
Chapter 53: And When You Move, Fall Like a Thunderbolt

Most of the Springstorms are in wolf form as we approach the building. I’m still a human, because I need be able to use the Voice to command my troops, and a handful of my other forces are still human so they can operate doors and use guns. We were able to scavenge a few on the way here, and once we claim the armory, we’ll have a h*ll of a lot more.

Silver bullets are very expensive, but the Bloodfangs worship a god of violence, and they have plenty of weapons for us to steal.

The police station is supposed to be open to the public, so its front door isn’t locked. Even as they see our forces approach, the pair of Bloodfangs in the front room are more confused than afraid. Before they understand that they’re being attacked, the first of our people are already inside.

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