
The deal 2

Deep in a forest not that far from the white wolf sect is a figure clouded in black hood robe, he had just slain a rank 3 three horn deer, and was squatting beside its corpse with his hands on top of it

The body of the beast kept shrinking it till it became a dried corpse devoid of blood and vitals, the figure let out a meaningful sigh before blasting the dried corpse to smoldered with a lightning blast

"Seems it would take a few more beast to see a good result I said to myself getting back up my feet" that figure of course is me, after receiving the recovery martial skills from vera I tried something that I had unknowingly did back at that fight

I willed two technique to merge together, seeing the result and change on the techniques, I brought out another I got from grandpa before leaving, named blood qi, its a techniques that allow one cultivate blood essence and convert it to blood qi

I also found out with the change of my martial spirit colour I could copy more techniques now, but that wasn't what I need to focus on now, I copied the blood qi techniques, blood charge was already in there and the new recovery martial skill and will them three to merge

The result amazed me and had got me out hunting for beast, but am still disappointed because it would take me more blood energy to fix my state back to the way it was or even better from this new combination I have found

Going against a rank four beast is suicidal for me right now, I don't want to push my recovering body to hard, with that I dashed further into the forest in search of rank three while doing my beast to avoid all rank four

Any rank three beast I meet, share the grace in the is life journeying to the after life, I was on a hunt rampage inside the forest, from one spot to another


"You are saying he just decide to go hunting" vera was kneeling before two ladies in the medic bay

"Yes patriarch, he didn't say anything other than that, after scanning my recovering Martial skill for a while he said he want to go hunt for a while, I followed him up but that guy is cunny, he fled off in an amazing speed I couldn't follow and was gone the next moment" she tries to explain herself

Now she was regretting her choice to have allowed me leave the secret in the first place, standing before this two for questions is the last thing she would want tk go through, especially now the patriarch is kind of interested in me for what ever reason only she knew

"Don't worry patriarch, I don't think he had gone back, he wouldn't know they way back anyway, we are in a secluded place know only to a few and from what we knew, he wasn't told about here" the lady standing next to the patriarch spoke

She had heard all of vera explanation and drew a possible conclusion, it would be hard for me to return if I wanted to, secondly she don't think I would be returning in the state am in, all she could think of right now is me going off to his myself for a while due to the state my body is

Maybe I needed to burn some steam, its understand able, losing ones vitality at such a young aged isn't something anyone would take quit easily, she was surprise I didn't break down right a way when vera had broken the news to me

Right then someone else rushed in the room to announced to them I have returned from my hurting trip and is back in the medic bay, vera couldn't thank her stars more as she followed behind the two ladies heading for the medic bay


"Have fun" a strange voice trail in my ear accompanied by the foot steps of a few people that had just push the door open, entering the room

I didn't fligde at the voice neither did I turn towards its owner, I simply continued what it is I was doing, skinning the beast I have brought back with me, removing all the valuables

The owner of the voice approached me, stopping a few meter away behind me as she began to speak "you most be down over the state of your body, I know who it feels, but don't be disheartened, I have a way out for you" right there I stop what I was doing for a second lifting my head up still covered in the hood after which I bent it back down resuming with what I was doing

"I see I got your attention" she smiled while scanning my appearance properly, she was a bit taken aback seeing I tied my hands with bandage, keeping them all wrapped up, she shook her head after a while, she had misunderstood me

She thought I was too ashamed to show my body state or got scorned upon so I covered them with bandage, who cares what she thought, I have me own reasons for doing that and am not ready to explain myself to anyone

"I have a proposal for you, if you accept, we might find a way to fix your state back, you might even get more than that, if things goes well" pulling over the sit by the bed side I once lay

"You sound pretty convinced already, why do I feel I don't have a choice in this proposals of yours" I stopped what I was doing watch my hands clean from the bowl of water next to me and hop on the bed Turing to face the people that had walked in

I could see vera at the far end telling me with her eyes not to be rude and provoke the lady in front of me, she already knew my big mouth will be the undoing of me, but still decided to help me before things goes side way

I simply pretended like I didn't see the signs she was sending me as I shift my gaze from her to the other lady in front of her, before finally the one that had spoken, I really should check this world's degree of beauty, if they keep piping out everywhere, how can a young man like me stay focus

"Am sure you would accept if you hear all that is in it for you....! With that she went on exaggerating all the benefits of me accepting and how it would benefiy family in the long run, she pointed out a dew other things that piqued my interest but I did fine to hide my desire well

From all she had said so far, what pique me more is going over from the waste land to the endless sea, there j would see and meet people that would be a challenge for me, staying here I believe in few years or so with this state to growths, I would be at the climax, I need something more adventurous and blood building, secondly she kept taking about the main families of the main land

It was like this family were god or something, when ever she refer to them or mentioned them, her voice is filled with reverence, I can't help but wonder how that family is to command such respect from her

She isn't some random person, the patriarch of white wolf sect, a figure feared in all of waste land, one at a sky level realm, yet she still show this much respect to a family, j can't wait to meet them

" OK, if I say yes, I got to do all your dirty works, and there is a chance I can gety body healed if I can make it amongst the top ten" she nodded though I sounded rude, she didn't mind, "so how many sects are entering this contest?"

"About a hundred or more, small sect are allowed to send two people over, medium five and big sects ten, as for we, we are in the small sect category, so we would be sending two, you and someone else, one you would get the chance toet soon"

When I heard hundred I was stupidfy, but also over joyed, my reaction didn't go unnoticed by the two elder before me, I quickly restrained myself returning to my nonchalant indifferent mode, "fine I would accept but first I need you to make some few changes to the contract

First am representing your sect and not tour disciple, secondly I don't want your hundred percent supervision of me, I would asked for any help.I need when there is a need for it, I wish to be free to do my own things when I need to

Lastly I would be asking for a few things here and there, I won't than is necessary and am allowed to make my choice after the contest, all reward would be taking over by you as a payment for our deal, what do you say?"

I don't want to be indebted to anyone or rein in by anyone, secondly closely monitoring me will be bad for my growth, I can't let every random person into my little secret, I have to keep some ace card for my self

She thought about it for a while after which we deliberate more on the terms and came to an agreement and a contract was made between us, there after I made my first wish straight away

"I want to take revenge on those that sort my life" she was taken aback by my resolute demand, brimming with anger and hate, but she understand, if she was in my shoe she would do same

"You are free to do as you please, we will back you up, just let us know when ever you are ready and how you wish to deal with them"/she waved me off with that word and was about to leave the to with the other elderly

" I don't want much of your interference, I just want you to hold the elderly off while I deal with those that sort my life" she stop at the door looked at me for a while and nod her head in delight, her view of me had also increased

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