
Chapter 161

" I wrote down a physics question I had trouble with at school, will you look at it for me?" 

That was openly displayed avoidance. It was the only thing I could think of because I was at a complete loss, and I just really didn't want to encourage that line of conversation. If I said anything concerning it then we'd somehow just end up discussing stuff I didn't wanna discuss. And if he truly cared and respected my decision then he was going to catch on and do what I wanted him to do. And that was change the topic entirely. 

But he rather crossed his arms on the table and leaned in after taking a sip of his smoothie. Then he smiled while staring at me, and I watched as the smile gradually changed into a heartfelt laugh. It was soft though, barely audible, he shook his head while he was at it. And I half expected him to joke around and tell me he was just teasing. I really wanted that to happen because it would make me feel relieved, but he didn't.

" Does Austin know you're here?" 

Frowning, I asked why he wanted to know that all of a sudden, and when he urged me to respond I just shook my head. 

" So you didn't tell him? "

" Of course not. "

" Why not?"

" You're well aware of why not. "

" You're right. I am. "

In my head I was thinking, "Not again!" but in a nice way. Because as he had told me before, he had my best interest at heart, the only problem was that he was so hang up on the belief that Austin and I didn't belong together. And the fact that he had started to make his true feelings obvious meant that he wasn't joking around anymore. But hypothetically speaking, even if Austin and I weren't together, there's no way Reign and I would work out. There were way too many negative factors that would prevent that from happening, the first one being the age difference. 

It's not that he was too old, I was just too young. And also, I didn't like him like that at all. And he was also famous, and why the hell was I thinking in that direction! It would never actually happen. 

" I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I had just made a resolve to tell you before I left. Just needed to get it off my chest. "

I nodded for a lack of anything else to say. Shifting all my concentration to the drink in my hands and acting as if it was suddenly so interesting. My mind wouldn't come up with anything else to divert the subject. 

" And I know I've told you this before, but if he perhaps ever crosses the line.." I instantly looked up at him and he put his hand up to prevent me from saying anything, "...Yeah I'm aware! He allegedly would never dare, but just in case he does, make are you tell me. It doesn't matter what time it'll be or where I'll be, just tell me. "

I was grateful that he cared so much, I really was. It was honestly sweet that he worried about me to that extent. But I still felt awful because I knew Austin. There were absolutely no doubts that he would never do anything that could potentially harm me in any way. And I didn't know how to explain it to Reign, so I once again nodded and promised him that I would. 

From there he got rid of the tension he had created by talking about something else. There had been no physics question but he did help me with my maths homework a little bit. As for the spare ticket, he asked me to take bring whoever I wanted along with me. And because he was super cunning, he said he'd prefer it if it was a fan of the band. In other words, I could take anyone but he really didn't want it to be Austin. He was just too polite to tell me that directly. 

I failed to inform him that there's no way Austin would let me fly all the way to Baltimore for a concert without him. Even if he wouldn't be attending it he'd just choose to go with me for the fun of it. 

" Thanks, I'll try my best to make it. "

" Make sure you do. The tickets are already sold out you know, it'll be a fun experience. "

" I'm sure it will, but I just have to see what I can do about work. "

" I'm sure you'll think of something, don't stress over it too much though. And if you do decide to go,tell me. "

" I will, thanks again. "

He complained that I had that I was thanking him way too much. We couldn't talk for long because I still had to go back to the store, and when he volunteered to drive me there, I debated for a while about it then I gave in. I couldn't walk and a taxi would be an extra cost . Why refuse when it was clear he really wanted to help? And if I said no he was probably going to assume that I was still feeling uncomfortable around him. 

He asked the waitress to pack two pieces of the cake which he then gave to me as a goodbye gift. Even though he had literally booked me a flight just to see his show.

On the way there, he played echo and sang along. And I was both admiring his voice and thinking about Austin and how he was. I just hoped the damage on the bike wasn't too severe. He'd be devastated if it was.

 Chris had really hit him where it hurt, that was really low blow. And I said Chris because I was sure it was him. There were no unsure guesses about it, that's just how it was. I knew it was him the same way I knew he had been the one to mess around with my lock. And he had known Austin well enough to be aware of how fond he was of his bike. Chris had always been an odd kid, but now he was just a bad human being with no conscience. And he had crossed the line when he decided to mess with Austin like that. I wasn't going to let him do anything else of that sort. 

" You can just leave me here, I have to buy something from the store so I'll walk the rest of the way. "

" You sure? "

" Yeah, thanks for the ride. "

He said it was no problem. His eyes telling me he knew I was lying about the store, which I was. I just didn't wanna risk anything because there were chances of Austin being somewhere around. They were low and improbable chances but they were still there and I was going to just keep it safe. I told him bye, but as I was unlocking the door he asked whether he could give me a hug instead. It was honestly a good thing that he was leaving because if he would have stayed for much longer, he definitely would have become a real issue. 

I gave in to his request and leaned in for a hug, he ended up kissing my cheek and I pointed a reprimanding finger at him afterwards. He took it as a casual joke and just smiled. 

As soon as I had walked away for a while I called Austin to check up on him and to also tell him I was headed back to the store. He replied not long after, and judging by his tone it was clear that he wasn't in the brightest of moods. But he still tried to sound okay for my sake. 

" It'll take a couple of days for the bike to be fixed. I was just planning on heading home for a while to grab something but then I'll come over to the store. "

" You don't have to, I'll be fine. You can just go and get some rest, we can meet tomorrow. "

" No way! I really miss you. And I told you, I'm not leaving you alone for anything. "

" Then I'll be waiting for you. bye, "

" Bye, I love you. "

I cut the call after replying. I would have bought some food for him from Trenny's but I decided to wait till he arrived so that it wouldn't get cold. 

Chelsea was with Dave when I got there, I greeted them and then I thanked her for helping me out. She wasn't really interested in finding out where I had been or what had kept me. And I was sure she had agreed to help not only because of her attached request,but also because she also didn't have anywhere to be. They had been watching a movie or something. 

" That for me?" She asked, gesturing to the cheesecake I was holding. it had been placed in a little white box. I shook my head and she acted completely disappointed, but it was all just for fun. Immediately after they left, I sat down and tried to collect my thoughts. They were currently all over the place and it was partly Reign's fault. 


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