
Chapter 36; Ye Mei, what do you want to see?

"You haven't bought a suit, pick one... Hurry up... And it has to be navy blue.." she paid for the items and waited for Wei Tang...

"A suit? What for?" he eyed her his eyebrows corked upwards.

"How do you call me?" she snorted at him.

"Xiao Mei.." he mumbled then understood the significance of that name.

"Since we are orphans, you are my eldest brother so you would be the one to walk me through the aisle... Don't tell me you would be wearing some jeans and a shirt.." he scanned his outfit jokingly.

"Okay, thank you.." he felt a sense of belonging when he heard that, he now had a family member who recognized him even though they weren't blood-related (but imagine when they would come to know that they are a brother and sister. We will find out.. )

He picked up a suit and everything else he needed as Ye Mei paid and they exited the store walking down to the parking lot.

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