
Chapter 2

Ariana's pov

Author's note.... 

I'm a beginner and just starting please review and be nice at the comment sections, I promise to update daily..enjoy and let me know where I'm lacking so I can work towards serving you better 


I was about to leave after yelling at the security men when I bumped into a hard rock, Ouch!! I yelped at the pain I felt on my forehead.. Im so sorry I heard the voice say, the voice  was a melody to my ears and I just wanted to hear the voice more and more, yet I needed to know who owns that  voice I just heard, I raised my head to look at who I bumped into and "I stood there in front of him speechless,everyone and every sound vanished and all I could see was the demi-god standing before me and my heartbeat raced like never before, thump! thump!! thump!!!  Was that the sound of my heartbeat?? Before i could embarrassed myself further I took to my heels and ran as fast as my legs could take me.............. 

I only stopped when I realized I was in front of our apartment, i looked back to check if he wasn't following me,  Why would he follow me, i thought to myself, untill I heard Bel's voice saying who are you talking about and why did you run away like that she said irritated, that's when i realised i had voiced out my thoughts and I needed to quickly say something to defend myself Can we go in first I said to Bel, okay was all she said I know I owe her an explanation after running off the way i did and ruining the perfect night she made for us Even tho I was happy and sad at the same time, yes I had a mixed feeling cause I won't be going to the pub tonight and I am sad cos I couldn't see more of the man that made my heart skip a beat, I looked behind bel to see if the hot dude wasn't coming behind us still  and I saw Bel's reaction to that but choose to ignore it. 

I was about to turn the door knob when I was stopped by Bel's word does your little drama at the pub entrance has anything to do with the guy you bumped into? She asked and I was contemplating on turning around or not after some seconds I opened the door ajar walked in and Bel did the same, i wasn't sitted when she spoke again I deserve some explanation Ariana, with the tone she used I knew she was mad at me for ruining the night for her , I went to the kitchen to get us some water to drink afterwards i sat comfortably before speaking cause i know if she's my bestfriend then  i'll change her foul mood to a good one, i know she's gonna be interested in what i have to say im sorry for tonight i said that staring at my interlocked fingers, she said nothing in return then i continued from where i stopped. Bel i called wanting to be sure she was listening to me, hummm she responded then i continued when the guy i bumped into said he was sorry my heart skipped a beat and the next thing i discovered was my heart beat raced like never before, i saw Bel sit upright and the look on her face gave her away she was highly interested in what i have to say, from no where the laughter came and i just couldn't hold it in i laughed till she joined and we both laughed out our anger and fears we had to gulp  the water i poured for us earlier to calm us down, in all the years ive known you and come to love you its tonight i heard you talk about how you feel and my dearest Ari love has come to visit you finally Bel commented**************

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