
What led to it

Have you ever been in a situation where you got so angry that you strangely became calm, that was the situation Aron found himself in. And this peculiarity was caused by what was before his eyes and he was currently reading.

Secretary: Are you okay?

Professor: No, I'm not. That kid destroyed my shining moment.

Secretary: So, are you not going to solve it and present it again?

Professor: No, I can't do it now because my wife will need to invite those people again in a short time and this will make them annoyed by me.

Secretary: So what's your plan next?

Professor:..... ….. …. ….

Secretary: You said that was the only way for you to be accepted into her family.

Professor: I will need to find another way for that.

Secretary: Which is?

Professor: It's not important right now. But first, I need to deal with that student who fucked my great moment.

Secretary: Oooh... So what are going to do with him

Professor: I looked at his university information and it seems that he is graduating in three weeks. So, I'm going to mess with graduation. I'm going to make sure that he won't graduate from anywhere or even get a job in any reputable company.

Secretary: Isn't that too harsh?

Professor: No, I need to burn him to soothe my anger, or else I might go crazy.





This was the conversation between the professor and the secretary he was cheating his wife with.


After a week of investigation here is what Aron found out.

The professor's insecurity caused him to want to stand on his own without his wife's support, hence the new invention. But when the day of the presentation came, he realized that it was his wife's prestige and her invitation that made all those reputable people in the technology business attend his presentation. 

He felt emasculated and wanted to vent it on someone. So, when he found out Aron was sleeping during his presentation, he chose to vent his anger by watching the student embarrass himself. But when Aron pointed out a dumb mistake he made, the professor even lost his last chance to prove himself in front of his wife's family. In other words, he felt dickless.

So he decided to destroy Aron's life because he blamed the student being the reason for his shame and thought that by destroying his life, he could feel less ashamed or know that there was someone else who was more miserable than him.

So, he hired someone to conduct an investigation on Aron's background and when he found out that the guy came from a low-income family and was only able to study at the university due to the scholarship he won. This meant that he could destroy Aron's life without having to worry about a retaliation from the poor fellow.

He paid the investigator to fabricate Aron's thesis by making similar ones and making them seem like they existed there years before Aron even knew the meaning of the word thesis.

After that, he requested to be added to the thesis review committee and when he was reviewing theses and arrived at Aron's thesis, that was when he revealed that he had already read a similar thesis before, almost word for word.

When they asked for evidence, the professor showed them the sites that his investigator had managed to put them on. That was how the professor managed to turn the other professors against Aron, leading Aron to be dismissed from the university just 3 days before could graduate.

After Aron was expelled, the professor felt that it was not enough and decided to make sure that he was deep in debt so that he wouldn't be able to overcome his poverty for a long time. Hence, he wrote a message to the scholarship department and asked them to increase the interest rate for the repayment to be stretched to the maximum amount of the agreed terms, which was 15% percent.

But when the head of the scholarship committee denied his request, he ended up threatening him in an attempt to get him to approve it, however, he was still denied again. And a few days later, the head of the scholarship committee was fired due to some random reason.

And the one who took the position next agreed immediately, which was why it took them a week before they sent Aron the email to inform him that he needed to repay his scholarship and wanted to discuss his repayment plan options.

So, currently, the people on Aron's revenge list were the professor, the private investigator and the new head of the scholarship committee. But Aron knew that he needed to slowly and carefully plan his revenge and make sure that they didn't understand who was the one responsible for messing with their lives.

As they say, "Revenge is the dish best served cold!"- Sun Tzu


For the sake of wanting to gather everything and know completely about his enemies, Aron ended up using the weaknesses of Google, Android, Apple and Microsoft, meaning that he would currently be able to earn himself money from all of these companies just by reporting it and have them in return provide fair compensation.

So, he decided to contact Felix.

"Hello, my dearest customer," a voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Ahh, so I'm just a customer to you now?" answered Aron in a voice that hinted that he was hiding his sarcastic cry.

"You see, in my law firm I'm currently their golden poster, you know," Felix continued jokingly.

"Then you shall rejoice, as I have a new job for you," Aron said in a deep voice, reminiscent of Doctor Fate. 

"You already found another victim? Wow, that's fast," Felix exclaimed, he was really surprised.

"Yeah, but there are four of them this time. Do you think you can handle it fast?"

"Not just one but FOUR? Which companies are they?" Now, Felix was not only surprised but was also awed by Aron's speed of working, considering that only a month and a half had passed since their previous meeting with Facebook.

"YouTube, their parent company Google, Microsoft, Android and Apple. You think you will be able to handle it?"

"No, I can't handle it alone. I might need some help from my senior lawyers from the firm. Is it alright if I do that?" asked Felix

"You are my lawyer so what is your advice?" asked Aron.

"As your lawyer and friend, I advise you to allow me to seek help from my seniors. This will make the process faster and it might even make them pay a much higher compensation than our previous deal with Facebook," Felix explained, giving his reason.

"Okay, I will leave it up to you. When will you guys be able to finish it?" asked Aron.

"It will take about one month to complete all of these companies if you want to have the best price," Felix assured.

"It's okay, you don't have to hurry. Just make sure that you get the best compensation you can," replied Aron with the corner of his lips curving into a smile.

"Okay, I will. Inform me when you are done."

"Okay, talk to you later," Aron replied, ending the call.

With that done, Aron started compiling the documents to provide to his lawyer when he visited him to collect them.

After he finished doing that as well, Aron started opening multiple virtual machines and started running BugZapper on all of them and started having them to search for weaknesses in different apps.

He was doing this in order to collect the necessary amount of points to buy Prometheus++ programing language, which he planned on using as the foundation of all of his future products.

As the machine started doing its work, all that remained was for him to wait for his program to finish and earn him the points needed for buying the language for himself.

Next chapter