
Escaping the kingdom (2)

Jacob exhaled the air in his lungs and used all the strength in his right leg that was in good condition and put it on a nearby table and kicked to gain propulsion.

After kicking the table, Jacob went backwards and used his leg again to kick the wall behind him and gain more propulsion.

Going forward now, Jacob kicked the table one last time with all his strength and went backwards with everything. The thrust was so great that it caused the chain holding him to the ceiling to shorten, and quickly using that gap, Jacob used all his remaining strength in his two broken arms to get up his body and bite through the ropes that tied his hands.

After getting his mouth caught in the ropes, he calmly remembered how he was tied up and after remembering, thought of a crazy way out of the situation and quickly put it into practice.

Using all the strength in his jaw, he began to gnaw off the small end of the rope knot.

After a few minutes, he finally managed to cut this small part and then went on to another part, this was repeated for 1 hour until finally he had managed to break the knot.

Wasting no time, he bit the rope at a specific part and pulled with all his strength.

Quickly the knot that tied the chain to the rope was undone and Jacob collapsed to the ground.

Although he was in pain, Jacob ignored the pain and used all his strength in his right leg to stand up.

Even though he was blind, Jacob felt a strange sensation in his body, it was a sensation that told him where the door was, tables, weapons, etc...

Deciding to trust his instincts, he quickly started to jump to where the door was and after finding it, he bent down and bit the knob and turned it.

Luckily for him, Erick hadn't locked the door, so after opening the door, Jacob felt another weird sensation, he felt that there was a hallway outside and there were 2 people at each exit of the hallway.

Taking a deep breath, he jumped back inside and sat down on a chair and reflected:

'I need to fix my arms and legs...'

Calmly he got up and went to where the torture weapons were and after getting there, again the strange feeling came and his mind started to project the torture weapons on the table.

Although he was blind, Jacob could see the weapons perfectly thanks to the projection in his mind.

Calmly he bent down and bit a small knife that was on the table and jumped back with one leg to the chair and sat down.

After sitting down, Jacob took a deep breath and stood up and jumped to where the door was and walked out while thinking:

'I need to go to the Saint of the church, she would be able to heal my injuries, but first I need to get past these guys.'

After leaving, Jacob was prepared to fight at any moment, but strangely, he felt that none of the people were moving or looking at him, it was as if no one could sense his presence.

Again the strange feeling came over his body and he began to project the corridor in his mind.

After analyzing the corridor, he noticed that there was an underground passage nearby and calmly started to jump quietly towards the passage.

When he got close to the passage he smelled something bad coming from inside, but knowing that it was his only alternative, he bent down and used the knife to open the bars of the passage and calmly pulled without making a sound, then put it aside and threw himself headlong inside.

As he fell, his brain began to project the entire structure of where he was in his mind and after analyzing it, he quickly held his breath and fell face first into the water.

After a while, Jacob put his face out of the water with no air as he thought:

'Damn, this fucking stinks, if I don't die from lack of blood, I'll probably die of some disease from here.'

He spat out the water that had entered his mouth and quickly began to swim with his one leg to the exit of the place....




2 hours later ...

Erick walked down the hallway of the torture room as he thought:

'Why did my father ask me to kill the spy? Doesn't he realize that the spy has important information that could help humanity in the war?'

He walked past 2 guards and noticed the door to the torture room open and noticed further away the bars leading to the sewer loose and felt an ominous premonition and quickly started running there and upon entering he realized that jacob was gone.

Erick's eyes widened in shock and he shouted:

"Where is the spy?!"

Quickly the guards ran to the torture room and were shocked to realize that the spy was gone and before they could say anything, Erick said angrily:

"Tell them to lock down the kingdom and send all the soldiers to patrol the streets, alleys, houses in every part of the kingdom! And tell General Astrid that the spy has escaped, Now!"

"Yes sir!"

Quickly the guards started running to warn the others about the news.

Erick quickly went to the passage that led to the sewer and jumped out to try to look for jacob and fix his own mess.




At the same time, a manhole cover on a street was getting banged up and suddenly, the cover lifted and was put to the side and jacob came out all dirty and started running looking for the kingdom's holy church.

Trying to avoid main streets and guards, jacob would take the long way around trying not to attract attention.

After a while, he finally makes it to the kingdom's holy church and felt a powerful presence inside the church and thought:

'The Saint is here...'

As it was night time, there were no people in the church street, so quickly Erick jumped towards the church and opened the door with his mouth and entered.

As he entered, he felt the presence of 5 people kneeling and quickly crouched down and again his brain started projecting the structure of the church in his mind, so calmly he started to jump quietly to where the Saint was.

"Hm... are you guys smelling this smell?"

A priest stopped praying and asked the others, but received a stern reply:

"Don't stop praying no matter what is going on idiot!"

Quickly the priest went back to praying and ignored that odor.

Jacob, who was next to them, sighed with relief and started to climb the stairs that would take him to the third floor.




The Saint, who was a woman, was taking a shower in the bathroom of her room as she reflected:

'Raphael... the only man the mighty Astrid lives and sleeps with.... I need to pay attention to this hero, something must have piqued Astrid's interest in him.'

Suddenly she heard the door to her room opening and thought confused:

'Who is the madman who has entered my room?'

(In this church, there are no locks on any door, all because they are servants of God and have nothing to hide).

Calmly the saint used her divine powers to detect presence inside her room, but to her surprise, she did not detect any presence other than herself.

After realizing that there was no one inside the room, she noticed that something was wrong and quickly conjured a shield around her body and stepped naked out of the shower while reflecting:

'There is someone in here, even though I can't feel their presence, something tells me there is someone in here.'

She calmly opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom and looked around her room and to her surprise, there really was someone.

The woman looked at a completely dirty man on the verge of death lying on his bed and said:

"Although I think you are a corpse, I know you are alive so tell me why you came in here."

Jacob took a deep breath and replied:

"I thought it was already obvious...I want you to cure me."

"If it's healing you want, then a priest can help you, now get out of here."

"Hm... angelica is your name, right? Although I can't see you, I can bet that you are wet and naked in front of me, your hair is blond and your eyes are blue right? And your appearance is somewhat angelic or something."

"Come out now or I will force you myself."

Jacob used all his strength to get up and said to her:

"If you heal me, I can give you information that will save your precious heroes."

"Who are you?"

"I am no one in this world, but you can call me Jacob or a spy, it doesn't matter to me."

Quickly angelica got into a defense posture and jacob laughed and told her:

"Calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you in this state of mine, and I know you have no offensive powers.... So let's negotiate?"

Although angelica didn't trust jacob, she knew she was weak in combat so deciding to buy time until other people arrived, she asked:

"What information?"

"Information about a spy infiltrated within the kingdom."

Angelica widened her eyes in shock and said:

"Spy? Impossible for there to be one besides you."

"For your information, I am not a spy, I am just an ordinary guy who was dragged into this mess and it is true about there being a spy infiltrated among the nobles, his name is Rubens corval."

Again angelica was shocked even more and asked:

"The head of the Corval family? You can only be crazy, he is one of the most trusted nobles in the kingdom, it is impossible for him to be a spy."

"Didn't you find it strange that he is so strong? Remember in the past, Rubens was treated as a trash and weak by his family until suddenly, he gained immense power and started to command the Corval family... Don't you really find this suspicious? Or the fact that he made a pact with some demon after power and in return he would have to become an informant to the demon realm?"

"Fine, but how are you sure he's a spy?"

"I just know... But know that if you don't listen to me, more than five heroes will die in the dungeon you are planning to send them."

"What? How do you know that?"

Jacob sighed wearily and replied:

"I just know, but know that I am telling the truth, so heal me soon."

"What makes you sure I will do that? As far as I know, we haven't made any agreements."

"Do you have to heal me even if you don't want to, or do you want to sin again?"

Suddenly Angelica's heart gave a strong beat and she thought shocked:

'He doesn't know about that, right?'

"To your misfortune and mine, I know that you frequently had sex with King Harald before the heroes were summoned, so to prevent your secret from being leaked, heal me soon."

Angelica was shocked to hear her secret being exposed and quickly conjured a sound barrier around the room and said:

"How do you know that?!"

"I just know, now can you heal me?"

Angelica began to think about whether or not she should heal Jacob and after a long time, she decided that she would heal him with one condition:

"I will heal him, but I need you to swear an oath to the goddess so that my secret will not be leaked from here."

"It wouldn't help, even if I wanted to, I can't make oaths, pacts or contracts and before you ask why, know that this is confidential, so heal me soon."

"How can I be sure you won't tell anyone?"

Jacob lost his patience because of the pain and replied angrily:

"I have the face of one who tells other people's secrets?!"

"Sigh, I will trust you.... Please don't tell anyone."

Angelica began to approach Jacob and sat down next to him and began to heal him with her divine magic...

thanks for reading

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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