
168: Animals; the man he should be wary of

Without showing any visible reaction, Drystan simply averted his eyes and returned his focus to the canvas he was painting on.

As Eleni walked towards her — extended — family and sat on her spot, she snapped her fan shut and closed her dainty hands on her lap, expressionless.

Drystan spoke not a word as he gave a slight nod of approval and continued painting, not making any move to acknowledge the Duke of York as he walked behind him to watch him paint.

Silence reigned in the room as everyone sat without moving even an inch. Except for the sound of the paintbrush moving against the canvas, nothing else made a sound.

The process lasted more than just an hour, seemingly lost in his own world, the painter sat on the easel, straight back slightly hunched forward as his brows drew together in concentration.

Sitting behind the man, Adrastus watched him, observing the minute changes — or the lack thereof — in Drystan's body language and his expression.

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