

I looked around the room wondering if Jen would appear anytime soon but I waited for a long time and nothing happened. Still looking around I realized I was pressed so I got down from the bed and ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could. I made sure not to look around for fear that I might to spot something in the dark but still there was nothing. It's a little strange but it is at least normal. I slept peacefully that evening; no nightmares, no sudden chills, no voices with whispering into my ear. Nothing. It was just me; I was Olive Rogers again. With an exception of Sr Drevin of course.

When I woke up that morning Sr Drevin was long gone and in her stead Sky was there with me. He greeted me enthusiastically but in a tired voice and I responded in just the same tone.

"Are you still feeling sick?" he asked me frowning slightly.

"Yes I'm fine. What's wrong with you?" I asked him back.

"I just had a little headache last night, nothing to worry about." he answered confidently and I could only nod my head.

He checked my temperature and some other things that he insisted were necessary because he needed to hand in a report before I was allowed to leave. I have never had the interest in working in a hospital but I have always wanted to inject someone. Something about how they do it just intrigues me. I'm glad I didn't need any injections; I don't fancy being on the receiving end of the sharp object. When he was done with the check up he left to go hand it in and I remained alone. I'm still waiting for Jen to show up; at least one of her versions. So far I've seen three versions of Jen; the most famous dead looking one, the slightly healthy but angry and yet happy one and the latest adult Jen, Ms Heathers.

The thought just sent a shiver down my spine. I can't believe she.is teaching Ollie. My poor foolish brother! He doesn't believe in ghosts so even if I tell him what I know he won't believe me. I just hope she doesn't do anything out of the ordinary and I hope I don't freak out. A few minutes later Sky came back and he told me I was free to go back to my dorm. I was given a pass that I am supposed to give the teacher once I got to my classroom so that they would know that I had been in the clinic. I left the place immediately after putting on the same dress I had been wearing yesterday.

When I was almost at the dorm I met Elise along the way who had her backpack and a few books in her hands. As always she was wearing the uniform.

"Good morning." she greeted me in a stoic expression.

"Morning." I responded.

She had a blank expression on her face that did not give off whatever she was thinking about. This girl is impossible to read, except when she is around Ollie.

"What happened to you yesterday?" she asked suddenly.

She is making me wonder if she did not notice I was not in control of myself.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You did not report for punishment. Are you stacking up your wrong doings so that you can go to the sewing room?"

"Why would I do that?" I asked her remembering what I saw before running away and eventually collapsing.

Elise scoffed for some reason I do not know and then she walked past me.

"Don't forget to report at the end of the day." "Wait! Can I ask you something?" I stopped her she stopped walking and turned to look at me.

When I did not speak she raised her eyebrows as if telling me to go on

"That rule about sixteen offences within two weeks. If I report now does it still count.

"Of course it counts. So be a good girl Ms Rogers."

I nodded my head and she smiled briefly before continuing to walk away. I proceeded to enter the building and went to the bathroom making sure to check if Jen was standing in some corner or in the ceiling. Still nothing. I'd be lying if I said doesn't make me anxious; her absence I mean. I bathed quickly and then proceeded to go to my room. I opened the door widely enough so that I could see everything that was in the room; no ghost so I entered. I got dressed quickly and when coming out I opened the door wide so that I could see what was in the hallway and still no ghost. I smiled to myself and pulled on the straps of my bag so that it would sit properly on my shoulder.

I walked out of the building feeling refreshed, more than I have been since I received the news of coming to this school but the problem now is I have forgotten where my classroom is.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a man ask me.

I turned around, a little startled, and found an old man standing next to some flowers with a shovel where he rested his arms. I smile that him shyly and he frowned at me and it made me stop smiling immediately.

"I was coming from the clinic and I have not been to class yet so I don't know where my class is." I said in one breath.

The man looked at me like he was looking at an animal making me feel even more stupid.

"What class are you in." he asked me.

"8-Z." I answered quickly.

"Follow me." he said as he lifted himself from the support of the shovel.

I followed him as he led me to where my class was and I made sure to memorize all the classes or at least the ones I saw here. I have noticed that the senior classes are not here. The classrooms looked like some drawing rooms from a midieval palace and so did the decoration but it makes the place look fancy. We finally came to the door with 8-Z on top and the man walked away leaving me alone there. There was no way for me to peep inside so I had to knock. There was no answer so I knocked again and this continued for at least ten times before the door finally opened. A woman around Sr Drevin's age stood in her nun uniform or whatever they call it and she looked at me like she was looking at a cockroach that she was about to kill but was offering a prayer for it.

"Why are you late?" she asked me in a stern and reprimanding tone.

"I just came from the hospital ma'am..." then I corrected myself,"Sister."

"Coming from the clinic?" she asked and I nodded.

"Are you the sleepwalking and sickly girl?"

I don't know how she wants me to answer that but I'm going to nod. She stretched out her hand and I blinked at her not knowing what she wanted.

"Pass!" she demanded.

I showed her the pass and she looked at it as it lay in the palm of my hand. She narrowed her eyes as if she was checking it's authenticity and I just looked at her. She told me to wait, went inside the classroom and came back with some glasses that she put on. I nearly laughed at her wondering how she forgotten she needs glasses when she demanded I show her my pass when she could not see. The lettering on the pass was big and visible enough for anyone to read so I'm wondering how bad her eyesight is. She opened the door a little bit wider for me to enter and I moved in nervously. She closed the door as I stood in front of the class thinking that maybe I was supposed to introduce myself or something.

"What are you waiting? Go sit down." she said.

There were three empty seats, all at the back and I went to sit in the one that was nearest to the window. She continued her lesson and I noticed how no one paid attention to whatever she was saying as they were looking at me curiously. Then in that sea of eyes I spotted a pair of familiar ones; the ones that are like mine. Oliver is in the same classes me! Which means...Ms Heathers will be teaching us. At least this way I can keep an eye on her. Oliver waved at me with a silly smile and I discretely waved back. I took out my notebook and only then did I realize what subject she was teaching; Mathematics. I've never seen or heard of a nun teaching Math.

This lady is full of surprises, ain't she? She smiled to herself as she called someone forward to solve a question. My eyes wondered to look at everyone in class and I memorized the friendly faces.

Next chapter