
Raksha's wired feelin part 2

When I looked behind, I noticed what had been poking me in the butt. Raksha, agitated, quickly pointed ahead and shouted, "Emperor, we have reached the Haman Kingdom. You can see the residence building from here!"

Turning around, I saw that indeed we had reached the Haman Kingdom. I forgot about what had been bothering me and instead focused on the grand building we were approaching.

"Your Haman Kingdom does look more beautiful from the ground!" I replied to him with a smile.

"Y-yes, of course. It's ruled by the most superior entity, our Princess and the queen. With their rule, we can never be defeated," Raksha stammered as he flattered his princess. Inwardly, he sighed in relief before I could find out what he was thinking.

As we approached, we passed many wounded soldiers on the way rushing toward the infirmary for immediate treatment. Examining the situation here, I came to understand that the war between Humans and Haman was intense. Neither side was willing to give up; Humans sought to take over the Haman Kingdom, while Hamans fought to protect their home from Humans.

As we walked inside the city, I hid my face under a hoodie, trying not to attract attention from women. I observed houses and buildings made of white stone and jade. The water drainage system was well-made and covered, preventing any waste from flowing freely. Each road and plaza had small planted trees, creating a utopian atmosphere.

When I glanced at the people, I couldn't help but stare at their superior features. Their light skin and white hair were even more stunning than those of the people in the ice realm. As Luna said, they were born with greater mana and beauty than other races, except for Elves.

"General Raksha and his men have returned! Everyone, kneel before him!" a voice rang out, and suddenly everyone—women, children, and farmers—immediately bowed down, their eyes fixed on us as we proceeded toward the castle.

Soon, their gaze fell on me, riding with Raksha on his steed, and their curiosity toward me grew. Standing beside one of the princess's personal guards was one of the most prestigious statuses anyone could experience in their life. But as a stranger like me hid his face while proceeding toward the castle, they immediately started to gossip about me.

"Who is that riding with Raksha on his steed? I can't see his face," they whispered amongst themselves.

"That person might be an acquaintance of Raksha and Princess Rani. General Raksha has taken responsibility for that person's safety, which is why he is keeping that person with him," the whispers continued among the crowd.

"Is that person a boy or a girl? I can't see their face. The attire that person is wearing looks so luxurious and masculine, like someone from royalty, but their physique resembles that of a girl," another voice chimed in.

The people stared at me with curiosity as I was brought into their midst.

We continued onward, stopping nowhere until we reached the Haman castle. Angela finally halted before the two giant doors, and all the Haman knights behind us dismounted from their steeds. Raksha then descended from Angela and addressed me, "Emperor, please follow me. I will take you to meet Princess Rani. She is currently in her chamber meeting with nobles to discuss strategies against the Human attacks. The meeting is about to end soon, so you won't have to wait."

Raksha turned around and instructed his knights to inform the butlers to prepare a welcome banquet for the Dragon Emperor immediately. The knights nodded in acknowledgment and headed straight toward the castle.

"This castle seems very big, but not bigger compared to the Imperial Palace of Dragons. Let's walk around before I meet their princess," I spoke and attempted to put my foot on the ground. However, Angela suddenly started shaking herself, preventing me from leaving her.


"What the hell? Does she want me to stay on her back? I have other things to do!" I pondered inwardly and remained standing on Angela's back.

Raksha and the other knights turned around at Angela's roar, shocked to see me standing over the steed and preparing to jump.

Raksha, startled by my actions, ran toward us and shouted, "Angela, stop!"

His face was filled with horror at the thought that if I were to get hurt by his steed, the entire dragon kingdom would be doomed. He forgot everything else instantly and rushed to prevent me from getting hurt. When Angela heard Raksha's voice, she stopped, but he kept moving toward us.

When Angela stopped, I jumped from her back with ease. However, just as I was about to touch the ground, Raksha unexpectedly appeared out of nowhere. "Where did he come from? Oh no, it's too late."

"Smash!" I fell over Raksha, and the white hoodie flew away, revealing my face. Thankfully, he prevented me from any harm. As I raised my head, I found myself resting against his chest.

"Emperor, are you okay? Did you get hurt..." Raksha stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw my face. His heart began pounding, and his manhood started growing, he felt a surge of arousal at the sight of my soft body and cute face.

"No... No... I shouldn't... Not in front of everyone... I can't control my lust... But I want to do it... My heart " Raksha's breath started escalating each second feeling my fragrance and worm body. His face turns red and his body started trembling.

I could have easily avoided stumbling over him, but I became agitated when I saw Raksha's strange expression, full of horror as if he were dead inside.

"General Raksha!" I exclaimed.

The knights walked toward us and helped us to stand. I managed to raise myself without their assistance and rubbed the dust off me. The workers of the Haman castle halted their work and stared in my direction with wide-opened eyes. "They have seen my face. It will be troublesome if others see me."

I quickly hid my face under the white hoodie.

"Out of my way, don't try to stop me!" Raksha shouted as he walked inside the palace without looking back. The knights looked at each other with perplexed eyes.

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