

"Really?! I can?!" Hun jumped on the floor before he ran to his bed and jump on it, "so I can go back to the temple and pray there at night again?! Did he allow it?!"

"Haha, yes he did. Since, in his opinion, you are a fellow in becoming an Archangel's wing" Hun halted and turned to stare at Uriel's wing who sat on the chair silently and kept her smile, "I said, 'in his opinion'"

"Oh" Hun stepped down from his bed and sat on it, he rubbed his neck and then glanced at the wing who remained the same, "haha, I really should stop thinking highly of myself, huh?" The pain was clear on his face but no matter what the wing thought about, she won't be able to subdue the sense of rejection from God to become a wing or fully cleansed.

"Tonight, I will go and pray until dawn, so I won't be around tomorrow. Give any reason that comes to your mind to the sisters, I will keep my door locked so-"

"Don't worry I got it. Leave it to me and keep praying until your voice reaches God above in the heavens"

"Do you think he will forgive me?" There it was, the judgment of his future and being heard, the wing knew it can't be helped since he was a demon but ever since he started praying, there was hope, it was there, "God hears our voices child, it's just... You need to prove it. Don't forget your origin, that's why you're in a tight spot, but I'm sure once you pass the test, God will give you all you want! & maybe a pure soul at that!"

"A pure soul?" Hun gasped.

Pure souls are the rarest of all, those who have them are the gifts of God, or as they're called, The Messengers, The Messengers are the strongest, even more than the Archangels' wings because The Messengers are appointed by God himself, and not by the Archangels as the wings.

The wings protect their Archangels and The Messengers, the Messengers protect everyone from the demons and dark souls that are spreading by each day. That's all Hun knew about them, so maybe having the chance to be one of the pure souls, The Messengers, seems like a dream far from reach yet still possible.

"Me? A Messenger?" Uriel's wing smiled warmly and stood from her seat, she sat beside him, hugged him, and patted his back, "yes my child, you have a chance, so don't give up, because I believe in you, and I know you can make it!"

The wing left him after they finished talking, Hun remained sitting on his bed for a while staring at the wooden floor, his mind was wandering everywhere but the place it was supposed to be, "me? A Messenger?" He mumbled.

He sat in his place until the sun started to set, the warm colors indicating the sun was leaving for the day made him stand from his place and walk to the window, he looked at the sky and saw the colors of warmth slowly fading with their source, red and orange were burning the sky before the darkness started to appear slowly and hide them away until tomorrow comes.

'Oh! And Hun? The day after tomorrow the temple will be closed to welcome the needy and give them the donations we're still receiving. Many people said they wanted to donate clothes and some food ingredients so we needed to delay it for one more day, So... I would like for you to join us!'

Those were the last Uriel's wing said before she left the room. Hun stared at the sky and thought about it before a smile reached his face, "yes, I would like to" he mumbled before he went back inside. He changed his form to a woman's and wore his night praying clothes, a white dress and coat, and a white veil, he wore white heels and white gloves.

"Sister Oriana is ready to meet the Archangel Uriel" Oriana said while staring at her reflection in the mirror, no matter how she stares, she still sees the crazy resemblance between her and her twin. It was sickening to always be compared with her but there was nothing to do but to listen, and now, there she (he) is, wearing her (his) sister's look to could live in this temple.

She walked outside her room, and toward the praying room she went, on her way everything was silent, it was scary that her legs started to wobble from fear. It has been a while but this time, things weren't normal, there was that sense of discomfort from something lurking behind her.

Her breathing got heavier with each step toward the huge room until she finally heard a noise. She jolted and ran toward the destination, not because she hoped it was someone she knows, not at all, she hoped it was not someone she knows so they wouldn't see how horrified she looks like right now and start asking questions.

When she reached the source of the noise, she halted and stared at the man in front of her. He was half bare, she only saw his back, but it was full of scars, the view was scary but for some reason, she wasn't at all, she wanted to walk to him and touch each scar and trace it, one after the other.

Her mind suddenly woke from its daze, warning her that wasn't the reason why she was here. She ran toward the wanted room and left the man to keep training.

The priest turned his head abruptly to the direction he heard a fading noise coming from, he saw a white veil flying under it hiding black as night hair, he gasped and watched them disappear.

Enchanted? Yes, that word would fit his current state well.

When he got back to his senses, he followed the traces of the veil's owner until he reached the praying room. He stopped in front of the closed huge doors and stared at the knob for a moment, 'inside... The dedicated sister Uriel's wing mentioned' he thought before he collected what lasted of his courage to open the door, he opened it a bit so he can enter without causing any noise and disturbing the sister's praying.

He walked slowly to the middle where the sister was sitting on her knees, her night-like hair was seen clearly under the white veil. The view of it in the middle of the white clothes the sister was wearing gave him some kind of feeling, it was indescribable, something like... Curious? Yes, he might be curious to know this beautiful hair owner.

'No, no! I'm getting tempted! This is forbidden! Forbidden, Asher!'

"Ah!" The priest turned to look back at the praying sister when he was met by her burning red eyes that slowly turned into glowing golden balls before becoming mesmerizing black jades. He stared at them in shock before he found himself being swallowed by them.

"I'm really sorry! Did you want to come and pray?" Oriana asked. A few seconds ago, before she turned to look at the man behind her, she sensed some kind of warmth while praying so she assumed it was because of praying but something within her told her to turn and when she did, she was met with that fine body she wanted to touch before. She didn't know how to react because she was scared he might get mad so "Ah!" Came out by accident, but when he looked down at her, she felt small in front of him but couldn't turn her eyes away from his, she feared something might happen if she does that.

"I'm sorry if I scared you Sister Oriana" when he saw her looking at him in horror he panicked for a second before he collected himself again, "Archangel Uriel's wing told me about you and how hard worker you are! So... I'm honored to meet someone who might become a wing" he definitely is misunderstanding something, but Oriana was too afraid to say a thing so she turned her head to the other side. Asher was surprised by her reaction and wanted to apologize if he had scared her with his sudden appearance until it struck him, 'oh no, I'm half naked!' He slapped his forehead and looked back at Oriana who kept facing the other side.

'I guess I scared her with my shameful scars'

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable Sister Oriana, I will take my leave and let you keep praying. I'm sorry to disturb your precious time" when he turned to leave something tucked into his dusty trousers, when he looked down he saw Sister Oriana holding into him with her red face and black jades staring at him, "umm! I'm sorry, but what is your name, if I may ask!"

He stared at her then back at her white-like hand that was holding his dirty trousers, he bent down on a knee and held her hand, he then pulled a handkerchief and wiped her hand, "my name is Asher" he peeked at her black eyes and saw them glowing like stars in the night sky.

"Nice to meet you-" Oriana smiled brightly, "- Your holiness, Asher!"

And it was at that moment, Asher knew his life will never be the same~

Ayyy now we know the priest's name!!

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kittykat_02creators' thoughts
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