

Ewelina, after composing herself from the trembles the danger had provoked, reigned her rumbled thoughts, standing from the floor she needed to remain at to amass some force as well as coldness… for aware that the man laying to her feet was the head of those taking the Castle, the Archduchess contemplated on the matters to be done so any battle could find a definite end.

“….. Yngve.” — She called to the savage that had vacated the room instinctively respectful to her panic which needed to settle, and dubious for he had expected the woman to come out on her own, Yngve heeded the call; staring at her from the very entrance to raise his brow as he saw her continue to stand right next to the Felios’ heir body. — “Come here, there is something I need you to do.”

“… What is it.”

“I’ll need the head of this man.”


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