
the hunt begins

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It took him a couple of minutes to get ready. He had walked over and grabbed the pouch he made a while ago.

Making sure it was secure to his waist. He walked over grabbing his knife before heading out.

He looked around at the night sky seeing the stars shine bright he looked out to the ocean seeing the sky reflecting down at it.

While also seeing the sea plants and sea life glowing brightly back at him.

It looked so nice, anything better than Earth ever had.

He walked over to the building and entered it seeing a couple of Navi in the room waiting around. He walked over to wait for Tonowari to show up.

He noticed the table in the middle of the room on the side of the wall were spears.

Jake walked over to him as y/n was leaning against the wall.

Jake: What are you doing here y/n?

Y/n: were you not told? Tonowari wanted me to come with him on this hunt we are doing.

Jake: No he did not

After some time Tonowari walked in, looking around he spotted the two and walked over to them.

Tonowari: good to see the both of you ready for this.

Jake: Tonowari, why are you bringing him along?

He pointed his thumb behind him at y/n, still leaning on the wall, not caring about this whole thing with Jake.

Tonowari: he has been training to be a better warrior Jake sully now is his time to get some more experience during our time out.

When he said Jake named him he said it in a more stern tone.

Tonowari: I get to decide who I bring, you don't get to question that is understood?

Jake didn't say anything, he just walked away from the whole thing

Tonowari: "Sigh" Anyway it's good to see you y/n, especially after what happened last night

Y/n: same to you so uh are you going to punish Lo'ak because of what happened yesterday?

Tonowari: No, I won't punish him, especially since I know what happened.

Y/n: yeah I guess we did have your son tell you.

Tonowari: I did punish my son for what happened but not too bad since Loak wanted to take the blame which I can respect.

Y/n: oh well that very understanding of you.

Tonowari: relax for a bit of young blood as we get ready.

Y/n nodded at Tonowari as he walked away. After some time he noticed that Aonung walked as well.

He looked around and his eyes landed on y/n they didn't say anything he simply nodded at him before walking away.

He was not sure why was up with that but maybe he was not bad anymore over the fight from yesterday.

He heard someone make a loud cough sound looking over it was Tonowari.

He stood in front of a table. It reminds him of when Jake was standing in front of a table planning what to do to the rda.

Funny how it reminded him of that.

Tonowari: Now then seeing as almost everyone is here now I'll start. We have recently gotten reports of this creature being a mutated version of an akula.

Tonowari: We have been told some of our fellow brothers and sisters have sadly been killed by this thing. That is why we leave today while we are out hunting for fish. We will also be looking for this creature.

He points to a couple of spots on this map that they made.

Tonowari: These are some points where we have gotten sightings of the creature. so we will make our way through these spots while hunting for food. We will be out for a couple of days to a week.

Most of the Navi nodded at him.

Y/n wished he had been told how long they would be gone, but he was fine with it.

He went on to explain what was going to happen and stuff that was pretty normal.

Afterward, most of the Navi grabbed the spears he decided to keep using his knife as it hadn't failed him yet.

He walked out waiting for the other Navi to finish doing whatever they were doing. He stood by when he felt something hit his back.

Y/n: huh?

???: surprise.

He turned to see Kiri. He swore he would always see her around which he found kinda funny.

Y/n: what are you doing here? Especially at this time of day.

Kiri: I heard you would be leaving today so I came out when I heard my dad leaving.

Y/n: who told you?

Kiri: My brother Neteyam told me. I can't believe you didn't tell me y/n!

Y/n: sorry it just slipped my mind for a moment.

She looked around almost confused for a moment.

Y/n: is something wrong?

Kiri: It's just I don't see Neteyam around.

Y/n: should he be?

Kiri: Maybe he just went on a walk then.

Y/n: uh ok.

He felt confused about whatever she was talking about.

That is when Navi starts to leave and get on their IIu or this other creature.

Y/n: I think I should head out with them.

Kiri: Alright see you when you come back and stay safe alright?

Y/n: you know it.

She placed her hand on his chest as she used her tippy toes to get taller and kiss him. It lasted for a minute before she backed away.

She waves at him before jogging away. Y/n noticed that someone was staring at him looking over and he saw Jake before he walked away.

He knew he was going to need to talk to him eventually. Something caught his eye when Jake walked away he noticed that Jake had a couple of grenades on his belt that were across his chest.

He just shook it off before walking over to the water making a sound and waiting a couple of seconds before something head slowly came out of the water.

Y/n: hey girl sorry for such an early wake up but it's time for us to leave.

His IIu slowly opened its eyes as it was still trying to wake itself up.

He patted its head as it let out a happy squeal before it turned it back towards him he climbed on and connected his queue with its

Y/n: don't worry girl it's alright if you're slower than the others Now let's go.

They swam for a bit just so the IIu could wake its body up. It stretches its fins as it starts going faster.

Y/n: no need to get so worked up just yet it will be a while before you can get some rest so don't push yourself too hard just yet. You are such a good girl, aren't you?

It made a yipping sound to his question. y/n saw the other navi heading somewhere so they followed them

Tonowari was there and he was leading the group as other navi also came over to join the group. After a few more minutes passed he turned to the group.

Tonowari: Now that everyone is here we will set out and BEGIN OUR HUNT!

Some navi clapped at him, others making yip sounds. Tonowari raised his hand in the sky with his spear in it. He had the anime he was on start heading out to the sea with the Navi following behind him.

Y/n: "Sigh" Come on girl, let's follow them.

It swam to keep up with the group of Navi. Sadly because of its missing fin its speed was much slower than anyone else but not the slowest.

There were some Navi who IIu were slower they kinda looked overfed a bit

So his IIu was faster than theirs.

Y/n: See like I said you're not slowing us down.

He rubbed its chin as the IIu tried pushing its face into his hand. A smile crept up y/n face.

Y/n: come on girl let's stay close to them.

The group of Navi left the clan during the night so most of the other Navi didn't hear them leave. y/n knew that this was going to be a very tiring Expedition.


Y/n looked back seeing no one in the direction of the sound. He just shook it off before they went to regroup with the others.

*A couple of days later*

Tonowari: let's stop for a break let's collect some fish to eat and take back. Aonung you are with me. Jake, you go with y/n.

Jake looked at me before nodding and coming over.

Y/n: So uh what is the thing that you're riding?

He looks down for a moment before looking back at him.

Jake: It's skimwing before I say anything that might make you want to try taming this one. It's very difficult to do so it took me multiple times to do.

Y/n: Is that why I have barely seen you since coming to this place?

Jake: Yes, it would be better to know everything about this place.

Y/n: "quietly" at the sacrifice of your wife's heart

Jake: hmm?

Y/n: nothing now come on we better get to work.

Jake: I agree, come on you should tie the net onto your IIu.

Y/n nodded as Jake passed him a net. Y/n tied the rope on the tail of his IIu. That way as they swam together they would collect fish in the net.

They did not talk much with each other. After a while Jake made a loud cough catch y/n attention.

He looked over at Jake who had a more serious look going on.

Jake: So I couldn't happen to notice that something was going on between you and Kiri. Especially when we left a couple of days ago when Kiri kissed you so I want to ask what is your relationship with my daughter right now.

Y/n: well then since you already know a lot I might as well say it since it was pretty obvious. She and I are currently together.

Jake: I don't like that. you don't know what it is like for her to have a relationship with someone.

Jake: You don't know a single thing about how we do things here. When you get a mate you stay with them for the rest of your life.

Y/n: I do know about the whole thing about you sticking with one mate for all of your life Kiri told me all about it.

Jake: So what do you have to say about it?

Y/n: I say that it's stupid I mean it's a lot like Earth and how it works but like I said to her. Fuck that I'm going to do my own thing.

*spiderman 2099 theme start playing*

Jake: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: all you need to know Jake is that me and Kiri are already together and she knows where I stand on that. So stay out of my and Kiri's relationship. Better not why not focus on yourself a bit more

Jake: Huh what do you mean there's nothing wrong with my and Neytiri's relationship right now?

Y/n realized he fucked up what he just said right now.

Y/n: "Ahem" Well it's just you are always away and it seems like you just focus more on whatever you are doing

Jake: Neytiri knows that what I'm doing is important.

As if leaving his wife for long periods or when he doesn't even seem to care about her that much. So much for the important thing he is doing. If it hurts their relationship.

She didn't even know where he had been. To add more salt to the wound, Neytiri seems to be more interested in him than before. She even went so far as to make up a lie so they would continue the thing they had going on.

As for what Jake said about having one partner for all of your life even though he and Neytiri hadn't connected their queue. She had been getting more into messing around with another person behind his back

Y/n: yeah whatever Jake I don't care about your whole point of view about this. As you can see, Kiri and I are fine with how our relationship is. So stay out of it, none of your business.

Jake: well I say it is my business you're trying to get with my daughter

He already got with his daughter so sure he is.

Jake: I'll do what I need to to make sure she's safe and keep her away from anyone who could be dangerous. Even you, we barely talked since you came to us but I'm still not sure what to think of you and what you are doing with my daughter. I'm not sure why my family likes you but I'm going to keep a closer eye on you.

A small chuckle came from y/n mouth as Jake looked at him confused.

Y/n: sorry it's just funny how the roles are now reversed from what I remember from a recording I got from your old lab back near the Omatikaya clan. I found a recording of you doing the same thing I did.

Jake: I don't know what you're talking about.

Y/n: "Aham" so when I got back to the clan to warn them about what was coming. Eytukan stopped me and said that they had the scent of mating. He knew that I and Neytiri had mated that night. Sound familiar doesn't it

Jake looked shocked about the recording still being fine after so long in that old place

Y/n: So as I said you can do what you want but that won't stop me and Kiri from seeing each other. But you are just being biased towards me when you did the same thing all that time ago.

Jake sat there in disbelief from him before he tried to get things back on track

Jake: Let's just hurry up and return the fish to the others.

Y/n looked down seeing the net had gotten quite a good amount of fish in their net.

The two didn't say anything but y/n felt like he was being watched not by Jake but somewhere else he looked behind him.

He saw nothing from the spot that he felt like he was being watched from but a small fish came popping up and looked like it was eaten by something small.

Y/n: strange

Jake, come on we better not keep the others waiting for us.

Y/n turned his focus back on where they were going.

After making it back they gave their net to the people collecting and holding the fish for the trip.

After a while, Tonowari made his way back to the group with Aonung.

Tonowari: Alright, we had enough time to rest. We have one more spot we need to check out before heading back home now then everyone gets ready to leave.

y/n looked over his stuff to ensure it was all there. He looked down at his IIu she looked like she had gotten some good rest.

Y/n: you look like you are much better huh?

He rubbed it back of its neck as It lifted its head out of the water to look at him before rubbing its face on him.

Y/n: hehe good girl.

It let out a little chirping sound as its head went back down into the water. He looked and saw the other people were ready to leave as Tonowari pointed his spear in the direction. That his animal of his was heading to.

y/n let out a sigh as he followed the group.

*a few days later*

Tonowari: All right, this was the final spot that the creature was last spotted at keep your eyes out for anything that could tell us where it at.

Y/n patted the side of his IIu as they went looking around he noticed that Aonung was heading over to him.

He waited for the young Navi to come over as he got closer y/n. He looked like he had something to say to him.

Y/n: what's up?

Aonung looked at him for a couple of seconds before looking down and then back up.

Aonung: I wanted to say I'm sorry about fighting you and making fun of that girl that was always with you

Y/n: oh uh thanks I guess but the one you need to apologize to is Kiri. But why the sudden change of heart?

Aonung: I might have missed judging you and the others.

Y/n: you think?

Aonung: I should have been better and got to know you and your friends. I shouldn't have been just a child.

Y/n: *sigh* like I said thank you for at least apologizing to me.

He looks down, his tail kinda slumped down before he raises his hand towards y/n.

Aonung: I want to start over. What do you say?

Y/n looks at his hand for a moment thinking about something. He raised his hand and shook it.

Y/n: it's nice to meet you "Again"

Aonung: same to you as well.

Y/n: anyways have you seen anything yet about the creature

Aonung: no it just looks normal.

Y/n noticed something in the corner of his eye he noticed a Navi tail flickering behind one of the giant rocks.

Strange, he thought as the tail looked like his and Jake's. But Jake was out away from him.

So who could it be? before he could go over and check to see who it is?

He heard a scream behind him from the group.

The two boys looked back to the group, seeing one of the bags of fish they had collected since starting this journey being pulled down into the water.

The bag was connected to the top of one of the bigger animals like the one Jake was riding on.

He saw Tonowari rushing over as he got closer and stood up on his skimwing. He jumped from his onto the others skimwing that were thrashing around.

He was able to make it. He walked on its back and grabbed the bag of fish he was using all of his strength.

He slowly started pulling it back out of the water with something started to get pulled out. Y/n shook his head as he started heading over.

Aonung: y/n wait where are you going?!

Y/n: where else would I go? I'm going to help your father

Y/n: come on girl as fast as you can go

It started swimming, as fast as it could. As he got closer he saw the creature's face poking out of the water.

It looked exactly as he said from the past days.

Y/n: Tonowari bring it out as much as you can.

He nodded as he kept pulling it out as the animal didn't want to give up the free meal.

He pulled it out as well as he could. Y/n starts to slowly get up in a ready-to-lunch position. He jumped off his IIu, grabbed his knife, and stabbed it into its eyes.

It let out a sharp scream as it finally let go of the bag and started swimming back into the water trying to shake him off.

It was powerful but y/n was not letting it get away after all.

He grabbed onto part of its head and pulled the knife out and stabbed it again which caused it to fling him off hard just to get him away.

Y/n kept his eyes focused solely on it. it starts to turn around and come back around to kill him.

Y/n noticed something red falling slowly in front of him. He looked up seeing Jake there.

He saw the red blinking on it and took a closer look. He noticed what it was and tried to swim away as far as he could.

But the red blink device lit up blowing up. Before y/n could swim back anymore he felt someone's arm wrapped around his torso.

He looked up seeing Neteyam. He was helping him swim away faster.

However because of the explosion being so close to the ground. It blew up into some kind of cave causing a whirlpool.

It started pulling on him. He looked up at Neteyam using his hand to tell him something.

Y/n: let me go I'm just going to end up dragging you with me.

He saw what he was doing and looked back before trying to use his hands.

Neteyam: No, I'm not going to leave you to die here.

Neteyam knew better than to try to fight against a force of eywa. So he grabbed onto y/n.

It caught him off guard but he understood what he was doing.

He wrapped his arms around him as well. They held onto each other as they got pulled down into the cave.

The only thing he had to say about the whole thing was that if anyone saw them doing what they were doing.

Especially because like Navi they don't wear that much clothing. Well, he wore more than others but if other people saw them.

They would all have the same idea....they are probably gay.

He felt his soul let out a tear at the thought of it. As the two went through the explosion whole. He was falling into darkness.

Word count 3698

Yeah so little late on wanting this out just was very busy with high school almost being done and all but anyway we are finally here what could happen find out next time…..Avatar

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