
107: Unsolved; tea, stalker on the loose and breeze on the bridge

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

Holding the two different cups in his hands, Lin FenXiang walked back to Yan Hansheng and sat across him, he glanced at the musician gently, shooting him a small smile, the painter handed him the cup.

Yan Hansheng stretched his hands out, as Lin FenXiang extended it towards him, their fingers brushed against each other.

Yan Hansheng felt his fingers graze against Lin FenXiang's skin, the touch made a slight shiver shoot down his arm. Contrary to what Yan Hansheng had expected, the ex-soldier's hands were surprisingly cold right now. Completely unlike when they had held hands.

Startled, Yan Hansheng shot Lin FenXiang a quick glance, the painter had already sat down and was touching his own fingers with his head bowed.

“You-your hands ar-are cold,” he couldn't help but murmur, speaking in a low voice as he looked around to make sure no one else had heard him. Lin FenXiang looked up at him, still in daze as he caressed his fingers.

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