
Chapter 10

Serene moved backward and lowered her head in respect.

Of course it would be like this' she thinks to herself.

'I would always be reminded of myself- what I am, no matter what I do to help' she tries to sniff back the tears that were threatening to fall as she mutters 'okay' to aurora submissively

"I didn't mean it in that way," Aurora tried to explain

"No it's okay, Miss Aurora. I just got carried a way for a minute. I thought we were now friends, if not something more." she sniffled. "But thank you," she looks up at Aurora. "But, at least allow me to get away, far away from you, from the chief and this town. Before you make this move."

Aurora sighs before moving away from Serene and back to the window. She stares at the trees from afar as they dance to the wind tone. She closes her eyes as she listens for the bird that came chirping along the way.

'How lovely' she mumbles to herself.

"I'd like my dinner now, please" Aurora spoke out

"What?" Serene query. That wasn't what she had expected Aurora to say. But she moved away from where she previously stood to carry out the orders.

His scent, she still felt it. The wind carried it graciously along the fleeting trees. It was going in a specific direction and Aurora wondered where it could be.

What could that wolf be up to' she mumbles

She stood up from the cushion and slowly climbed at the window, she made to jump down when questions she hadn't bothered to ask herself started flooding in.

'What if it's another wolf? What if it's not even a wolf?' she relaxes her already tense shoulders and sighs.

It must be a figment of her own imagination, why the hell would she follow a wolf scent into the woods?

She hadn't sensed anyone that greatly and she wondered why it would start now? Could it be a stunt to lure her out to the woods? What's happening??

She pulled back into her room and sighed.

There were so many questions she couldn't bring herself to answer. She smiled at the birds that flew past her window chirping happily.

She felt a tense Serene from behind her and she giggled.

"I'm not going away serene"

Serene lets out a sigh of relief, "'preciate the honesty' ' serene simply answers before dropping the tray with food on the table, and backs the door.

"I'm sorry I made you feel less important,"

"It's -"

Aurora moves across the room and grips serene by the waist pulling her closer. She pulls serene blonde hair to the side before she nibbles at her neck.

"You know how I am" Aurora mumbles in between kisses and serene moans in response.

She grabbed one of serene boobs and squeezed her nipples playfully.

"Now will you let me take care of what that jerk couldn't?" serene who had her hands holding onto the wall for support, while Aurora kissed and placed love bites on her neck, could only whisper a yes in response.

Aurora trails her lips from Serene's neck to her ears. She gives it a bite before whispering into her ears

"When I said, I'd like my dinner now… I was referring to you"

Serene hiccuped a moan and Aurora chuckles.

Serene, whose eyes were still closed from all the romance, waited patiently for her to feel Aurora's lips on her skin again but it didn't come.

She opened her eyes and saw Aurora staring blankly into space.

"What is it?"

"Do you hear that?" Aurora asked not blinking

"I'm not special I don't hear what you hear, Aurora"

Serene mumbles enough for her to hear. "What do you hear?" Serene asked after adjusting her garment.

"They are back…"

"Chief?" Serene questions in alarm

"Yes," she nodded but the look on her face told her it wasn't just that it was something more

"You have to get back on the wheelchair… can you tell if they came with the shaman?"

"No- but I can sense him. I think he's here"

Before serene could ask 'who it was' Aurora had rushed to the window to check.

"That's not the way to your wheelchair but okay…" serene grumbles before following from behind.

They both stared at the window and noticed the men coming in, all in a cheerful mood and sweat dripping all over.

The look on their face is like that of - men that had gone for tedious work and were given handsome rewards for it.

Aurora started to get why when she spotted a man chained by the neck and his hand and legs. He was dragged along the floor. The red burns on his hand, legs, and neck - gave off the pointer that they used Silver chains on him.

Aurora squinted her eyes on the window.

She smells him… She tries to look at the man who has bruises all over, if it was him.

The wolf she had met, that had refused to leave her mind.

A knock suddenly sounded on the door, startling Aurora and Serene.

The door opens and the person comes in but Aurora doesn't look. Instead she rested her head on the cushion, stiffly and changed her gaze to stare at an object in the room.

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