visiting history hall first before going over to where we are going to lodge before contest site opens" I didn't object, one thing I need to know best is information
From all she had explain so far, this island us just part of the mainland, the mainland is divided into three major power group and is separate from each other by sea, it happens to be we are on the mainland know as untamed, such a weird such of name
From everything she had said, the big families that make up this mainland and rule over it are weird, a crazy bunch of people, the everleaf not exempted, it made my curiosity to know this big families increased more
Especially when I was been told my family is the crazy of the crazy bunch, flora didn't strike me as a crazy person but I have to rethink a few aspects of that thought, one I have know her for long and two, she is overly too confidence to my liking, someone like that can be really crazy
We took a brief detour, changing our destination from sector X we were supposed to be heading to a section having the name tag history hall, "j really don't like visiting that place, can't you guys choose another place instead of there"
Every turned to voice with a frown, I for one had even forgotten this person tag along our team all this while, she had been awfully quiet with her robe over her head, I don't know what she is hiding from and I don't care to know right now
"You can head over to your place if you chose, we are already on the mainland, I don't see a threat that could threatened his life here in the mainland, beside if it comes to that, contacting the milestone won't be difficult" Rebecca answered her with a bit of tone
"Watch your tone lady, don't for one forget who you are talking to, am only doing this just because of Flora, I wouldn't waste me precious time walking the likes of nobody down here if it was for him" pointing her small finger at me while giving a disdain look at the others
Nothing else was said, the others avoid a conflict with her, if the couldn't have one with her back at waste land, here is definitely not the place they could have one either, she didn't argue more either, simply going along with the group as Rebecca paidthe fee for teleportation
We step on circle carved on an elevated platform, different writingtlikr an inscription cover the face of the platform, each of us took a stand on the stand point carved on it, each platform can teleport six people in one go, luckily for us, we are Six in number
Bright light flashed up from underneath our feet covering our entire view, I felt this funny sensation all over my body with a sudden jolt that almost turn my stomach upside down, when the light fade off, I could see the other two youngsters cleaning up their stomach of everything they ate
"You sure are a strong o..." Rebecca didn't finish her words when I rushed over to the side to send out some stubborn nasty contents refusing to go down back where they belong, "teleportation sure is a weird thing"
All three ladies looked at me In a funny way, first am better off than the other that are still clearing their stomach out, but hat wasn't why the were looking at me, my face was all red from holding on so badly because I don't want to look weak
Ignoring their awkward looks, I turned my attention to my surrounding an was kmce taken aback again, from where I stood I could see a huge tall building like back in my world huge cathedral or museum, the streets were bubbling with people, its even more busy than the port
I could see people scattered around in group discussing or playing games, when I mean games, you csm imagine how games would look like with people using Martial spirit abilities and all, "history hall sector is the most busy place amongst many busy place"
"Don't worry tounwould find out why very soon, as a reminder don't go looking for trouble when we are inside, mlots of people here are from the big families or have a close tile with them" Rebecca sternly warn me again as we head to the huge building
Arriving inside, status of different people with name tag under was in full display, some kid are on excursions trip within the huge Hall with a guild explaining each status and what families they came from
We followed the team around listening to all the details, I couldn't help but marvel at how powerful each figure are with the crazy Martial spirit they had, a total of seventeen big families and some other side families that had also made name for themselves
Like the lady with the sutra Martial spirit, the lady that had created the thirteen step of bulda sutra I cultivated and a few others, especially one of the status the person was dressed like a scholar(ancient Chinese scholar), he is said to from the scribe family, a family everyone consider to be the mayor of this island
Thanks to them many things here on this island exist, the can created numerous things and are very intelligent, no one boast of knowledge up to the levelnpf the scribe families, one would say this family Martial spirit isn't that powerful to be counted among the top power but think again
if this guys could create anything they set their heart on, what would stop them from making a weapon of max destruction, I bet you, if one of this guys exist back on earth, there would have been a one government rule long time ago
I only admired all this powerful figures, in my head my martial spirit is still the best, I can perfect any skill immediately, I could simply get a technique written by this powerful figures about their powers and master it, it won't be an exact but I would be close
Funnily that dream of mine would take a millennium to be birthed as the big families monopolized their power within their families, who wouldn't, I will do same if I got to the stage I could make a techniques similar to my martial spirit
About to step out of the hall, we came through a challenge section, its called the game of history, people comes here to challenge the score other professional had made in a particular game of expertise, if you could beat the existing champion score, you become the new champion and you name would appear in the wall of history
Now k understand why Rebecca said I would understand why this sector is more busy than the others, definitely it would, who wouldn't want to leave their names in the wall of history for others to look up to
Especially when you are been surrounded by monster with incredible strength, the smiles on my face was wash away by Rebecca stern look as if warning me not to try anything funny, I swallowed hard and took a step back. To be safe is way better than sorry.