
Chapter 9: Playing the Game

“Excellent.” Severus’s voice was husky as he reached for Sidia. His long and dexterous fingers firmly but delicately gripped her throat.

Sidia closed her eyes and leaned in, waiting for the bite. Her heart hammered in her chest. She wanted Marcus to hold her like this. She wanted his fangs, but this would have to do. She had never felt this throbbing, pulsating yearning in her body. Everything ached so pleasantly.

“I hate to interrupt you, brother. However, don’t you think it’s a little improper to feed on your future bride so soon? Does she know the effects of such an act?”

Marcus! His voice cut through the spell-like trance of the moment. Her eyes flew open, and her heart leaped at the sight of him. The rest of the court paid them no mind, still dreamily enjoying their festivities. Marcus stood to the right of Severus, his expression unreadable as he watched them.

“You’re absolutely right, brother.” Severus turned away, so Sidia couldn’t see his face. His tone sounded icy though. He was clearly unhappy. “Perhaps you would like to explain the act of feeding since you care for your future sister-in-law so dearly?”

“Gladly.” Marcus fixed his eyes on Sidia. Despite his obvious displeasure with the situation, sitting in his gaze rekindled the yearning. Sidia had to concentrate very hard on his words rather than the way his mouth moved around the vowels and consonants.

“When a vampire feeds on a human, they create a bond. The vampire will have a close connection to the human for a few weeks at least. The vampire will know the human’s location at all times. Depending on how old and practiced the vampire is, they may be able to read the human’s thoughts when close to them. It’s rare, but it happens.” Marcus’s eyes never left her as he delivered the information.

Like a doused fire, Sidia was brought back to reality, all the desire dissipating. Severus hadn’t warned her about that at all. There was no doubt in her mind that Severus had purposefully withheld that information. And Marcus had saved her from that. But why?

“Additionally, the human will likely dream of the vampire and feel especially fond of them for a few days.” Marcus continued. “Humans are much more pliable under the influence. Wouldn’t you agree, Severus?”

Severus chuckled. “Only weaker humans suffer the effects that intensely. You don’t think Sidia here to be quite so susceptible, do you?”

“It is not Sidia’s constitution I doubt, brother. Rather, it’s your strength that worries me. Even an intelligent and capable human would be helpless. Did you not think of our human guests that regularly sustain you? They’re rather subservient and obsessive right after your feedings.” Marcus had stopped looking at Sidia. His tone was perfect as he spoke to Severus. Nothing about his body language or demeanor gave anything away. For some reason, however, Sidia suspected he was challenging Severus in some way. She couldn’t point out exactly what made her think that though. Whatever was happening between the two of them, Sidia knew Marcus was protecting her from something.

“Perhaps you are right, dear brother.” Severus responded coolly. Then, he turned to Sidia. “I beg your forgiveness, Sidia. I was quite swept away by our surroundings, and I was not thinking clearly. I think so highly of you, and it didn’t occur to me that you might have the same reaction as the weaker guests who offer their blood to me.” He folded his hands in his lap, and Sidia realized he had still been holding her through his exchange with Marcus. She had been too focused on the conversation and stifling her anger at what Severus had almost done.

What could she really do about it? If Marcus wouldn’t confront him openly, then what could she say or do? She didn’t believe that Severus had made a mistake. Clearly, he wanted to hold that kind of power over her, and he declined to warn her about the effects. He wanted to read her thoughts, to make her bend to his will. But what could she possibly do about it?

What if she tried to stand up to him right now? She could easily stop this lying and obvious manipulation. Instead of playing the game, she could end it. But what would that really get her? Currently, she had no tactic or reasonable way to quickly figure out Severus’s true intentions. Why did he want to win Sidia over so badly? He is a powerful vampire, an emperor, the leader of a coven dedicated solely to him. Why was he being so careful and deliberate? Why didn’t he just take what he wanted?

No matter. For the moment, she needed to participate.

“There is nothing to forgive, Severus,” she finally said. “We were both lost in the moment.”

“But how grand that you were both so enraptured with one another!” Marcus exclaimed. His smile did not reach his eyes. “Does this mean you have decided to stay, oh great future Empress?”

What? Sidia was reeling. How could he go from protective to mocking so quickly? How did he actually feel about her?

It doesn’t matter, Sidia reminded herself. He is a vampire. This is a dangerous situation. They won’t harm you for now, but what if you turn on them or defy them? You can’t take that risk. What would Severus do if the bride he claimed to have been waiting for decided she wanted his brother? All these questions and observations rattled in her mind. She still felt a little heavy-headed from the music and mood of the feast.

Had she really been about to offer her neck to Severus? Clarity blossomed in her mind, dispelling the lingering tendrils of whatever had been affecting her. A terrifying idea occurred to her. Were the vampires capable of using some kind of magic? Perhaps the singer was able to cast a spell over the court. That was the only explanation for how Sidia had responded. Music alone could not be enough to make her abandon her beliefs and suspicions and give herself to such a creature.

Marcus and Severus watched her intently, waiting for a response. Severus had told her that she could choose to leave if she wanted, but so far, everyone had just assumed she was staying. The choice had to be an illusion, a way to soften her heart and make her see Severus in a more favorable light.

Sidia was missing something. For whatever reason, Severus appeared to need her consent to be here. He wanted her to be willing. That much was clear. He was going out of his way to provide her with choices and autonomy, but he was still controlling everything. He needed her to offer herself. He needed her to want him and partner with him. Why? If she really wanted to find out, then she would have to risk everything and pretend she was falling for him. If she could play the part of the lovestruck human, then maybe she could get him to reveal his true intentions. She saw no other way out of this.

Sidia cleared her throat. She looked directly into Severus’ eyes, refusing to look at Marcus. He would more than likely smirk, gaze upon her with that arrogant contempt. She simply couldn’t bear it.

“I have not been here long. I can’t tell how much time has passed since I arrived. I do not know you well, Severus. I do not know anything about you or if you would be a fit ruler. I didn’t even know vampires existed until recently. This is so much to take in, so much to understand.” Sidia paused for dramatic effect. The rest of the room fell quiet. The soft moans stopped. There was no more music. She didn’t have to tear her eyes away from Severus to know they were all watching, all listening.

“Severus, I have always dreamed of leaving my home and facing the world. I didn’t know my family’s secret, and I always thought the women before me simply conquered the world in their own ways. I dreamed of following in their footsteps and making my mark on the world. While I am still trying to understand what is happening, I also must admit this is a dream come true. I wanted adventure. I wanted knowledge. I wanted excitement. I wanted to leave home. In a way, this is everything I have ever wanted.”

Severus’ face softened as she spoke. Was it genuine? Probably not. He was more than likely performing just as much as she was, but that was fine.

“I know almost nothing of you or the empire you wish to rebuild, but I have seen nothing untoward since arriving. I wish to stay and continue getting to know you. I do believe I wish to be your empress.”

Gasps and gushes of joy rushed over the room. The audience believed her. But had she successfully convinced the one person that truly mattered? Did Severus consider her sincere?

A loving smile stretched across his impossibly handsome face, and he caressed her cheek.

“You have brought me such joy with your words, Sidia. I know it seems like a hasty decision. You are right in that you haven’t been here long, but I offer you this to ease your transition.” He took both her hands in his and brought them to his face. He gave her a soft kiss across her knuckles before continuing. “We have waited centuries as it is. Time is meaningless. You do not have to become a vampire immediately. Spend some time reading, learning from my mother, getting to know your subjects, getting to know me, and we can wait to wed and turn you.”

Thank goodness, Sidia hid the relief flooding her body. She had wondered how she was going to convincingly act as if she wanted this while putting off the wedding and turning into a vampire. He just made it exceptionally easy for her to navigate this new treacherous world. This declaration bought her so much time.

“Thank you, Severus,” she responded. “I’m sure in time that I will be comfortable with turning, but I do want to learn more before becoming one of you so completely.”

“To the new Empress!” Julia’s voice cutting through the court’s approval surprised Sidia. Had she managed to impress the woman? She wasn’t smiling as she raised her hands and led the court in a lovely chant for Sidia, but she didn’t look angry or displeased. Maybe manipulation wasn’t as difficult as Sidia thought it would be.

The musicians followed the rhythm of the chant and began a loud and raucous melody. As the singer’s voice sang out again, a warm happiness seeped into Sidia’s heart. Everyone left their chairs to dance with one another, laughing and singing along to the music. Pure joy sprang in her chest, and an involuntary grin spread across her face. This only confirmed her theory that the vampires cast some sort of spell with their music, and she made sure to take note of that.

Despite the magical celebration, a faint sadness tainted everything. She searched the faces of the dancing court, but she couldn’t find Marcus anywhere. After several minutes, she finally spotted him leaning in one the various archways that branched out from the throne room. Without meaning to, they made eye contact. She locked onto his gaze, and everything else faded around her. The music turned into a dull roar, the notes no longer distinguished. No one else existed but the two of them, staring across the vast room, so much space between them. She wanted to close that gap, to run to him and assure him it was all just an act. Maybe she was just imagining it, but as they stood stuck in each other’s gaze, she could have sworn she saw the same sadness in her heart swimming in his eyes.

Then Marcus’ eyes widened in disappointment, surely directed at Sidia. He shrugged and disappeared down the hallway.

It took every bit of strength she had not to weep.

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