
Second Term: Big Talks

July's POV:

The next morning all my anger and sadness were blown out the window. I could not focus on the fact Tammy kissed Zach. Or the fact that Seth just wanted to get me laid and tried to keep me close for that reason alone. One look through the room, and I wasn't angry at all. Well, maybe a little. But mostly I was concerned.

Tammy's bed was empty. And not already empty, but still empty. There was no sign she slept here at all.

Where did she sleep?

Knowing, she was at a party I was concerned. What happened there? What if she got drunk? Or Zach started some shit, and she couldn't get out? It was unlikely since they were good friends, and they did kiss.

That stopped my train of thought. What if more happened than that? Would Tammy go that far?


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