
Proceed With Caution?

In little towns like Chester in Xelgar, Grade II mages were at the top of the food chain. They could have been elders or perhaps the heads of noble households.

But now a Grade II mage has died just like that, and the one who killed him was looting his corpse leisurely.

"This guy has a lot of stuff; let me take it all hihihih." Aizel kept his thoughts in mind while quickly storing everything in his storage ring.

"You, how dare you treat my elder like this; you will fucking die; I will kill you myself," Tintin shouted from the roof with a furious face.

Thomas rushed to Aizel's side, whispering slowly enough that only Aizel could hear it.

"How much lightning energy do you still have?"

"About 30%," Aizel replied.

"I am down to only 10%; we still have to face three more mages along with that stupid," Thomas responded. He was pretty tired from all the fighting. But there were still some enemies left before they could truly be safe.

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