
Chapter 1: So my journey begins....

I sighed as i saw people around me. I saw many of the species that destroyed our naivety.. Well... Unlucky for them. I'm plotting their death. I smiled with glee as the thought of revenge. The glassing of worlds, the destruction of cities, the enslavement of my people, and the the desecration of graves of historical battles. In my glee I thought of holding a gun with depleted uranium bullets. there was so many of them... I wanna kill them! Suddenly a gun appeared. It looked like a Glock with a chamber fit for a .357 magnum bullets with a depleted uranium tip and conveniently it had bullets and a 17 round clip. Kill the Zeno's! Desecrate their bodies as they desecrated our dead! Kill them! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill them as they enslaved our fellow people, and killed those who didn't submit! Kill them with unrestrained violence... From our outer colonies to our homeworld... They have no mercy so.. we don't have such a luxury to treat them as people.....

I smiled...

I opened fire at the Zeno's. Loud gunshots where heard before one bullet pierced through 8 zeno's Revenge! Revenge! REVENGE FOR TERRA SOL! FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! "FOR TERRA!!!" I screamed as people tried to run away from me. I continued firing. I don't care about the Zeno's since they took my species as slaves. "FOR ENRAGED MARS! FOR MURDERED TERRA SOL! FOR WEEPING MECURY!" I shouted as I continued to mow down the filthy Zeno's. I continued firing more shots 12 more times until I had no more bullets left. Suddenly I thought of a gun I remembered... The SIG MCX M167 Breakout. The good ol warcrime gun... Hehehehehe... The gun that could fire a uranium tipped bullets without exploding from the overpressure of the small nuclear explosion caused by the primer going off... Hehehehehe!! The stuff can destroy a building with one shot due to the directed shockwave of the thermonuclear explosion caused by the fissile uranium. Mwuahhhaahhahahah!!! Suddenly the good ol warcrime boom stick appeared. "Remember terra SOL.... This is but a warning.." I searched around for a camera and shouted once again. "FOR THE GLORY OF MANKIND, AND THE DESTRUCTION OF THE XENO'S! FOR GOD AND MANKIND! REMEMBER TERRA SOL. REMEMBER THE SLAVERY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES! REMEMBER THE GLASSING OF COUNTLESS PLANETS! FELLOW HUMANS IF ANY OF YOU SEE THIS IN THE NEWS.. GREAT NEWS... I WILL BRING BACK OUR FREEDOM! FOR THE ORDER OF GOD!" I smiled at the camera. I activated the new human army issued nano suit. The good ol reliable exosuit that can survive anything except plasma that was used to protect mars but failed because the enemy had plasma weapons. I then fired off the gun with the armed uranium tipped bullet. The directed shockwave destroyed anything Infront of me within 100meters. The surroundings crumbled as I smiled under the helmet of the nano suit. I jumped off the platform I was standing in, and jumped to another building to escape the crumbling area. I am not remorseful for what I did. Especially from what they did to my people. They treated us like lowers, and slaughtered as in the thousands. We only wanted to be friends.. Yet this is how we are treated? I shall make my god's order manifest, and bring back humanity's rightful seat back to the unknowing galaxy. They will treat us as equals or we will let them die as chaos backstabs them and destroy their pitiful species. Mwuhahaha..... I then ran away from the site of destruction creating a sword made out of metal from the core of a dying white dwarf star just encase.

After a couple of minutes gone by a whole fleet of some sort of police started chasing me. I smiled. Fuck the police. Fuck Disney. I materialized uranium tipped 12.8x51mm. I loaded the bullet into the feeding mechanism. It can only have one bullet per magazine. It's like those muzzle loaders but it's a bolt action, and has a fire rate of 20 per minute. We didn't add another extra slot for the bullets like a mag because if you add more there is a chance that it might chain fire so yeah how terrifying would it be to be obliterated with a chainfire. There is a reason why the Geneva accords added this to the lists of war crime weapons. I then shot at them. Causing an EMP strong enough to fry most electronics except for this suit. It's been trained to survive a Davy Crockett warhead fired off a kilometer away. It can even survive the shockwave of a nuclear blast without injuring the one who is wearing the suit. Tonight they are dining in hell. Tonight humanity's spark will make a fire of hatred towards it's enslavers. And they are a little too late to stop it. The cops was obliterated along with the building behind them. I laughed at this. Look at how they can't even dispatch a human and got slaughtered like what they did to us. It's cruel irony. I snorted at the dead cops in some armor more crude than the old power armor designed by humans from the 2nd age of paranoia or what they called the 2nd cold war between two planets called mars and terra.

Meanwhile somewhere in the galactic republic's capital...

"I sense a disturbance in the force..." Said a green goblin looking alien. "What is it master Yoda?" Asked an African American looking human. "I sense thousands of souls dying of agony. I sense the dark side." The African American human looked at him with wide eyes and shock. "It's a sith isn't it?" Asked the African American human. He nodded. Suddenly a man with blondish hair appeared with a teenager. "Did you feel that?" asked the blondish human. "Yes. I'm afraid so." The African American then looked at them and said it bluntly. "Hunt this unknown threat down. It may cause the destruction of the republic." The two nodded and left. Suddenly a newflash appeared in the communication channels. "Warning alert all available republic personell be careful of a human holding a slug thrower. The slugs seeming able to pierce through normal armor, and can explode an entire building in one shot. Becareful if you see a weird looking human with a sword, and a slug thrower." The two fellow masters looked at it and watched in awe as a video of a shot from the bulky slug thrower killing thousands, and destroying an entire building causing the collapse of an floating park.

Meanwhile back at gespen...

Final solution by sabaton.

"Country in depression!

Nation in despair!

One man seeking reasons everywhere!

Growing hate and anger.

The Führer's orders were precise!

Who was to be blamed and pay the price!" I sang while running away from the cops.

"Wicked propaganda

Turning neighbors into foes!

Soldiers of the third Reich searching homes!

And then the former friends are watching.

As they are rounded up one by one.

Times of prosecutions has begun." Suddenly I got shot by a bolt of plasma. Thankfully it's just a fleshwound. I filled it up with carbon nano foam I made to seal up the wound. I created another bullets and shot back. A large directed thermonuclear explosion hitting the incoming cops that tried to catch me, and destroyed the nearby infrastructure.

"Ever since it started.

On Kristallnacht '38!

When liberty died!

And truth was denied!

Sent away on train on a one way trip to hell.

Enter the gates, Auschwitz awaits." Suddenly I saw a road block was blocked by the cops. I smiled and started charging In like some sort of soldier from the first world war. Not afraid of dying in the field. I'm not afraid. I have nothing to lose anymore. More bolts of plasma hit me but I created more carbon fired nano foam to seal up the wounds. I manipulated the nearby matter to enter my bloodstream as anesthetics to dull the pain.

"When freedom burns!

The final solution!

Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust.

When millions burn.

The curtain has fallen.

Lost to the world as they perish in flames." I charged decapitated two of them while I cut off their limbs. I let them bleed and let them watch as I slaughter their comrades. I opened up the helmet and saw human faces. I was disgusted. Collaborators. Traitors! Hell will be coming... I then stabbed them in their eyes. Human filth... dirty collaborators. Traitors of the human race. Scum!

"There was a country in depression!

There was a nation in despair!

One man finding reasons everywhere!

Then there was raising hate and anger.

The Führer's orders still apply.

Who was to be blamed and sent to die!" I continued singing as I ran away from the cops. Suddenly I got hit by some hover car. I then start to get off and jumped off the car running away just encase It was cops.

"Ever since it started.

On Kristallnacht '38.

When liberty died.

And truth was denied!

Sent away on train on a one way trip to hell!

Enter the gates, Auschwitz awaits." I smiled suddenly two humans with some sort of plasma sword appeared. "Dirty collaborators!" I sneered at the two humans I was looking at.

I then created another bullet and loaded the gun and shot them. Suddenly the gun crumbled. I was mad..... Fine have it your way!

I created a fusion hand grenade using the matter manipulation ability, and tossed it to the traitors. They caught it and held it and tossed it away from a populated area. Fine.....

I lunged at them attacking with a decapitation strike. They blocked it, and Now I was really angry.

Then I kicked one of the men who was blocking my way in the balls and he collapsed. Oof Those crown jewels are not going to produce children. The other man tried to help and found a hole in their focus. I ran. I ran as fast as I can.

2x "When freedom burns!

The final solution!

Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust.

When millions burn.

The curtain has fallen.

Lost to the world as they perish in flames.

When freedom burns.

The final solution.

Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust.

When millions burn.

The curtain has fallen.

Lost to the world as they perish in flames." I sang while creating the warcrime stick once again. I the. created bullets and saw that the cops were nearing me. I loaded it and shot it at them. I then created another bullet, and destroyed the road escape into the sewer tunnels of this unknown city.

To be continued in the next chapter..

Fuck Disney. Fuck the Geneva suggestions. Fuck rules of war. Call me a Warcriminal.

biohazarcreators' thoughts
Next chapter