
Chapter 55, Heart of Desires 2

After a long period of time, Max currently is standing in a hall that is currently breaking around him as a mirror.

Max just looked around him with an indifferent expression, anyone who knows Max would notice that nothing changed in him, same silver hair, same handsome face, some height, and body build after evolution.

The only thing that might make difference is his eyes, instead of purple eyes, his eyes now gained a permanent crimson hue that is showing signs of blending with the original color of his eyes.

Max after the test of Wrath, had to pass two more tests that represented the last two sins of the original seven.

Envy and Sloth.

The two tests were more annoying than the other.

In the sin of Sloth test, Max had to work hard and face a lot of challenges and difficulties while resisting the feeling that was eating at him from his soul.

The feeling of Sloth, as the name of the test, the more he advances, the more tired he became, and the more his body would demand him to rest and just let everything go. A voice just kept whispering in his ears, telling him to just let go, and let the darkness welcome him.

Finally, after a long time, he managed to pass this annoying test, only because of the will that he forged during all of those years of bullying.

All of those years, he endured a lot of things, from bullying to curses and neglect because of talent, all he has left is his mother. And that is enough for him to keep moving forward.

Also, the test of Pride helped him greatly forge his will, so he managed to pass this test.

As for the test of envy, that he just finished. He doesn't want to remember it, and he just wants to seal it in his memorious.

After the hall around him kept breaking like glass, Max found himself in a large void that is only filled with darkness. It didn't take more than two more seconds before Max lost consciousness.





In the Orignal Castle, Throne Hall.

It has been a few days since Max lost consciousness after the figure sitting on the throne clasped his hands and started the test.

Currently, Max is lying on the ground unconscious, his head lying on milky white thighs that helped to make him comfortable.

Who else besides Hayley? Of course, it is not going to be the terrifying figure sitting on the throne.

At the time, Max lost consciousness the moment the trial started, he started to fall on his back. Hayley who is standing beside him immediately captured him before he fell on the ground and injured himself.

After that, she place him slowly on her thighs, and she gave him a lap pillow, as he started frowning and his expression kept changing a lot, from sadness to anger, to happiness. All kinds of emotions appeared on Max's face during those few days. He made some expressions that Hayley haven't seen him do during their contact those few days when they were wandering around.

The throne hall remained silent for the past few days, as the figure sitting on the throne just kept silent, and Hayley didn't dare to speak. After all, it took a lot of effort on her part to remain stable with this strange aura around, so she just stayed on the ground next to Max quietly waiting for him to wake up.

"He is going to wake up now."

A voice resounded in the hall.

Hearing this, Hayley was stunned for a moment, but a few moments later, there were small movements coming from Max that is currently sleeping on her thighs.

After a few more seconds, Max's eyes which were tightly shut began fluttering before opening and locking gaze with Hayley's eyes.

Golden eyes met the purple eyes that is tainted with crimson, and time froze for a second before Hayley broke the eye contact with Max, which resulted in a moment of awkwardness to be born between them.

"Uhh" groaned Max after waking up, he felt as if someone has smashed his head with a hammer, and his whole body for some reason was aching, it was like he fought for countless days.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hayley asked to drive away the awkwardness that was born between them for a moment.

Max hearing Hayley's voice, stopped focusing on his body, and focused on his surrounding, he found himself getting a lap pillow from Hayley which stunned him to the point that he didn't answer and just enjoyed the feeling of his thighs under his head.

Because he was unconscious, so he didn't get to feel the sensation of having a lap pillow, and even before he doesn't has a lot of contact with the opposite sex, so it is his first time experiencing something like this.

Hayley seeing Max silent, became a little worried, and she noticed that his eye color has changed a little from their original purple color, but she didn't ask about them at the moment.

She waited for a few minutes in silence, as Max seemed to be lost in serious thought about the trial, but she is totally wrong.

Max is thinking about the trial he finished, he is only resting and enjoying the feeling of having his head rest on such a warm lap, so he simply pretended to be thinking, afraid that Hayley would make him stand.

But after a few more minutes, the figure sitting on the throne began to grow impatient and interrupted Max from enjoying his rest.

"You know that the test isn't finished right?"

Hearing this, Max was stunned, he just turned his head to the figure on the throne with question marks all over his face.

"Is there anything else? I thought that seven tests are more than enough," said Max after thinking for a while.

"Well, they are definitely enough, but you will have one more test to pass if you want to take the inheritance," said the figure in an indifferent tone.

"What else?" Max asked impatiently, after all the seven tests felt like torture, he felt that he spent eternity in them.

"You can rest for an hour before I tell, so you better rest your mind and body."

"Okay," Max just nodded and didn't argue with the figure anymore.

Hayley decided to interject now since Max is out of his thoughts, so she repeated her question.

"Are you okay? What did you experience in the tests?" asked Hayley in a worried tone.

Max decided to answer this time, and not play dead.

"It was a test of Desires," said Max after thinking for a while as he tried to summarize the important point of the test.

"Test od desires?" Hayley just looked down at Max with question marks floating above her head.

Seeing this, Max knows that he has to explain everything, so she can understand.

After collecting his thoughts, and arranging his next words carefully, Max started to talk.

"I had to experience seven tests, each test represents one of the original seven sins. The test will try to make me lose control of my desires and make them control me."

After that, Max explained what happened to him in every test in detail, but he skipped some things, like the words the figure told him in the test of wrath, and the test of envy. He just said a few points of the test of envy and didn't delve deep into them.

Just like that the hour the figure gave Max ended quickly.

When the time came, the figure clapped his hands to draw Max's attention.

"Now, the final test is simple."

Hearing this Max focused and grew interested, but what he heard next, stunned him.

"It is to fight me and survive for 30 minutes."

Hearing this, Max felt a terrible chill run through his body, he doesn't know why, but he has an imagination that the figure sitting on the throne is smiling viciously at him.

Soon, the plot will get more exciting as this Hell arc is going to end soon

I am just getting excited when thinking about the things that I have in my mind.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Devilsmercy026creators' thoughts
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