
Chapter 266 BABY SHOWER 6

       I know most people don't really know how to handle heartbreak, but Falcon was just being stupid. We never had anything going on, we were close friends that at some point we got closer than usual, and unfortunately some emotions got attached. I stared at Falcon who shook his head at me, and I knew he was about to do something stupid.

        He wanted to embarrass me tonight before everyone, just why does it have to be tonight, a day that's meant for me. I regretted ever talking to this man, this is a total obsession and unfortunately, this will be the last time I'd talk to someone like him.

 "Can I have your attention everyone please, I have a confession to make?"

        What is this man planning to do? He can't possibly confess his feelings before these people can he?

        I darted my gaze around in search of Alex scared he might be around to witness this, this outrageous act, no one knows what he might do in this situation. Alex might end up killing Falcon before these people and that's the last thing I want to happen tonight. I really don't know if I'd be able to take it tonight.

        "Don't do something stupid Falcon, thought I already made myself clear. I don't love you." I whispered the last word not minding the eyes already staring at us. Falcon still shook his head, "Do you know what your words do to me?" His eyes were red as though he's been crying for a while.

       "You don't, you have no idea do you?" He smiled tossing his head to face everyone as he spoke, "I love Hazel, I've always loved her from the first day I saw her." He met my gaze, "She is the sweetest person I've met my entire life, I can't do with her..." "Stop it, Leonard please get this man out of here." Mother spoke furiously.

        I might not have any form of feelings for Falcon, but I felt chills run down my spine, my entire being felt stiff. I couldn't even tell when I stood up, maybe when I tried to stop him from talking. Falcon did it, he embarrassed himself before everyone. He's making me go through some roller coaster of emotions, I felt terrible.

         He's making me the bad guy in this when I asked him countless times to stop. Why? Why was he doing this? I'm a married woman for crying out loud, why not understand?

       "No please hear me out before doing anything Hazel, you don't know who these people are, you don't know who your husband is, he's not what you think he is."

        The guards took him away, dragging him by his suit, but Falcon struggled to pull it off and ran back to me, but before he could they had to drag him down. That was the first time I saw him that way, I was terrified by his actions.

     I don't think I'd want to see falcon in the future or ever again, it's not like I wanted it to end this way but it seems he's someone I should stay wary of. "Are you alright love, did he hurt you? Who let that freak into this mansion?" Mother questioned

       "That's alright mother, I darted my gaze around in search of the one man that hasn't come out from his hideout for some time now. Just where the f**k is he when I need him.

        " I'll be in my room if you need me." That was the end of smiling and accepting gifts for me tonight. Thanks to Falcon the night even my three adorable babies could not ruin was successfully ruined by him. I walked through the stairs up to our room, I'll kill Alex tonight.

       I couldn't believe I was back in this place, somehow the place I so badly wanted to leave turned out to be the place I'll be staying in for a really long time. Once upon a time, I was a girl whose only goal in life was to save her mother's life. All I wanted was to make enough money so life could be easier for us.

        Faith had used my stepdad to save me from that life, even if it came with so much pain and suffering. Now I thought of it, I've never really heard about him since the abduction, I hope he got what he deserves. I moved around the room one last time and got into that special room out of curiosity.

      The room that always got me jealous to this day even if Alex has declared his love for me. I stepped into an empty room filled with nothing but just two pictures, our wedding pictures. I stepped fully into the room, staring at the picture, I could recall everything that happened that very day.

      Must every big event in my life be filled with a remarkable drama? I sighed placing my hands on the picture, touching just him. The one that does something to my heart.

       He took her properties out, he really did, leaving nothing behind. "Do you like it? The decor? The empty spaces are for pictures in the future." He stood next to me staring at them. "You know these pictures just made me realize how handsome I am, even more, beautiful than you are."

       "Alex, stop you're irritating me." How can Alex be more eye-catchy than I am? I'm more beautiful than he is. "But I'm not baby, I just hope our kids don't inherit your beauty especially my princess, else, falling in love won't be hard again." He yanked me to himself and captured my lips. That soft warm mouth of his, I tasted it again, from the look of things, I would be tasting this forever.

       My hands went up to feel my favorite pregnancy spot, [His hair], touching every bit of it. "Where have you been Alex, you can't buy me with just a kiss?" He smiled. "I'm sorry, I went in search of your gift." He brought out a little familiar diamond box that held my diamond ring, the same one I threw away the day I left.

        How did he find it

      "I found it when you left that day and kept it for you." He continued. I tried to control my heart from exploding from the multiple emotions rushing in all at once, this ring held my happy and sad moments which had me almost tearing up.

        "Like you knew we'd get back again." "It was a fifty-fifty chance." "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." He went down on one knee, "So would you accept to be my wife all over again? I promise to love and cherish you forever." I chuckled at his words and slowly it turned into tiny sobs. I couldn't control my tears anymore, Alex was being more than sweet to me

       "We're already married Alex." "It's a crime if we do it again, start from scratch, and make things better." He smiled at her reaction, if only she knew how much he loves her. Hazel is his everything, the only woman he's craved for this much. Alex pulled her hands out and placed the ring back in its original position. He pressed his lips on her hands. "Thank you." He muttered through his kiss.

      "Let's get you cleaned up, you must be exhausted." He said taking off my clothes gradually, "This is not the right place to do this Alex." I held the top of my dress when it almost crossed my boobs, if Alex has to see that, he might not let me go tonight. We left the now gallery room to the closet where I got changed quickly and helped him change too.

       We both stepped into the bathroom for a nice warm bath, "I could stay here all night if this water doesn't get cold." I raised my feet for Alex to massage a little. "How are they, do you still feel pain?" "No, the pain is over I'm fine."

      He dropped my right leg and picked the left, "You must have seduced that guy with your sweetness, Falcon." He said calmly meeting my gaze. "You know?" "Everything is not done in the open, I'm sorry I was not there." 

       "Don't kill him Alex, please." "He's obsessed with you, he might hurt you one day." "You're right here with me, just don't kill him please." I don't know how to leave and sleep knowing well my once best friend is the dead cause of me. And here I thought Alex knew nothing about it, at least now Falcon should be out of this city. But I guess I was wrong, nothing passes under his nose.

       "Don't get scared, he's not dead, I only pulled one of my favorite tricks on him, so he forgets you forever or can I say a warning to the Diors to keep off from what's mine." He kissed my feet. This possessive demon was at it again, claiming me to be his forever, I just realized I'm tied to this heartless man forever.

          It's not because he has that forever contract, but because he's in love with me. Alex will never let me go until the end of his feeling which I doubt it would anytime soon.

         "How can you erase his memory without hurting him?" Alex got out of the bathtub and Carried me out, "He might be in the hospital for a couple of weeks, that's all." He picked two white towels, wrapped one around his neck while using the other to dry my body. "How do you sleep at night knowing well you kill and hurt people?"

      "Don't question my choice of business Hazel, if you love me then you have to love me for who I am, I promise I won't bring any harm to you or the kids." His voice was a bit firm as he kissed my face, sucked my neck and collar bone without touching my lips. Maybe it's because his instinct has already told him I'd bite him if he does. Which wasn't wrong though.

        I said nothing else to Alex, striking up a conversation might just result in something else, something we both might regret. I really do want our marriage to work out, but with Alex killing people, I don't know if I can stay in guilt forever.

         We both stepped into the closet where I wore his light shirt for bed. I got into bed, facing the other part to avoid face contact with him, I was upset with him and he has to know how upset he's made me. Hurting a fellow human is totally wrong, and I can't leave with that. Alex placed some pillows on my front close to my stomach, between my legs, and he laid behind me as my active back pillow.

       His palm went under my shirt to rub my belly, as his fingers caressed my stomach. I quickly hit his hands off me, to remind him I was still very much upset with him. "I'm sorry." He kissed my shoulder tenderly making me shiver from his touch.

      "Is there anything I don't know about you, Alex?" "A lot, I'll let you know soon, for now, your health and the babies are more important." I always hear this happens in all families but not in mine. Dad is as clean as an angel, I don't think he's killed anyone before.

       I turned around to meet his gaze, now I understand the reason grandma got furious at me and Carie for moving around Dubai without guards. I stared into those black eyes that always hypnotized me, regretting why I started at them in the first place.

       "Promise." "I promise, you don't have to worry." "But promise me you won't kill people I know." "I promise sweetheart." I hugged him. Yes, my husband Is a killer but I love him this way, I loved everything about him.

    I wanted to forgive him and make him start all over again.



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