
Dangers of everyday life.

Every time the wagon advanced further, the sound of the horse's hooves echoed along the paths, which stretched across the meadow. The depth of the silence between Jacob and the bard was framed by the soft sound of the winds blowing through the vegetation and the slow change of colors around.

Sometimes, Jacob was amazed by the beauty of the scenery, while the awareness of having someone by his side also gave him a feeling of comfort. He accepted this moment of distraction, taking the time to reflect and rest.

The dusk has arrived and brought with it a clear sky, filled with stars, inviting them to stop and camp in the vast green field.

Jacob and the bard got off the wagon and prepared to camp; like a good bard he sang a song while setting up a bonfire and shooing away the bees.

While the bard was busy, Jacob was striving to figure out exactly how long it would take to get to the village. He studied the map in his hands attentively and carefully, comparing the directions noted with the markings on the paper. His agile mind quickly connected the dots into a route plan, and he began calculating the distance at the same time. After a few minutes, he concluded with satisfaction that he would arrive at the village earlier than he had imagined.

"Okay, that's good. But the question is... What do I do with this bard?" Jacob thought as he looked at the bard who seemed to be struggling against the fire.

The bard cut his finger as he tried to light the fire and groaned in pain. Hearing this, Jacob sighed tiredly and said, "Would you sing stories about an ordinary man who dreams of ruling this world?"

The bard stopped trying to light the fire and answered confusedly: "Yes, but I can't make up stories. You know that, right?"

"I never said these stories would be made up, I'm just asking if you would sing stories about this man."

"Hm, if I saw your abilities and potential, I might be able to imagine him ruling the world. Then, maybe I could sing a story about him, so he would become famous." Said the bard and then he said again: "But, unfortunately, here we are, in the real world. And, it seems, I find it hard to exist someone like that, except for the heroes, of course."

Jacob pondered whether or not he should reveal his identity to him. But soon after he dismissed the idea, after all, he would need Freki to prove his identity. But since Freki was not with Jacob, he chose to keep his true identity a secret.

Jacob contemplated using the bard to spread biased news that favored him in the fight against Raphael. He believed that the stories spread about him would give him a considerable advantage in the fight, allowing him to achieve victory.

Jacob hadn't yet tested his new skill "Master of Arms". He was excited to test his knowledge in this new skill on the battlefield, so that in the fight against Raphael, he would have some advantage. Jacob hoped that his latest skill would help him emerge victorious from the battle.

Sighing to extinguish those thoughts, Jacob turned to the bard and said with an empathetic voice: "It is possible to light a fire, just use a bit of wood, straw or cotton, in addition to matches or other type of lighter. For that, just plunder the air, but it is also possible to blow to stimulate the still living embers and thus generate the flames."

The bard who was struggling to light the bonfire, heard all of Jacob's advice and thanked him saying: "Thank you very much! Now I understand what I was doing wrong." Immediately afterwards, the bard took out of his pocket a small bottle that seemed to contain an extremely flammable liquid.

Jacob was confused and pondered if the bard was joking, and that it really wasn't his plan to put that liquid on the pile of kindling.

Suddenly, the bard took off the lid of the flask and that simple gesture made Jacob's eyes widen in surprise. He quickly ran towards the bard to stop him from doing that foolishness, but it was too late...

The bard poured the entire flask onto the pile of kindling, and when the liquid spilled out of the flask it began to catch fire and exploded.

That liquid was none other than magical gasoline. That explosion was nothing less than chemistry in action.

The atoms of mana in the air, mixed with the atoms of the flammable liquid, are the explanation behind the explosion that followed. It's basic chemistry: the mixed atoms result in an exothermic reaction that releases heat and creates fire. Such a chemical reaction often results in great destruction, so care must be taken when handling flammable materials.

Jacob stared coldly as the explosion destroyed everything around him. As the smoke cleared, he realized that the bard next to him had been killed due to the devastating brutality of the eruption. But there was nothing Jacob could do to change the bard's fate, so he just stood there, paralyzed, staring coldly as the smell of burnt flesh permeated the air...

After a few seconds, Jacob cursed the bard's foolishness. His lack of knowledge caused a huge explosion, which unfortunately killed him. Funny how people fail to follow basic safety rules to avoid this kind of disaster, isn't it? Too bad his last act was to prove he was right all along — that bard is indeed a dangerous profession.

After the explosion, the horse didn't seem to care and kept on eating its grass. It seemed like the bard had nothing to do with it, for even after he had died, he was still feeding himself! Maybe he thought the 'big bang' was part of his show... Who knows?

Jacob sighed and walked toward the bard's flaming body. Still with blurry vision, he noticed a shiny object around the boy's neck and, getting closer, identified a luxurious locket. It was adorned with a green stone pendant and golden arabesques that radiated light in all directions. This aroused Jacob's curiosity, who decided to investigate. Fearless of getting burned, Jacob stretched out his hand to the flaming body and grabbed the necklace.

After that, Jacob took a closer look at the reliquary and noticed that the green stone pendant had a peculiar shape and design. When trying to remove it, Jacob felt a strong vibration and a curious energy. Suspicious, he decided to investigate further and discovered that the necklace was magical! It was full of charms and powerful spells, which promised to help anyone who used it, but unfortunately, Jacob had no mana, so those charms and spells were useless to him.

"What luck... But this must help Grace." Deciding who would be the new owner of the necklace, Jacob put it in his pocket and started walking towards the Wagon. Jacob wanted to leave soon, because he had lost the will to camp, and mainly he knew that staying there was foolish, after all, the explosion probably attracted monsters to that place, so it wasn't wise to stay there.

Jacob hopped into the wagon, turned to the horse and said enthusiastically: "Let's go! Come on!!!". The animal, clearly confused by Jacob's tone of voice, stepped back and looked at him curiously. Jacob laughed and said: "Come on, buddy, we're running late!". The horse, now knowing this wasn't a joke, snorted and began to walk, taking Jacob and the wagon in the right direction.


Author's Note:

This is a dangerous world, right? You never know when someone is going to die...

I'm going too fast with the updates. Because I want to get into the new arc soon. If you think something is missing, leave a comment (:

The reason Jacob is acting more "happy" than usual is due to some things I believe. But it's based on facts!!!

Philosophers have always sparked many debates over the years, and one of them is whether travel heals the soul and mind. Some believe that traveling to new places brings unique discoveries and opportunities to think about the values of life. On the other hand, many consider that true healing does not come from a momentary adventure, but from reconnecting with one's roots and the ties that existed before setting off on a journey.

It is fair to say that many experts now recognize that breaking away from routine and exploring new places can be beneficial for mental and spiritual wellbeing. Finding peace and tranquility in other locations or immersing oneself in the culture of a local area can bring feelings of deep relaxation, joy, or focus. Ultimately, this is one of the best ways to temporarily disconnect from our day-to-day and see the world from a different perspective.

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