
Oceanic Faith (3)

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Clad in a deep blue priest robe, a kind priest listened to the confessions of his followers.

"Great Priest, I felt the blessing of the gods when I went out to sea! The winds and waves calmed down, and the sky ceased its downpour. I caught nearly three times as many fish as usual!"

"As long as you believe from the heart, the gods will always embrace you, and your catch will only increase."

"Great Priest! I haven't encountered any bad weather during my recent voyages. Is it because the gods are protecting me?"

"Of course, as a devout believer, the gods have watched over you and ensured your safety throughout."

One by one, the believers eagerly recounted their safe voyages and bountiful harvests since joining the faith, while the priest patiently answered their questions. Watching this scene unfold, other onlookers' eyes gleamed with renewed faith.

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