
Chapter 9: Tournament Championship

As the sun set on the final day of the Spell Duel Tournament, the Great Hall was filled with excitement and anticipation. The headmaster, Raven, stood at the center of the stage, looking out at the sea of students, professors, and guests. He raised his hands, signaling for silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day we have all been waiting for," Raven boomed, his voice echoing through the hall. "The final match of the Spell Duel Tournament. The two teams that have risen to the top, that have shown their skill, their power, and their determination. The two teams that will face off in a battle of magic and might. I give you...Dragon Hall and Phoenix Hall!"

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers as the two teams took their places on the stage. On one side, the dragon hall team, led by Arin, stood tall and proud, their eyes fixed on the arena in front of them. On the other side, Phoenix Hall, led by Sam, was equally determined, their eyes blazing with fire.

"Dragon Hall, the masters of Rune, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Force magic. And Phoenix Hall, the rulers of Wind, Fire, Lava, and Light magic. This is going to be a match for the ages," Raven declared. "The battle between two of the strongest halls this school has ever seen. The battle to determine who will be crowned the champions of the Spell Duel Tournament."

Raven raised his hand, and with a flick of his wrist, the arena was filled with a bright light. When the light faded, the arena was revealed, a massive ring surrounded by towering walls of stone, with a ceiling of shimmering magic.

"The rules are simple," Raven continued. "Six versus six, magic against magic. The last team standing, the team with the most members left standing, will be declared the champions of the tournament."

The students from both halls stepped forward, their eyes locked on one another, their hands crackling with magic. Arin, Rhys, Tristan, Brianna, Felix, and Aria on one side. Sam, Emma, Nathan, Ava, Jake, and Lily on the other.

The headmaster Raven raised his hand, signaling the start of the match.

Arin, the team captain of Dragon Hall, stood tall and focused, his magic at the ready. On the opposite side, Sam, the captain of Phoenix Hall, was equally determined, her eyes blazing with determination. The first spell was cast, a blast of wind from Sam, which Arin countered with a swift stone bullet. The sound of magic colliding echoed throughout the arena, sending shockwaves throughout the stadium.

Sam summoned a powerful gust of wind that swept across the arena, trying to catch Dragon hall off guard. But the Dragon hall team was quick to react, with Rhys unleashing a massive force blast that shattered the wind, leaving Sam momentarily stunned. Aria then stepped forward, summoning a wall of water that engulfed Phoenix hall's team, but Emma, the fire magic user, countered with a blazing inferno, evaporating the water in an instant.

The match continued at a breakneck pace, each team determined to come out on top. Aria summoned a barrage of water bolts, which were met with a wall of fire from Felix. Brianna used her air magic to create a tornado, which was countered by Emma's fire blast. Tristan summoned a massive boulder to crush the enemy, but it was deflected by Nathan's fire blast.

The two teams were evenly matched, their spells colliding in a shower of magic and light. The spectators were on their feet, cheering on their favorite hall, as the intensity of the match continued to build.

Back and forth, the two teams traded spell after spell, each one more intense and breathtaking than the last. Tristan summoned a landslide of rocks and earth to bury Phoenix hall's team, but Nathan countered with a scorching flame storm that burned the earth away. Felix and Jake, the fire magic users, clashed in a blaze of fury, their spells exploding in a dazzling display of light and heat.

As the match was heading towards the climax Arin noticed a rune glowing on Nathan's shoulder. So Arin closed the gap and knocked down Nathan with a wind blade to his legs.

Arin desperate to inscribe the rune somewhere used the wind blade in his hand to carve the rune into the top of his right hand. He felt the power of the rune activate once he finished recreating the rune. It felt like he hand was holding a mini sun in his hand.

But the climax of the match was undoubtedly the showdown between Arin and Sam. Both siblings were determined to win, and they held nothing back as they unleashed their full arsenal of spells. Sam summoned a tornado of wind that howled through the arena, but Arin countered with his newly discovered fire spell, "Flame Serpent". With a fierce roar, he summoned a barrage of fiery serpents that streaked towards Sam, breaking through her wind barrier and striking her with relentless force.

Sam was struck with such incredible force, engulfing her in a sea of flames. The arena was filled with a bright light, and when the smoke cleared, Sam was lying on the ground, defeated. The crowd erupted into cheers, as Arin emerged victorious.

Headmaster Raven stepped forward, congratulating both teams on an outstanding performance, but declaring Dragon Hall the champions of the spell dueling tournament. He praised Arin for his bravery, skill, and determination, and declared him the MVP of the tournament.

Arin walked over and picked his sister up to her feet giving her a hug and apologizing to her for hurting her.

Samantha just smiled and said " Looks like I have to train harder to kick your butt next time."

And with that, the tournament came to an end, the champions crowned, and the memories of a magical battle forever ingrained in the minds of all who witnessed it.

As the headmaster stepped up to the podium, the entire audience of students, teachers, and guests held their breath in anticipation. With a grand flourish, he announced, "And now, for the prize for the winners of the Spell Duel tournament."

The crowd gasped as a glittering trophy was lifted from behind the stage, its golden surface shining brightly in the light of the arena. The trophy was shaped like a dragon with its wings spread wide, symbolizing the power and strength of the winning team.

"I present to you, the grand prize for the champions of the Spell Duel tournament, the Dragon's Trophy," the headmaster declared with a proud smile.

As the headmaster presented the trophy to the team captain of Dragon Hall, Arin, the entire hall erupted in cheers and applause. The members of the team hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces, as they basked in the glory of their hard-fought victory.

As the celebration continued, banners with the emblem of Dragon Hall were strung up all around the school, reminding everyone of their achievement. The headmaster then announced that there would be a grand celebration in the Great Hall, where the students and teachers would come together to celebrate the victory of Dragon Hall.

The Great Hall was decorated with dragons made out of flowers and balloons, and tables were set up with all sorts of treats and sweets. Music filled the air as everyone cheered and clapped for the winning team. The celebration was grand and spectacular, a testament to the hard work and determination of the Dragon Hall team.

As the night drew to a close, the headmaster addressed the crowd once more, his voice ringing with pride. "I want to thank you all for coming together to celebrate the victory of Dragon Hall. You all have shown what it truly means to be a part of this magical community. And to the winning team, I say this: may you always remember this moment and the hard work and determination it took to get here."

With that, the celebration came to an end, and the students of Dragon Hall returned to their rooms, basking in the glory of their victory. The memory of this triumph would stay with them forever, a testament to their strength, bravery, and magical abilities.

As Arin entered his dorm room, his arms filled with the trophy won by Dragon Hall in the Spell Duel Tournament. He carefully placed it on the shelf. his eyes were immediately drawn to the large, cream-colored parchment envelope resting on his bed. The elegant calligraphy scrawled across the front of the envelope spelled out his name in bold, black letters. With a smile, Arin tore open the envelope, eagerly peeling back the folds to reveal a letter from his parents.

He sat down on his bed, taking in the sight of his parents' familiar handwriting. They had used a rich, red ink that made their words pop against the creamy paper. As Arin began to read, he could feel his heart swelling with pride and joy.

"Dear Arin,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. We are so proud of the young mage you have become. The stories of your feats and accomplishments at the Spell Duel Tournament have reached even our small village. You have truly outdone yourself and exceeded all of our expectations.

We want you to know that we are constantly thinking of you and your well-being. Please make sure to keep a watchful eye on your sister and your friends. They are such important people in your life, and we want to make sure they are always safe and happy.

We can't wait for you to come spend winter holiday with us in a few months. We have missed you dearly and can't wait to hear all about your adventures at the academy.

With love,

Mom and Dad"

Arin sat there for a moment, letting the words of his parents sink in. He couldn't believe how proud they were of him. He felt a sense of warmth spreading throughout his chest, knowing that his parents believed in him and supported him no matter what. With a smile, Arin carefully folded up the letter and placed it back into the envelope. He would treasure this letter forever and make sure to live up to his parents' high expectations.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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