
Chapter 155; Is it OK to sleep here together?

Wei Tang smirked lightly, the doctor was rushing away out of fear.

"Zu Weng, he is your biological brother, we just confirmed it..." Ye Mei confessed it to him, and he was shocked but Bai Zhou Yun, had already seen this happening.

"My brother?" he lifted his head gazing at Wei Tang who was eying him, why then did they have different eyes?

He was fifteen years old and was in the juvenile cell, he must have wasted ten years in there.

"Yes... You will be staying with him, we will change your name to Wei Shi Zhi.." he notified him just in case he didn't want to.

"Okay..." he nodded his head while he kept it bowed, Wei Tang felt sad for him, being in jail for this long wasn't easy for a kid.

"All right, let's go.." she assisted Wei Tang as they picked up their things and went down to the parking lot, she scanned through the jeep before they boarded and she drove away to the village camp.

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