
Taking The Risk

“I need you to be strong Abba(Father).” Justin said. “If you people play the cards well, you will have no problems. It is my money, but I do not have the power to remit it. The crime is against the organization. So what do we do? 

Addy has to go for the test. But it is going to be my call, my game and from now on, the cards are mine to play. If you go against the rules, then there will be a rebound. 

One: You must not let Mason know about me or this plan. Baba Ami….Abbas, Mason do not have personal liking for you or anyone. You have a function and if he realizes that you are of no use, then you become garbage to him. If he finds out about me, then you are in for it. Warn your family members. The men Gajere talked to you about are not from The BOE per say. They are my men and I was going to make sure Addy went for the test                 

I have eyes too. I am not alone and remember that I am the real TCO, (that means: The Chosen One). Addy will be there but I will be the one answering the questions. It is not going to be a doddle. We are talking about one of the most highly technical men in the world. 

We are going to use a device which will be fixed to him. Pray it works and I will be relating with you. I am going to use my PDA. What you people wanted in the past. I got another one built and it must remain a secret.                 

If Addy passes the test, Mason would want to know how he did it. I will tell you what to do. Then you will all have to report to us……..Mason is about to hijack the Evolution. We want to know how to get to him first.” Justin said.                 

“I don’t know what the Evolution is all about.” Aminu said.                 

“There is a lot you are going to tell me. From the scratch. The names of DNA experts, your files and everything……if you want to have peace with my people. That may lead us to the Evolution. Mason is in hiding, ruling his world. If he succeeds in getting the Evolution, he would take over and mankind would suffer!”

    “Does that mean we are not paying back the money?” They turned to see Alhaji Usman sitting on the bed. He just asked that question.                

 Justin was shocked.                 

“Yes, if you people play by our rules.”  Justin responded.               

Justin was right. It was not as easy as they thought and what they were going to find was beyond their imagination. It was deeper than they had anticipated.                

Addy was going to USA for the test. The big test! Would he succeed?


“Are you sure you want to do this?” Justin asked her, his hands on her waist, her hands round his neck, and their face so close their breath blended. He touched her lips with his, he could feel her softness, and wished they could remain like that for ages. 

She wanted to talk, but she was breathless. The hardness of his chest, his strong but comfortable hold, his hands handling her back, and she felt as if she was going through a stream of chocolate, with sweetness all over her.                 

She looked into his eyes, his natural eyes and felt rays of compassion, sensation, and love. She felt fulfillment, and blessings. She was ready to be with him in whatever he was doing.                  

“Yes, my love. I want to be involved.” She said softly, her hands moving from his neck to his chest and she began to use her fingers to make circle it. “You did not train me for nothing.”  Petra said.               

“I know but there might be risk.” He said, touched her neck with his lips and bit her with the lips and she felt a tickling sensation, she chuckled and made an attempt to push him away but he quickly transferred the lips to hers, kissed her, she relaxed then he smiled, “My life is full of risk. I wish it was another way round.”  Justin muttered.             

“I am not that pusillanimous, my love.” She said. “Life is full of risk. There is risk at every angle.”                 

“Miss Sunshine, I love you. I love you so much I want to catch every air you inhale, check and purify it before you inhale. I want to be your knight, watch you while you sleep at night, making sure the blanket is never out of place and you are on the right, for you I will fight, I am sure not I might, that I will love you through any plight, together we embark on this love flight, you come and enhance my sight. 

Miss Sunshine, if I was an artist, I would paint your picture with the exact amount of pores you have because I have you in me. I close my eyes and see you, feel you, and the love is so intense I feel your eyes on me wherever I go. You implant fidelity, integrity, maturity, equity, sanity in my life my wife.                  

Each time I hear the word luck, I feel it is about me because I have you as a wife. When I hear life, I feel it is about me because I have you in my life. With my imperfection, you give me maximum delectation, satiation, and I feel like a prince but on second thought, you make a king. 

I don’t know what lies ahead, but I know Allah knows what is ahead, and on Him we depend, and pray to, so we submit, commit our affairs to Him. I am doing this because of your father..and that is because of you, and then your mum and Gaddafi. And it would give us a chance to know what the Evolution is really all about.” 

If I tell you it is going to very easy, then that is kidology. We are dealing with a team of world brains. I just hope it goes well. We are leaving tomorrow but I think we can see how Abba(Father) is doing.” Justin said.        

“I did not tell you but he is organizing one of his dinners again. This time, he called it nuclear dinner. That is for the nuclear family and that excludes the wives of my brothers. The only spouse allowed is you. I guess there is something he wants to say.” Petra said.                

“We have time, don’t we?”                 

“Yes. Thank you, my love.” Petra said.                 

“Can’t one do his duty without getting thanked?” He responded.                

“Please tell me you want me to be of help. I can do it. You have not said anything about it.” He hesitated.  

“Okay, my love. I never wanted you involved but…….I will work with you.”                

“That is the least the wife of a computer genius should do.” They kissed again before they left the house.



She looked at the wall clock for the umpteenth time, and dialed the phone again. It was a few minutes after mid-night. She had called his family house and they said he was not there. They also tried to call him but his line was switched off. 

She could not sleep, or rest. This was unusual. He never stayed out late. She was trying not to panic, or start crying. She heard the gate opened and a car drove in. She rushed out of the living room just as he drove in. She waited impatiently as he parked the car and came out of it. She rushed and hugged and then allowed the tears cascade.                 

“What happened? You got me scared.”                 

He held her and put his hand on her head.                 

“I am sorry, Mercy.” Sule said. “My phone ran out of charge and my car broke down. I could not call my mechanic or get anyone. It was along a lonely road. No one was willing to stop for me. I had to trek a long distance to get someone who helped get a mechanic who he had to wake from his house. I had to offer him a large amount of money before he agreed to come with me.”                 

“Oh my God! My poor baby.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I was scared. I called Mama, they were worried too. Let me give them the good news.”                 

Mercy held his hand while she dialed his mother’s number. When the line connected, she told her that he was back. The mother demanded to speak with her son.                 

“What kind of irresponsibility is that?” The woman vituperated. “How dare you, a married man leave your wife and stay out so late?” Sule’s mom yelled.                 

“Mama it was not my fault. I had a broken car, a phone that ran out of charge and was stranded.”                 

But the mother had put off the phone.                

 Sule saw how happy Mercy was. They went inside and saw that she had not touched her food. She was waiting for him. How could he tell her that he was filled? How would she feel if she knew where he was coming from? He felt a wave of guilty conscience. This had to stop. It was escalating and getting worse. He just got married four months ago and this was happening.                 

“The dinner is set. I guess you want to change first, or….”                 

“I am very tired.” He said. “The stress got me weak and I lost appetite. Besides Mama just spoke harshly to me.” Sule said.                

“I am sorry I only called them…..” Mercy muttered.                 

“I know it is not your fault.” He said with a forced smile. “I just to sleep.” 

  She studied him for a few seconds. Maybe he was mentally stressed out.                


“You have not had dinner. Please do that.”                 

“I am good. Do you need a bath?” 

“No.” He said and felt guilty again. He just had a bath not quit long ago.                  

“A massage will do then.” she said.

He could not refuse this. He nodded. They went inside the bedroom, he pulled off his clothes and wore just shorts. He climbed the bed. She moved on the bed, and gently placed her hands on his shoulders. It felt cold on him and he felt a jolt. 

What was wrong? What had Amina done to him? He never bargained for this. Why did she have to come back to his life now he is married?


 My lovely readers, thank you for your support. I will like to hear from you.

What do you think will happen to Justin and Addy? Can you tell what might be the fate of Sule and his wife Mercy? Please kindly share your thoughts in the comment box. cheer me up! VOTE for me 5 star! Please don't forget to share and comment. please be nice, thanks.. 

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