
time running out and decisions

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y/n was relaxing on some rocks enjoying the air. He could tell it was getting colder. As he was taking it in he felt someone hit his shoulder. Looking up he saw Neteyam there. He sat down next to y/n looking at the sea as well.

They sat there for a bit without saying anything just enjoying the sounds of the water.

Y/n: you know I won that race two days ago.

Neteyam: as if you did I got there first and you know it.

They both started laughing at how they couldn't decide who won that race. After a couple of seconds, they started to calm down.

Neteyam: so Kiri told me you're leaving to head back to the mainland.

Y/n: yeah it shouldn't be that long only for about a week or so just deepens how the weather.

Neteyam: you sure you don't want me to go with you?

Y/n: no I will be fine trust me after all who was the one who saved your ass on our last adventure.

Neteyam: as if you saved my ass I saved yours.

y/n stared at Neteyam for a moment surprised by the sudden change in his voice.

Y/n: Neteyam…. Did you just actually cuss right now?

Neteyam looked away.

Neteyam: you know it because you're a bad influence right?

Y/n: yeah of course blame it on me. Well anyway, it was just surprising to hear that come out of your mouth.

Neteyam: like I said you're just a bad influence on me.

Y/n started laughing.

Y/n: haha yeah I guess I am but anyway no you should stay here after all who would look after Kiri, tuk, and loak? Also as I said to Kiri Jake would come after you. Since I'm not family to him he won't come after me.

Y/n heard Neteyam make a ticking sound as if he was pissed about not going with him.

Y/n: Can you keep quiet about this? I'm sure if Jake heard about this he would stop me then and make a big fuss about me putting you guys in danger.

Neteyam: "sighs" Yeah don't worry about it I'll keep my mouth shut about it just promise you will come back.

Y/n: of course, I will Neteyam after I can't leave one of my bros behind.

Neteyam smiled as he wrapped his arm around y/n. It confused him but y/n just shook it off and hugged him back.

Y/n: by the way Neteyam can you help me again with finding an interesting place I want to take Kiri on another date.

Neteyam looked down momentarily before sighing and looking back up at him.

Neteyam: yeah of course I would help you with Kiri after all I did say I would.

y/n: thanks Neteyam you know you're one of the best people I could have met in my life you know that?

Neteyam looked away from y/n after his comment.

Neteyam: you mean that?

Y/n: of course, I do there is no one else I could have asked for by my side than you.

y/n patted Neteyam's shoulder before he felt a sharp pain in his head. He gripped the spot with his hand as he got flashes of that nightmare or vision he was still not sure why he kept seeing it.

Every time it was the same thing they were hiding from the rda they tried jumping into the water and it looked like Neteyam was getting shot.

They started to show up more and more almost like it was telling him that something was going to happen soon.

Neteyam: Y/n? Hello Yn?

Y/n: huh what?

Neteyam: I was asking if you're all right. 

Y/n: yeah just a headache is all.

Neteyam: should we go and see Ronal and see if she can help you with that?

Y/n: no it's fine it will go away on its own…. Hey, I want to ask if you were to die how would you want it to happen?

Neteyam: that is dark y/ like that came out of nowhere.

Y/n: sorry just asking is all.

Neteyam: well if I were to die I think I want to go out by protecting my family…. That includes you as well y/n so you better not die just because I'm not around you got it

Y/n: haha yeah I got it I won't go around dying without you and…. Thanks for considering me family.

Neteyam: Of course after all you're like a brother to me that I wish I had. 

Y/n: better be careful that loak doesn't hear that or he is mad at you again.

Neteyam: yeah you're right he would be mad at me for saying that wouldn't he? But y/n what about you how would you want to die?

Y/n: well I would like to die in old age surrounded by people who care about me. Just being able to see everyone one last time is good enough for me.

Neteyam: well hey we got our life ahead of us with many more things to come either from hardship or making many great memories.

y/n looked down at the water watching the waves crashing into the rocks.

Y/n: yeah… we got our whole lives ahead of us. You know I bet that in every universe we are best friends you know?

Neteyam was not sure what y/n met by the universe but he simply agreed with him that they are friends in every version of themself.

Neteyam: yeah I bet we are.

*different universe*

Fin: I bet that in every universe we are best friends you know?

Jake: yeah I bet we are

*different universe*

Y/n: I bet that in every universe we are best friends you know?

Loona: what the fuck are you on about but… yeah I bet we are

*different universe*

Y/n: I bet that in every universe we are best friends you know?

Garrus: of course, I bet we are after all who would keep your ass out of trouble.

*back in avatar*

As the two talked for a while they were both suddenly pulled in close by someone who put their head in the middle of the two

Tuk: Surprise!

The two boys looked at tuk who pulled them into a big hug while her head was in between them two they both let out a sigh.

Y/n: ah" sarcastically" You got me tuk what are you doing here?

Kiri: sorry guys I tried to give you both some alone time together but they kept trying to come over here and tuk got past me.

y/n looked over his shoulder seeing Kiri walking over to them with loak next to her.

y/n went to stand up as tuk clung to him climbing up his body to sit on his shoulder but y/n grabbed her and put her down on the floor.

Y/n: not this time tuk

Tuk: aw

y/n walked over to Kiri who was watching the others talking with each other.

y/n: hey I'm going to go and talk with Tsireya about that thing we talk about.

Kiri: oh ok let me know how it goes she might not be as open to it as I was.

Y/n nodded his head at her as he started walking away from her and the other. As he walked away he took one last look at the sully kids being happy and just having fun y/n smiled at them before walking over to Tsireya

Y/n made it to her hut giving a knock on her door. He waited a few seconds for her to open the door. She opened the door and saw y/n standing there. 

She closed it in a panic not expecting him to be here or the fact that it was just him. She made a fool of herself when it was just the last time.

After calming herself down she opened the door again seeing y/n still standing there.

She offered him into her home which he accepted walking inside and looking around once more. Noticing a wood slab on her table close to her bed.

He walked over, grabbed it, and read what was on it.

Y/n: oh you planning on how to decorate the clan for the eywa celebration?

She moved a strand of her hair out of her face which y/n took notice of her doing.

Tsireya: y-yes I am mother past the job onto me to do. She said it would help me when I become the Tsahìk after her.

Y/n: oh well that's good I look forward to how you decorate the place.

Tsireya: oh thanks y/n that means a lot.

y/n walked over to a chair brought it over to her desk and sat down. She did the same sitting at the desk and looking at each other.

Y/n: I wanted to talk about what happened a few days ago with that kiss.

Tsireya felt her heart skip a beat when he mentioned what happened when she pushed herself onto him. She felt like she was going to die from embarrassment

Tsireya: I-I-I want to apologize for that y/n I shouldn't have done that to you out of the blue.

Y/n: no Tsireya you have nothing to apologize for. You just acted on the moment and I don't blame you for it after all. I'm sure it's hard to keep those feelings down, especially for how long you've been feeling them.

Y/n remembers how at the start there was a small feud between the two Kiri getting jealous of Tsireya.

While Tsireya was also trying to win his heart through small acts.

Tsireya: still it was wrong of me to do especially because it is quite obvious that you and Kiri are mates. I still tried getting in the way even though she was your mate already.

Y/n noticed her ears slicked back a bit and her tail slumping down onto the side of her leg.

Y/n: your right Tsireya me and Kiri are mates.

He had to think of the best way to tell this without it sounding horrible.

Y/n: but you see me and she already talked about it that she was fine with me taking in more mates.

Tsireya: you ... want to have multiple mates?

Y/n: yes now I know it is not natural because you the connection between two is a secret bond but where I'm from there are those who have multiple mates but hide it from their other mates

Y/n: so that's why I want to ask you to become one of my mates now you can say no and that's fine Tsireya because in the end, I want you to be happy either with or without me.

Tsireya looked as if she was deep in thought thinking about what y/n had said.

Y/n: I don't need an answer today, you can tell me whenever you're ready.

Y/n started to get up and walk out but was stopped when he heard his name being said by Tsireya.

Y/n: yes?

Tsireya: I wanted to add something you mentioned. You are correct that a bond is sacred but there used to be a story told from clan to clan about how there used to be some Navi that took multiple mates but after long periods the times changed and most chose to only have one.

Tsireya: I… I will think about what you told me y/n…. I'll see you tomorrow alright for the party of my father pasting.

Y/n: of course.

Before y/n left he made one last move with his hands to show her some respect.

Y/n: I see you.

He then walked out of the hut making sure to close it as he took in a deep breath of air.

So before some navi used to have Multiple mates but then they suddenly stopped having multiple mates and now only had one interest,e thought. 

Y/n walked over to where the celebration would be held looking around he made sure to see what spots were good and what the layout was like.

He made sure to take in everything. Especially the best-secluded area that a lot of Navi wouldn't pass.

Afterward y/n made his way back home and started to come up with a plan of how everything will go down.

Word count 2169

big thanks to





Charles Linder


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