
Salham Archdemon


The ball detonated on his back and launched the man right off his feet. He was hurled forward and crashed into the ground. Money -that he had stolen- fell out of his scorched pockets and his movements were now slow and sluggish. All he could do was slowly reach out his arm to begin crawling away from assailants.

"I did not need assistance, darling." Lucius stated, as his swords vanished.

"I don't care and stop calling me darling, it's weird." Amethyst stated bluntly, as the rest of the interns huddled together.

Beside them, on one of the buildings, Brandyn just watched them to see how civil officers actually operated in times like these. The road had already been blocked off to vehicles and bystanders, while the fire was being controlled rather skilfully.


The man's heart continued to beat and as the group were conversing, thinking of their next plan to action; the crawling robber was gradually gaining strength.

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