
Chapter 10 : Family meeting.

A/N : Thanks for all the reads. 🥳 Hope you guys are liking it. 🤗

Third person point of view

Junkyu woke up the next day to his alarm. He turned it off and sat up, looking lifeless with blank eyes. He let out a long breath. He couldn't help but think that he was officially doomed. His mom told him about how they both agreed. Junkyu wouldn't say he didn't see it coming but the truth still stung.

He picked up his phone and opened the contacts. There it was; Haruto's name. He wanted to believe it was all a dream. But now the proof that it was not, was right in front of his eyes. Reality definitely hit hard, like a bucket of ice cold water. He put his phone away. He didn't have the luxury to sit and dwell over it. He got out of bed to get on with his day.

His days went by normally like it always was, except the thing that he knew his parents right now are planning for his wedding. It always stayed at the back of his mind. He just said he wasn't able to sleep well to his colleagues when asked why he looked dull or in low spirits. It was just the easy-way-out answer. They didn't meddle much and let him be.

Junkyu dreaded Friday. He thought it was maybe from the past experience. He was low-key traumatized. He couldn't help but feel wary as the day neared. And just like his gut kept screaming that something is going to happen; it did. He received a call from his mom informing him that his grandparents were in the city.

He couldn't believe they were acting so quickly. His mom continued speaking. " We are going to meet up tomorrow. So make sure to wake up on time and dress up properly ". Junkyu let out a sigh. " Alright ". " We will go there directly. Hyunsuk and Jihoon will also be coming with us, so they will bring you to the meeting place ".

He was surprised by how planned his mom was. But he frowned at her words. " Why them ? " " Haruto's friend will be there it seems. So if you bring yours too, you youngsters can have a chat ". He really is impressed. He wanted to give her a standing ovation and clap saying ' Bravo '. He let out a huff. " Alright ". " That's all. Bye ". She hung up.

His hand holding the phone, fell down to the side like it had no bones. He was still processing when his phone started ringing again. And this time it was Jihoon calling him. " Hello ". " I guess your mom already informed you about tomorrow. We will come wake you up and help you tomorrow morning ". " Okay ".

" Make sure to get enough sleep so you don't look like a zombie. Don't sit and play games. Got it ? " " Yes sir ". Junkyu replied lazily. Jihoon chuckled. " Good. I'm hanging up ". He cut the call. Junkyu stared at his phone screen for a solid 5 seconds with no thoughts. He then put it aside. He turned the TV off and did go to sleep.

Meanwhile Haruto didn't think much when his grandparents came home. They didn't really speak about anything either. But on Friday he saw his dad speaking to the manager. He narrowed his eyes wondering it could be about. He decided to ask on the way home and went back to work.

Their work ended and Haruto was driving the both of them home. " What were you talking to Manager Kim about ? " He asked looking ahead. His dad glanced at him. " That... your mom will tell you once we go home ". Haruto frowned. His dad didn't say anything more after that. And during dinner, his mom did start speaking.

" Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? " Haruto nodded. " What plans ? " She asked. " I was going to get lunch with some of my friends ". " Fine. Bring them to our hotel then ". Haruto frowned like he was asking why. His mom answered him.

" Both the families are going to meet tomorrow at our hotel. So just bring them there and you can do your thing while the elders talk ". Haruto took a few seconds to respond. He slowly nodded. After dinner, he texted his friends to meet there and they all agreed without any questions.

The next morning, Junkyu woke up to Hyunsuk waking him up. " Good morning ". Hyunsuk said. Junkyu yawned and replied. " Morning ". Hyunsuk chuckled. " Wake up. You need to get ready ". Junkyu sat up. He looked around the room with half closed eyes. " Where is Jihoon ? " " He went to bring breakfast for the three of us ". Junkyu nodded. He got up and went to the bathroom.

He finished everything and walked out in a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt. Jihoon was already there. The three of them sat down and had breakfast. They then started picking outfits for Junkyu. Junkyu just watched as the two looked around for something he could wear. They said they need to find something not too much and not too simple either.

Junkyu just let them be. He didn't know if he should really be putting so much effort in it. He observed their outfits. The both of them were dressed well. Jihoon in blue jeans, white t-shirt and a plain button up shirt which was buttoned up except the top two buttons. Hyunsuk also in a similar outfit except he had a plaid shirt and he left it unbuttoned.

Jihoon finally took out a light faded blue jeans and a white t-shirt. " How about matching something with this ? " He asked and Hyunsuk nodded. Hyunsuk looked around and took out a pastel green cardigan. They put them together and nodded. They liked it. Junkyu had no objections so he also nodded and wore them.

They also helped style his hair next. Junkyu looked at himself and was impressed. Hyunsuk also looked pretty happy with his work. They were done with everything. Junkyu finished the outfit with white shoes. He picked up all his things. He already washed Haruto's shirt. He put it in a small bag and took it along with him.

The two asked what it was but Junkyu said it was nothing and they just let it be. They left the house and went to the parking lot. Jihoon unlocked the car. The couple owned a car so they were going to go in it. They got in the car; Jihoon in the driver seat, Hyunsuk in the passenger seat and Junkyu in the back. Jihoon drove out to get to their destination.

Haruto woke up to his alarm. He groaned looking at it. He turned it off and didn't waste any time. He went to the bathroom. He walked out after brushing his teeth. He went to the kitchen and greeted his grandparents who were already at the table. They all had breakfast together and went to their own rooms. All of them got ready quickly.

Haruto also finished his shower. He looked around for something to wear. He took out a pair of grey straight slacks, black t-shirt and a grey coat. He dressed up in them and styled his hair too. He picked up a pair of glasses, his watch and put them both on.

He picked up the small bag which had Junkyu's washed shirt and then walked out. All the others were already there, waiting for him. He put on his black boots and they all left the house. Haruto drove the three ladies there and his dad was with his grandfathers.


Reality does hit hard sometimes. Hahaha.

In this book, the few outfits mentioned are kind of from their real life. I do remember seeing them in similar outfits so I used those from time to time.

MScPhysicscreators' thoughts
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