
Chapter 15

I picked the textbook when he reached for it.Taking a step back and holding it in front of me. 

" You really haven't changed, have you?"

" Glad you noticed. "

" Give it back,, " That fed-up tone again. He locked his fingers together on his nape and waited for me to hand the book over. 

" What're you doing this Sunday?" 

He scoffed.

" Nothing that involves you. "

" I'll come by your place at noon, "

" To do what?"

" To see you. Be there. "

He didn't say anything and I assumed it was his version of a yes. 

I still didn't know what had him so worked up, but I was sure asking wouldn't get him to tell me. It was a wonder he even replied to anything I said. I stretched my arm to hand him his book, my eyes on the shadows that seemed to haunt his face. My desire to make him feel better so great I almost couldn't fight it. He reached out to take the book from me and I held his wrist, not letting go even when he tried to pull it away. 

" Cheer up, I don't like it when you're upset, "

He recognized the words and looked up,but he still looked mad. Placing the book on the counter's surface, I let go of him. And after a short staring contest which he obviously lost two seconds in, I left. Miles called me when I was out of the exit, I picked up and told him I was on my way because I knew what he wanted to tell me. I got on my bike, but before I left I looked around. I could see him through the glass, still standing where I had left him. Looking confused and down. He was making leaving very difficult for me. I glanced around the place, I still wasn't that familiar with it but I was great at mastering directions and getting around. I recalled having spotted a mini supermarket not far from the record store. I figured I could get there and buy something real quick first. 



" Who?" I asked the girl that had walked into the store and handed me a bag, claiming she was asked to give it to me. 

" I don't know, just this cute boy. Gave me ten bucks to give this to you...here, " she placed the bag on the counter and walked away, exiting the store ad leaving me seated there, wondering. I knew who it was, what I didn't know was why he was doing all that. Why he was so focused on getting me to talk to him again. I stared at the rather large brown bag, not sure whether I really wanted to check what was inside, but I eventually pulled it closer and did just that. 

The first thing I saw was a large " Milky Way" chocolate bar....I couldn't remember the first time I had one of those. I took it out and studied the packet like it was a foreign item I had never seen before. Placing it aside I looked into the bag again. 

I didn't know what he was trying to achieve but he sure knew me well. I fought the smile but in the end I lost. I took out the box of crackers, followed by the jar of peanut butter. And as I did so I recalled how he had always hated it whenever I ate those things Infront of him. How I'd dip the crackers into the peanut butter and bite them, or when I'd try to get him to bite them as well even though I knew he hated peanut butter. 

For a while I just sat there, holding the box of crackers in my hands and reading through the words on it because it had been ages since I even held one. And this was the brand I preferred as well, the rectangular shaped pieces were large enough to scoop a lot of peanut butter. I stared at the bag, recalling I had seen something else inside. And when I looked in I chuckled. It was a small packet of milk. I took it out and carefully placed the bag aside, not throwing it away since it could come in handy later on. 

My phone buzzed and I took it out. 

" Make sure you drink the milk, you can never be too healthy. "

The crazy fool....that was my line. 

Since morning I had only eaten a muffin that Kira gave me because she was into baking these days....but she wasn't the best baker so I only took a few bites for her own happiness and then I threw the rest away when she had left. Max had eaten two, but that was only because he wanted to Kira feel great. I really had to tell her that she wasn't as good as she thought one of these days. But the point is that I was actually really hungry. 

And since Austin had gone through the trouble of buying those things, there was no reason to waste them. And they were my favorites...but that didn't mean I was going to forgive him. I opened up the jar and the box and immediately went to work. They tasted better than I remembered and I wondered why I had never eaten them in the last five years. Each bite I took somehow tasted better than the last. And halfway through I realized that I no longer felt as angry as I had been just a few minutes before. 

By the time I got into bed that night it was already past midnight. I still wasn't used to walking home alone that late, especially knowing that I didn't live in the safest neighborhood. All sorts of crazy things happened around there, illegal things. That's why I couldn't wait to leave. 

I just wanted tomorrow to end so that the weekend could start, I worked during the day on Saturday and was free on Sunday.

Sunday....I hoped he was joking about coming by because I wasn't ready for him to do that yet. I had never been more confused in my life. I still didn't even know who I was and he was making things harder for me. It had always been him... confusing me, making me doubt who I thought I was. Driving me crazy with all these thoughts and feelings that I couldn't understand. I closed my eyes and I thought of him,my hand automatically went to my stomach and I blew out a breath. Why had he done that? And what was he still trying to do? What was his goal?

And why did I feel like he was winning?!



The History teacher had asked me to stay back before the class even began. I had completely forgotten about walking out on him yesterday, and judging by the look he was throwing my way, I was definitely in trouble. I suddenly started to regret it. I didn't care that I had walked out, what I cared about was that there were chances of him reporting what I had done to the principal, who would in turn tell my dad, if that happened then I was basically done for. There would be no defending myself. 

He asked me to answer a question during class but I hadn't even heard the question itself. I literally hadn't had any sleep the previous night and was as tired as I could be. I had a free period and was definitely going to use it for a nap. My eyelids were almost giving up, I ad to force myself to stay up. The entire class looked at me, waiting for an answer which I wasn't planning on giving. The teacher repeated the question for my sake, but I was still just as clueless. I never listened to what the members in his line of profession said, it wasn't important to me. 

He stared at me and I stared back with whatever strength I still had left. Narrowing my gaze and waiting for him to give up and look away, which he eventually did. Then he started saying something about paying attention but my mind was no longer on him. I didn't even know his name. 

And I hated questions. 

I glanced at my watch, struggling to read it past the exhaustion I felt. I was thinking about missing a couple of classes today. It was too much for me to sit through all of them,and in my current state it was just a waste of time since I was getting nothing out of it. I placed my arms on the desk's surface and rested my head on them. It wasn't sleeping if my eyes weren't completely closed. I turned to face the side and I saw that boy who was always with Kyle. He stared at me with a rather unfriendly look before he focused on the board once more. I was waiting for the teacher to call out my name and ask me to pay attention but he didn't. I knew I wasn't helping my case at all but even if I tried to care, I couldn't. 

My mind refused to take orders, especially not from people I didn't know, people who didn't know the first thing about me. After about ten minutes, the bell rang and all the other students picked up their things and left. I stayed put, turning to face the front,my head still rested on my arms, waiting for him to tell me whatever he wanted to tell me so that I could leave. I'd be busy tonight as well so I had to try and get some rest during the day. Otherwise I'd be too tired to do what I had to. And it was something that required my entire focus, I had to be alert. 

After finishing up with a student who had approached to ask him something, he turned to me and crosse his arms. He was dressed in a cream sweater vest with a brown shirt underneath, as well as a matching pair of pants. In other words,he looked like a highschool teacher. All he needed were the glasses to top off the look. I raised my brows inquisitively when he took too long to say anything.He blew out a breath and sat on the edge of the table set out at the front, than he placed his palms on his thighs and turned to the side. 

" I'm guessing you know why you're here, "

I didn't reply. He turned to me again and chuckled, but there was nothing humorous about it. 

" Mrs. Fisher said you had a bit of an attitude problem, now I see what she meant. "

I was dying to say something offensive, something that would be sure to piss him off, but I kept my mouth shut. Apart from him and Mrs. Fisher, I also had an ongoing little issue with another teacher. Bio I think, I wasn't even sure. This kid had tried to act smart, calling me a dealer, and I had been seconds away from punching him when the teacher walked in. I probably shouldn't have reacted how I did but I had been too pissed off. I had a few drugs stashed somewhere in my room but I never used them. I had bought them at a party back in Phoenix but I hadn't had it in me to actually use the fucking things. I had thought of my mom and hid them away instead. I could have thrown them away but something had stopped me. 

" Okay tell me,what's your story?" The teacher asked. I wondered what he meant but didn't bother to ask. There were no rules stating it was compulsory for me to answer him, and if there were any such rules then I was unaware of them. 

" Do you mind sitting up? I'm talking to you, " 

He seemed calmer than I expected. And I inwardly cringed, realizing that he was probably one of those caring teachers that were always on a mission to seek out disturbed students and try to help them out. I had come across his type before and whatever he was trying to do wasn't going to work. If he didn't believe me he ought to ask all the others that had tried before him. But because I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could, I sat up. 

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