
A New Phase Begins

It was also destroying me, so I kept a low profile of it. I've never told anyone about this. I have complete faith in you. So I let Aazim deceive himself. I'll hold on for a while longer.

Miss Sunshine, I have tried to leave and to get away from you, afraid that if you are given to someone else, I will be annihilated, hoping to forget you and move on, not because I want to, but because I have to.

I see an unbreakable, impenetrable, incomprehensible wall between us, and I fear what will happen if you are forced to leave me. But now my heart is brimming with zestful love that I find indestructible, unshakable, undeniable, and undeniably spread out for you and only you.

That wall can be destroyed by the love I have for you. I'm no longer afraid. I intend to fight for you. We must fight for what we desire, and God, will be our helper. Miss Sunshine, I genuinely love you."

For a few seconds, she was speechless, trying to register his words that were just stimulating inside of her, along with a sweet sensation and an invigorating wave that merged to make her heart so sacchariferous.

"I'm not interested in your past. We've all made mistakes in the past. What truly matters are the present and the future.

And deep down, I believe in and love you. Whatever the case may be, please know that I will always be there for you. I am available whenever you require me."

"I know this sounds crazy, but....okay, I know we're so young and I'm not in a position to ask this, but..." He paused......

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Will you marry me or can you marry me?"

The time had come. With a smile, she covered her face in shame. She was about to say something when a voice cut her off.

“Messenger!” Aazim called him, and Justin's jaw clenched. His heart rate increased, and he felt hit from within. He was struggling to keep his cool.

The way they sat and the expressions on their faces revealed a serene lovely moment of two people madly in love.

Justin looked up, surprised. Ado pointed his tongue. "Oh boy!" he exclaimed.

"E be like say na action movie we dey watch here." You go hear ghen ghen in that part! "Ghen ghen ghen!"

"Justin don enter gbese." said the second individual “

"The girl go get her senses back now."

"E' be like Justin and the chico don sabi each other like tey tey."

The kind of munye munye dem dey do no get part two. E' be like Leonardo Caprison (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Kate Henshaw (Kate Winslet).

Then oga na Cal Hockey (Billy Zane as Cal Hockley)." The second man laughed.  "There's no Leonardo Bobo or Mercy Johnson, only Kate Henshaw."

"There's no Leonardo Bobo or Mercy Johnson, only Kate Henshaw." Justin turned to face Aazim. Why does he have to come now? What was the matter with this guy?

“Sir?” Justin responded. " "I need you to go wash my car." "I'd like to go out."

"It is lunchtime, sir, and car washing is not one of my responsibilities." Justin responded.

"Ghen ghen," Ado exclaimed excitedly while keeping his voice low.

“What? "Did you just tell me that?" Aazim raised his voice in rage.

"Have I said anything incorrectly, sir?"

 I am the messenger for this company and not a personal housekeeper or house help."

"Are you aware that I still own the company you fool!" "How dare you, you street tout, speak back to me!"

"I understand your father purchased the company." Justin said

"At least I have a father who can get me this!" Aazim replied 

"Aazim, what's the matter with you?" Petra intervened. "You're behaving rather childishly. Can't you see that you're making fun of yourself?

If you forced Father to work my SWEP here in order to humiliate him or bring me closer to you, you will fail because you will end up humiliating yourself.

He is not your personal cleaner, and it is lunchtime, and I need to be together with Justin. "Would you kindly leave us alone?"

“Kpakam!” Ado exclaimed loudly. "I no dey around wey this movie dey play!" Petra turned to face Justin.

"Yes, Justin, I will marry you." Justin grinned.

What? Aazim could not really take it any longer. He was on fire. He moved quickly to where they were sitting.

"You moron, I rescued your a$$ from the people you stole from!" I gave you a job and a place to live!" He raised his hand and attempted to slap Justin, but he was quickly blocked and pushed away by Justin.

"I highly regarded her brothers and never fought them." He stated.

"I doubt if I will do the same with you." "Are you attempting to battle me?" Aazim inquired.

"What's the matter with you? I can't believe you're this way!" Petra stated. Justin took off the shapeless cap and put it on Aazim's head.

"Have your cap ready!" I'm leaving, damn your job. And I will leave the chicken cage you have placed me in." He says.  He could not take it any longer, despite the fact that he had nowhere else to go.

This would not be his first experience with homelessness. "Don't forget, I know you and your thugs moved those items." You wore a brown top and white chinos. I can tell you exactly how you did it. I recorded it. That place is wired, so use caution when ranting." Justin said

“What?” "It's a pity, Aazim." Petra stated. "I guess I'm out of here now." I will no longer do my SWEP here. I'm going to do it inmy school. Have a good day."

She turned to face Justin. "Please, Hayati....my future husband, insha Allah." They just left him there. He took up his phone and began dialing a number.

Alhaji Usman must be aware of all this, but....did Justin just say he has the moving of things on video? He had accurately described the situation. Okay, he had to be more tactical. He hung up the phone.

God! This occurred in the presence of his staff members. Petra and Justin drove away in her car after he finished carrying his belongings.

" So, what comes next?" She inquired.

"I need to relocate my belongings to a secure location." he said.

“Where?” He remained silent.

"I'll work it out."

"I can pay for you to stay in a hotel for at least one week while we sort things out and find you a permanent place."

"Yes, but..."

"Don't go there, please." I understand your ego, and I know a lot of women who help men later turn out to say things like "I got you out of the gutter, I did this and that" at the slightest provocation, but this is different.

That is something I will never do. You did not request it. I proposed to assist please. We are meant to rely on one another and assist one another when we are in need. Please give me the privilege of being there for you.

I simply want to assist, and I consider it a privilege."

"Do you know the issue I have with you?" he asked


"You're too sweet." he said with a smile

she began to blush. "I appreciate it, thank you." She mentioned. "And I liked how you put the cap on him, and guess what crazy thing I did...'


"I took the photo with my phone." They both laughed.

"About my marriage proposal, did you really say yes to the marriage, or was it just to annoy him?" He inquired.

"You'll be the one to irritate me if you ever think that was a joke." He remained silent as she spoke.

"I told your father I couldn't remember who had adopted me."

“Yes. And I really wish you did. You could reconcile and have them stand in your place."

"I do recall them." He stated.


"One day, I saw his son, who had the same name as me, in your house."



"He's a cousin of mine." he said


"He is Dr. Abbas's son, my father's elder brother." Wait!   What do you mean you were with them?  Justin Abbas,  Is that the Abbas you have as your surname?" she asked t hen her brain was tipped with something.

"That mark on you wrist! I notified you that I'd seen it before! Addy has the same mark at the same spot. "The same point, the same mark." Damn! Justin suddenly remembered some strange events from their childhood.

"They must be unaware that I am still alive." he said

She was had no choice than to stop the car completely.. "What exactly is going on?" It's getting creepy." She said.

"I was young at the time, but I noticed some things." I'm not sure why, but they wouldn't be happy to find me alive."


A blue car drove right by them. Gajere was standing at the passenger side door. "Keep going." He informed the driver. "They may become suspicious."



"Please tell me more about Addy." Justin said while he arranged his laptops in the hotel's wardrobe.

Petra was sitting on a chair, her phone in her hand, playing a game. "How much do I know about him?" Addy has always been full of mystery.

Okay, when I was a kid, we lived in Lagos, but their father returned from Bolivia and now lives in Abuja. I didn't meet Addy until I was eleven years old and he was twelve.

His parents had always treated him as a special child. That's probably why I never met you.

The father is extremely wealthy, and Addy attended all of his schools abroad. He never went to school in Nigeria. In America, he was a grade A school student. And he was never particularly fond of other children.

His siblings were typical kids, but he was not. But when we first met, we used to play, and his father would call out to us. He had his own playground, which was similar to an amusement park.

It was during those times that I noticed the mark. So I know very little about him, and being the person I grew up to be, I never gave him a second thought.

For his eighteenth birthday, he bought a car worth two hundred million naira and invited Raymond G from the United States to perform alongside Di Crystals on his birthday party.

So he got this class, which makes him feel like he's on top of the world. And it was his father who raised my father. Things were said to be difficult for us.

My older brothers narrated to me how my family used to'smoke' garri three times a day. As a result, Father holds a high regard for him. Addy is currently in Nigeria, but he travels extensively.

"I'm at a loss for words." Justin smiled as he closed the wardrobe door and stood with his hands akimbo.

"Thank you, you have said enough." He stated.

"What makes you think they don't want you to live?" she asked

"I just have a feeling there's some impersonation going on." He stated. "But I'm stumped and I can't seem to figure it out right now." They used to take my blood and some of my hair when I was a kid.

This was once done by a white man. I didn't dare to ask why. But as I got older, I became more curious. It was the first time I heard the term DNA, and that single word introduced me to the world of science. I was eight years old at the time.

I hid one day after collecting my blood and overheard them discussing sending Dr Abbas' blood as well. They then summoned Addy and injected my blood into his arm.

I'm not sure how they did it back then. It was only later that I realized it was a stunt and trick. The induced blood would be at a trapped vein that they used tubes to trap, and they would film themselves collecting his blood while what they actually collected was my blood.

I knew that my DNA was being sent somewhere. They would also dispatch DR Abbas'.rI just can not fully comprehend or figure out what this whole thing meant."

Petra's face changed with a frown. "This is weird." "Many aspects of my life are." He stated.

Justin suspected Dr. Abbas was attempting to convince whoever he was sending it to believe Addy was him. And, if he sent his, could Dr Abbas be his father?

If that's true, Petra is his cousin, and her father is his uncle! No! He removed the thought from his mind. There had to be a reason.

"I suppose Father is unaware of this." "I don't think so, but the first time I saw him, I recognized the face, and it all added up the day I saw Addy." However, he would never recognize me.

He rarely came to the house back then, and when he did, he went into Dr Abbas' chamber, which I avoided going near."

Petra remained silent for a while. "I've always had an odd feeling about Addy. He was just not a normal kid, and I'm not sure how he made so much money despite the fact that his father is wealthy.

He was wealthy, and he appointed Aazim's father as governor. He is politically powerful. All he had to do was flick a finger, and Father was a powerful figure in the government."

"What on earth was he doing in Bolivia?" She shook her head. "I'm not sure.

Before he went to Bolivia, he was in America." She stated.

"I was not born when he was in the United States. They claimed he returned a year before my birth."

Justin reflected on what Kacha had told him. Some contradicted what he was hearing now, while others correlated.

There seemed to be a lot of mysteries, and he was determined to solve them. He had to understand who he was. Justin paused for a moment before entering the wardrobe and pulling out a PDA.

"This is the pinnacle of my faith in you, Miss Sunshine." As he handed it to her, he said. This PDA was an Apple product.

"I'm going to show you something." Something I've never trusted anyone with before. But you must promise to destroy it if......if anything happens to me.

Burn it because if it falls into the wrong hands, the world will be in turmoil."

She smirked. "Now I'm restless and confused." She stated.

"It's really confusing, and don't bother asking about the details." He stated. "I will only teach you how to use it and how to apply it." Apart from me, you will be the only one who is aware of this."

He powered on his PDA. Petra thought it was so ordinary. The applications were standard I-pad applications.

"Take a look at this." He said.


"Can you see this dot?" he inquired.

She took a close look. " Yes."

"That thing you see is an icon."


"That is an application I would not sell for a hundred billion dollars." If it falls into the wrong hands, as I previously stated, the ensuing upheaval and atrocity will be extremely destructive.

Next chapter