

“… Nightmare. Master’s wife had another nightmare.” — Convinced the girl puffed.

“… Sigh~… Nu’s abilities leave my efforts as useless every day…”

“Hihihi! Nu is a good brakian mainglousse. A trembling core is easy for Nu to notice!” — Proud the girl flaunted, slowly lessening such pride to turn it into cautiousness, for this time, what her ability could tell was slightly different to other days. — “….. Master’s wife… today’s nightmares, were they too scary?”

“… Maybe… only a tad more.”

“Hurm… Master’s wife might have felt the news coming today. Hence, Master’s wife’s dreams kept Master’s wife awake to learn them quickly.”

“News?… Wh-what kind of news?” — For a moment, Ewelina had not thought about the kind of news she could receive. Yet as she asked, remembrance of the Kingdom and her House’s situation was recalled, taking any vivid colour from her, becoming afraid in her deepest, for a spouse was away… and a pledge had been made.

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