

Olive's POV

As I lay down on the bed, I listened for any noise. Sr Patronelle thankfully didn't come into my room instead she just closed my door. From what I can hear she went to the boy's room. I couldn't hear anything for a while but then I heard Sr Patronelle screaming and her tumbling down the stairs. What happened?! I got down from the bed just on time to hear Markus and Oliver scream for Elise; that can only mean it was a ghost. I got off the bed quickly and accidentally slipped on the sheets that were not on the floor thanks to impatiently getting off the bed. My knee hurt but I ignored it and somewhat limped to the door.

Jen! She was already glaring at me and I stared back in shock. I would have stepped out the room but Markus and Oliver threw themselves at me and pushed me back into the room. I fell while to the floor with Markus while Oliver went back outside and closed the door. My knee hurt even more now that I was on the floor.

"Did I hurt you?" Markus asked looking worried and afraid.

"No. I fell while getting of the bed and the fact that the floor is made of some hard wood didn't help." I answered frowning as I looked at my knee in the dark.

I can't see anything but it's definitely red and swollen. Markus knelt in front of me and pulled my leg with so much force whatever had been misplaced came back into place. I silently shed a tear and he must have seen it because he wiped it away.

"Better right?" he asked trying to smile and man did he look creepy!

"Yes. Ollie is still outside." I said getting up.

"I'll check. Stay behind me." Markus said protectively.

He opened the door and I saw Elise move Oliver away from her. I don't need to have seen more to know that they were romancing while fighting off a ghost. I brushed it aside and let it be. If they were together in their past lives then it's not something I can stop from happening again. Elise asked if we were all fine and she tiredly complained about having to salt the boys' room as well. I kept my eyes on Oliver and I could tell his eyes were on Elise even though he wasn't directly looking at her.

"Shouldn't we check on the Sr Patronelle?" Oliver asked looking at the stairs,"She was blown away pretty hard."

Elise asked us to stay behind then she went to check on the old woman. She took a while to come back but when she did the exhaustion was very evident on her face. Did she drag the woman to the convent? Elise didn't say anything to us and got straight to salting business. When she was done, she locked her room, with keys, then she came to sleep with me. The other's probably didn't notice because of how fast she did it. I wasn't that scared because my room was already salted. Was she scared? Or maybe uncomfortable?

"Good night Vee." Oliver said to me and I smiled then he slowly turned to look at Elise and said in a slightly lower tone,"Night Shorty."

Elise blushed, Oliver saw it and smiled before leaving. We went to my room and lay on the bed in silence.

"Where's your blanket?" Elise asked.

"How did you miss it while climbing up here? It's on the floor." I answered in bewilderment.

"Oh. I must have been lost in thought." Elise said awkwardly as she bent down to pick up the blanket.

She covered us both and then we were quiet again. I fell asleep quickly and when I woke up Elise had undressed me.

"Why do you do that?" I asked feeling uncomfortable even though she'd been doing this since I got here.

"I'm sorry. It's a....habit?" she apologized in confusion.

She shook her head and then threw me my towel. I covered up and we left the room together. For some reason Elise left me behind after her bath and when I went to get dressed she was heading out saying she needed to check on Sr Patronelle; or, as I prefer to call it, granny sitting. I took a while longer to get dressed because I wanted to look pretty for Markus. I had some scissors with me so I attempted to trim my hair but I decided not to. Maybe I can ask Elise for help after school. I left my room and as I shut my door, my stomach rumbled loudly. I ignored it and left the dorm. I looked around to see if Oliver was anywhere in sight and I spotted him with Markus and Elise heading to the convent. I thought they would leave me but they called me over and I quickly run to them. That is when I realized I didn't carry my bag pack, not that anyone of them was carrying a bag anyways.

Oliver spotted me and called me over. I was happy I'd be tagging along with them. I held Ollie's hand out of habit, the same way I used to whenever we walked alone together.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to see the old nun." Oliver answered with a grin.

I don't need to be a genius to know who he's referring to. I nodded and looked ahead then I saw a familiar person walking by; the old punisher who had fought with Elise in my vision. I cant believe it! She's a nun now. Whatever is happening right now goes beyond reincarnation for sure. Is it possible that everyone was reborn in the same place with the same face?! I subconsciously squeezed Oliver's hand, something I usually did when I was afraid or wanted to tell him about something important but was scared.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Ah.... nothing. Nothing's wrong." I answered finally getting my eyes off of the lady.

Elise Davison, Oliver Myre, Garcia Drevin, Jennifer Heathers and now the punisher whose name I didn't know. We entered the convent so I shifted my attention to the new surroundings. I almost thought I was seeing things from the past again because of how the place had been maintained in it's midieval look. There were nuns walking about here and there and I managed to spot the girl who had been with my mother when they had been attacked. Elise was just walking like she owned the place as no one inquired about our presence there.

Elise led us down some stairs and for a moment I thought we were heading to a basement of sorts. How odd, an injured nun been kept in a place she would need to climb stairs to leave. But she isn't even a normal nun so maybe she wasn't hurt badly or Elise gave her something to heal her quickly. For all I know they could all be witches.

"Why wasn't she given a room on the ground floor?" Markus asked looking puzzles.

"She's praying. Her room is over there." Elise replied and I nodded to myself.

The door ahead of us looked quite heavy and I worried what would happen to these people if a fire broke out like it did in Elise's story. She knocked on the door and Sr Patronelle asked us to come in. Elise pushed the door open and there was a low creaking sound that turned the atmosphere eerie like a scene in a horror movie where a dead granny is revealed. The room was dark and dimly lit by burning torches on the walls that made the air a little stuffy. Sr Patronelle was sitting on the floor with her head bowed in prayer. My eyes wondered to a door, strapped with chains and having several locks.

Sr Patronelle raised her head and turned around to see who had come in and her slightly bruised face lit up upon seeing us. I smiled at her weakly wondering how much pain she must have been when she fell. Someone's stomach growled and my smile fell. From the shy smiled on Oliver's face told me it was his stomach trying to communicate and I felt like my own stomach would betray me soon and it did, much sooner than I had expected. I looked at everyone with a smile.

Oliver and I weren't the only ones to be embarrassed because Markus followed. to b smiled at her and my stomach growled.

"Haven't you eaten children?" Sr Patronelle asked looking concerned.

"We don't get breakfast." I answered as pitifully as I could.

The chance of breakfast at last is very enticing and I won't miss the chance to make it possible. Sr Patronelle tried to get up on her own so Markus and Oliver went to help her up like gentlemen. She was put on a wheelchair and practically wheezed air in and out of her lungs.

"Why don't you get food? Breakfast is one meal that shouldn't be skipped if one desires maximum productivity." she said.

"Yes!" I shouted with Oliver and Markus.

"They should not be given food because they'll start feeling sleepy." Elise said right before her own stomach growled and she looked down in embarrassment.

"Well, well Shorty. It seems like your stomach is on our side." Oliver said jokingly and she glared at him dangerously.

It was all finalized when Sr Patronelle had all the classes cancelled for the day. I ate in ecstasy and probably embarrassed myself in front of Markus because I know I don't look pretty when I eat whilst extremely hungry.

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