

"Guys, tell me what it is," Shelly asked.

"If I am wrong, I think your power is related to time," Aizel replied.

"WHAT! You are joking, right?"

"Shelly get ready.

"Aizel, use a fireball at the level of Grade I towards Shelly," Vespara said.

"Wait wait.. I am not ready," Shelly suddenly started to back away.

"I will stop the attack in time; don't worry, Shelly," Vespara assures her.

"What you have to do is use your core energy and focus on the attack. Just like you are feeling sometimes fast and slow, try to make that attack slow. 

"Making it slow for even a sec, I think it is doable," Vespara explained.

"Aizel, please use your weakest fireball," Shelly said in a weak voice.

"Don't worry, Shelly, this is just a practice. Be confident, you can easily do it."

"Get ready,"

Shelly nodded.

Next chapter