
Going Home

"That went better than I expected. Maybe I overestimated the god killer," Odin said when they got to Asgard. He looked elated as the sight of Kratos unconscious was still playing in his head. For once in his life, he was actually quite glad his son was the brute he is.

"He has grown rusty and his...half breed son is making him hesitant to make moves he could have before," Thor answered as he sat down.

"His name is Loki," Odin reprimanded him with a glare, "and he will be part of our family very soon."

"Loki or not, the half breed will be the death of you and Asgard," Thor said before letting out a little sigh. "But, that is not for me to say." Odin eyed him with suspicion, his one eye glowing as he used his magic to discern his son.

"You have changed," Odin finally said. He had tried to analyse him from head to toe, physical form and soul form but all he could see was that his son had truly changed. For once, his bloated appearance had been toned down. His chest was protruding outwards, showing muscle, his stomach was almost flat with slight show of abdominal muscles, his arms were toned, showing body builder sized muscles. His face, once round, showed signs of been slimmed down slightly, making it look more masculine, but his messy hair and beard hid it well.

"The fight led me to a few discovery. Even in his lesser form, the god killer was truly a warrior to be wary of, otherwise my sons wouldn't have died," Thor answered, but Odin scoffed at this.

"Those two idiots died because they were just that, idiots," Odin said before leaving. "You can go back to your...whatever, I'll call you when I need you."

'I'm not a dog,' Thor said to himself before letting out a soft smile. He got up and headed to his home.

'Odin is a son of bitch, if I am to get out of his rule, I need to do it in a way that does not implicate Thrud,' Thor thought to himself. Without him even knowing, Alex had truly ingrained Thor's life to a T. When he got to his door, it was suddenly opened and Thrud suddenly dashed out, hugging him tight. He was a little stunned at this, both lives not experiencing this kind of warmth.

"Dad, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"What makes you think I'm not?" he asked her softly before ruffing her mane, making her stop hugging him and look at him ruefully. Thor just chuckled at her look before looking at the ring he had given her.

"Does your mother know about it?" he asked.

"She does," a voice filled with mature feminity said, making him look upwards.

Even when in the game, Sif can be called a total bombshell and every god of war gamer would agree. Some simps would even spy on her as Atreus because of her figure and now, he can truly say that he might have truly been turned to her simp, just like his predecessor. With long, blonde, silk like hair that reached up to her waist, braided two ways that the longest and thickest bunch went down her back and the shortest, thinnest went over her shoulder to her front. The dress she wore was regal, reaching just shy of her collar, showing those pale collar bones and shoulders which were accented with nordic runes like tattoos that somehow alleviated her goddess like beauty even more. Her oval face seemed to just make her curvecous body look even hotter and the best part of it all were those thick thighs that he truly believed would save countless lives. All in all, the developers of this videogame definitely went all out when they decided to make her and he was even more grateful for this.

"What's the matter? You look stunned," Sif said with slight worry. It's been long since her husband looked at her like this and it was buried behind her mind so she thought something was wrong.

"Each time I see you you become more and more beautiful," Thor said with a lovestruck look, dumbfounding Sif to silence.

"Ewww, Dad!" Thrud voiced her protest at his open display of affection, bringing her mother out of her stupor.

"How did it go in Midgard?" she asked him quickly, changing the subject all together.

"It went as it should," Thor answered evasively, then looked at Thrud. "Have you two have dinner yet? I myself are quite hungry."

"Thrud decided to shirk her lessons and go practice with the weapon you gave her," Sif said, staring at her daggers. "She managed to get a boar so I guess we are eating that for dinner." Thor looked at Thrud, very much impressed. He knew Asgard animals were more powerful than their Midgard counterparts and his former human side was very much impressed that a girl her size...Now that he looked at her, Thrud had truly gotten the best of both sides. Her mother's looks and brains with her father's sturdy and strong body. She would have become a tomboy if this was modern world.

"Impressive, someone will make a very powerful Valkyrie," Thor told her, making her beam in joy. Sif just glared at him and stomped back inside.

"Mother doesn't seem very happy about this," Thrud said as she looked at the retreating form of her mother with sadness.

"Your mother loves you very much Thrudie, and despite what she does, she has seen too many deaths to openly agree that her daughter would one day be causing such deaths or be one of them," Thor said as he squatted in front of her, taking her arms to his much bigger ones.

"Thrudie, tell me the truth, is been a Valkyrie what you truly want or what you think you want?" he asked her, his deep blue eyes staring unwaveringly into hers. Thrud did not evert her eyes, looking straight into his.

"Been a Valkyrie is what I am destined to be," she answered without hesitation.

"Much will be asked of you when you become one, much that you think will be ready for will prove you wrong. Are you ready to bear that responsibility?" he asked, more firmly. Above them, thunder cracked, making Thrud slightly apprehensive. But she did not back down.

"I am ready," she answered with unwavering will. Thor continued to look into her eyes before nodding.

"Good," he said and as if his voice was the trigger, all the clouds dispersed. "Me and your mother will talk tonight. If she agrees, I will personally teach you how to be the best Valkyrie you can be in all the universes. Till then, try not to ire her or my job will be infinitely harder." Thrud's eyes sparkled in joy, hugging him tightly as she squeled with enthusiasm.

"Thanks dad, thank you so much," she said before dashing inside the house and straight to the kitchen in order to help her mother. Thor nodded to himself before looking at the blue sky of Asgard.

"Kratos, Kratos, Kratos," he said with a sigh. "A god of destruction, just like me, huh? And Mimir, changing one master to another, forever submitting to the gate of being a dog. You might hold countless answers to countless questions, but you will not be able to solve the riddle of what I am going to do next."

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