
Chapter 8 : Mission Escape.

Third person point of view

Haruto reached his home. He parked the car and looked around taking his things. His eyes fell on the small bag in the back. " Oh ". He picked it up and got out of the car. He locked it and walked inside. Junkyu also got to his apartment. He went up to his house and as soon as he entered he saw people sitting there.

" Kapchagiya ". He jumped back a step, shocked out of his wits. His parents along with Hyunsuk and Jihoon were waiting for him in the living room. They didn't even make a single sound. He walked in still a little startled. The four of them got up and sat him down on the couch and stood in front of him.

Junkyu looked at them cautiously. " Did you dress up like this and go ? " His mom asked not happy with his outfit. Junkyu frowned and looked down. He forgot about this. " No ". They all looked confused. " Then ? " Jihoon asked. " Long story and I have no energy to explain it all. But no. I didn't go looking like this ". They all looked at each other confused.

On the other side, Haruto looked up at his parents who also sat him down as soon as they saw him enter the house. He was being interrogated too. " Where is your shirt ? " His mom asked. " Something happened so I had to remove it ". " What happened ? " Haruto slouched. " Something ". She scoffed at the answer and put her hand on her hip.

" Fine. So- " Haruto got up making his mom stop mid sentence knowing very well what she wants to know. " I am tired. So I am going to sleep for a while. Please don't disturb me ". He walked into his room with the bag and closed his door. " Watanabe Haruto ! " His mom yelled but he didn't care about it. He put the bag away and picked up his phone.

Junkyu on the other side looked like a prey caught by a predator. " So ? " His mom asked. " Let me at least drink some water. Why are you in such a hurry ? " He said making sure he doesn't stutter and got up. He walked to the kitchen. He drank some water and then walked out to see them all watching him.

He slowly walked towards the middle of the room, away from them and then made a run for it. He ran into his room locking the door. The four of them were shook. " Yah ! Kim Junkyu ! " His mother yelled. " Let me rest for a while~ Why are you in such a hurry ? I am tired ". He said and walked into his room.

His mother was fuming on the other side. She scoffed at his words. " Fine. Let's see where you will escape to later ". Junkyu heard her but didn't say anything. They walked away from the door. Junkyu changed into comfortable clothes and sat on the bed. He knows that they are definitely going to stay for dinner.

His mom wouldn't leave until she gets what she wants. He sighed and turned to look at the shirt he put aside. He noticed that Haruto did have a bit of a bigger frame compared to his and was taller too. He was also a good person. He acted like a gentleman. Junkyu took a deep breath in and let it out.

He heard his phone ringing and saw it was Haruto. He picked it up. " Hello ". " Your shirt... " Haruto said. " Uh yeah. Sorry. I forgot about it ". " It is nothing. I will give it for washing and we can meet again so that I can return it to you ". Junkyu felt a bit guilty about it. Haruto spoke again.

" Don't feel guilty about it or anything. Even I forgot about it completely. So it's okay ". " Yeah. I will wash your shirt too and return it when we meet ". " Alright ". There was silence for a few seconds. " Did you reach home ? " Haruto asked. " Yeah. You ? " " Me too. I will hang up then. Take some rest ". Junkyu smiled. " Yeah. You too ". Junkyu hung up and put his phone away.

Haruto changed into comfortable clothes and fell on the bed. He did feel a bit tired. He closed his eyes thinking he would just relax for a while but drifted off to sleep. Junkyu also on the other hand did the same. Sleep was his favorite thing and right now his escape too. Mrs. Kim went to call Mrs. Watanabe. " Hello ". Mrs. Kim said.

" I was just about to call you ". Mrs. Watanabe answered and both of them laughed. " Anything from that side ? " Mrs. Kim asked. " No. What about your side ? " " No from this side too ". Mrs. Kim said and the both of them felt a bit dejected. " It is fine. Let's catch them during dinner and get it done today no matter what ". Mrs. Watanabe encouraged.

" Yes ! Let's do it ! Fighting ! " " Fighting ! I will call you after I settle it ". " Okay ". Mrs. Kim hung up. She went to sit with the others. " I don't know what you two will do but he should not escape from us during dinner ". Mrs. Kim told Hyunsuk and Jihoon. The both of them saluted. " Yes ma'am ". She nodded.


The mothers are seriously up on a mission. Watch them get interrogated in the next chapter. Haha

I hope the back and forth between both of their houses isn't too confusing. This is a bit new for me too. But I didn't want to write them separately. So yeah. The original is a bit more mixed up. I actually changed the order of few things in this compared to that.

My BR confirmed it for me that it isn't confusing. Hope it isn't for you guys too.

Them saying fighting reminded me of BSS new song ' fighting '. It is so good. I liked all three songs. Each has its own vibe and they are all so good.

MScPhysicscreators' thoughts
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