

Elise frowned at me when I pointed out the fact that she was older than Oliver. I smiled at her and pulled the blanket up above my head and I heard her scoff as if she was in amused with my way of escaping.

"Get dressed quickly. Your brother and Dupree are waiting outside." Elise said and I heard her footsteps go toward the door before it opened and shut.

I uncovered myself and got off the bed as quietly as I could because it felt like she was at the door listening to my movements. It's going to be awkward talking to Oliver and Markus now. They hit me! I have to take revenge for my dear face. I put on a sunny yellow long dress that had splits on either side. I hope no one will notice that my skin is visible in this thing. If I had known I was going to a school that had such a dress cord then I would have certainly bought some appropriate clothing. With the dress I put on my sandy red sandals and then I turned to walk out of the room.

Jen's back and now she is standing in the doorway as if she doesn't want me to leave. I looked at the container of salt on the floor and I picked it up unfazed by the presence of Jen in the room. I took a handful of it in my right palm but before I could toss it at her she was already gone. Too bad....I really wanted to see what ghosts do when they get salt in their eyes. I opened the door and found Oliver and Markus spread out on the floor like mats. It's normal for Ollie to do this when he has wronged me but why is Markus doing it too. Unlike Oliver Markus has an image and status to protect but he chooses to embarrass himself for a eighth grader like me?

"Guys, this isn't necessary." I said hoping that they would get up from the floor but all I heard were their pleads for forgiveness.

"Markus why are you doing this too?" I asked feeling bad that the head boy was doing this.

"Can I tell you when we are outside?" he asked raising his head slightly to look up at me,"At least there are no bruises."

I nodded and looked at Oliver who was glaring at Markus like a murderer.

"So you don't care that I'm embarrassing myself too?" Oliver asked looking up at me.

"Of course I care. I was following heirachy." I said I'm my defence and he scoffed before getting up.

"Let's go outside." Oliver said extending his hand towards me and I took it,"You can use that rag over there." he pointed at Markus who was still on the floor.

"Get up Mar." I said and he looked up with a smile while Oliver's eyes widened.

"Mar?" they asked at the same time and I nodded.

Markus' charming smile came to grace his already graceful face and I felt my heart skip a beat. He got up and also extended his hand for me to take and I took it and let them both lead me out of the dorm premises. When we were outside I noticed how the students interacted freely and I could even see some couples. Is it because there are no teachers around?

"Let me show you our school's fabulous lake, Scythe." Markus said excitedly.

Odd name for a water body but then again all explorers named things weirdly. Markus led us to a corn field that was about a five hundred meters away from the main school buildings and might I say it was a very pleasant walk. I was quiet for the most part of it while Oliver and Markus quarrelled endlessly. I got all itchy as we made our way through the corn field as there was no clear path leading to the lake. When Markus said that the lake was called Scythe I wasn't expecting it to be shaped like one at all. Apart from my room I think this lake is a wonder.

I moved closer to the water surface to look at my reflection and man did I look horrifying! Not because I'm ugly but because my reflection showed me a bloody and wounded me.

"Some students claim that the water shows you how you'll look just before you die so I've never looked at myself." Markus said laughing in a way that made it obvious that he didn't believe it but was too afraid to prove the hypothesis wrong.

"Why didn't you warn me earlier?" I asked moving away from the water.

At least now I know I won't die because of drowning. I can't swim so I have always feared that I might die while trying to learn how to swim.

"Did you actually see something?" Oliver asked walking towards the water.

He looked at himself for a while before smiling at me and Markus.

"I will be very handsome when I die I guess. Nothing changed." he said stretching his hands out.

Markus went to stand next to Oliver and took a look at his own reflection.

"Blood and wounds?" Oliver asked no one in particular as he looked at Markus' reflection that I cannot see from where I'm standing.

"I think we should go." Markus breathed, barely a whisper.

He started moving away from the water and then he came to grab my hand before dragging me along with him. I didn't say anything to him because I'm sure he must be shaken by the thought of his death face. I stopped walking when he suddenly fell.

"Are you okay?"

"No....I can't die without having my own kids! No!"

He was facing down so I couldn't see his face but I heard him sobbing. I knelt down next to him and run my hand up and down his back but I instantly regretted it because it made his shirt move up.

"Relax Mar.... you're not dying."

"Look!" he exclaimed as he lifted his hand to show it to me.

He had some thorns and splinters sticking out his palm and I gasped as I looked at the blood there. Such a minor injury shouldn't cause such bleeding....and that look on his face is just pitiful.

"You're alright Mar.....Okay?"

"What if I die right now?" he asked panicking,"What happens to my would be wife and children?"

What in the world is he talking about? Wife? Children? So if he was actually dying this is what his concern would be? Not worrying about the people he is leaving behind and knows but about people he hasn't met!

"Wow! My mind is officially blown." I said sarcastically and I saw his eyes fall to the ground as if he had now realized what he had been saying.

I took his hand while shaking my head then I started pulling out the thorns. At the same time Oliver arrived and he laughed when he saw Markus with tears in his eyes. Markus hissed everytime I pulled one of the thorns out while Oliver laughed out his lungs as if he was enjoying seeing Markus in this state.

"Stop laughing Ollie!" I shouted at him as I pulled out the last little thorn.

"I can't....help it.... hahaha....." he continued laughing,"He looks like a little baby...."

"Well I think he looks cute and adorable." I said and the both fell silent.

I shut my eyes in embarrassment and took in deep breaths before getting up from the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Why are you bleeding so much?!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Because babies are fragile." Markus mumbled.

"No dude I'm serious right now! Thorns don't do that to people. I always got thorns and splinters as a kid and trust me, I had delicate skin but I never bled like this; sometimes I never bled at all." Oliver continued, pointing at Markus' hand.

Markus looked down at his hand but then smiled at us.

"Got ya!" he shouted as he pulled out a small plastic wrapping with red fluid in it from his trouser,"You should have seen the looks on your faces!"

What?! A prank! I feel like strangling him. But that smile of innocence on his face is making me want to hug him and kiss him....

"What is wrong with you?!" Oliver asked walking towards Markus.

Oliver doesn't like to be made a fool of so if I was Markus I would start running. Oliver punched Markus in the gut before I could do anything and the only reaction my body can register is covering my face and gasping.

"Stop it!" I screamed.

"Just a second Vee. Let me break his nose first."

"What is going on here?"

I uncovered my face at the familiar voice. I looked in the direction where Oliver and Markus were already looking and my mouth suddenly felt dry.

"J...Je...Jen?" I stammered.

She looked at me like she had no idea who I was and I instantly broke into a cold sweat.

"That is Ms Heathers for you girl." she said in a stern voice and I saw how Markus and Oliver straightened up,"Who are you?"

Yo! You haunted me for two days and you have the audacity to ask me who I am!

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