Hiya, author here. Just wanted to tell anyone some things, if someone is even reading this...
Well let's begin with the easy and quick to understand things.
This is AU, simple right? for those who don't know what that is it means "Alternate Universe" So not all things will go acording to the original.
Then a important thing to note down is that I am not a genius, I don't know absolutely everything about star wars, even harder when I'm writing about the old republic and all that. I know most, and a lot, but absolutely not all, some things may not be according to the exact history and knowledge.
Yeah that's about it. Oh, right, one more thing. I am not a native english speaker, BUT I can confidently say I'm almost fluent. I am also using a grammar editor even though I might not necessairly need it. But I am in no way perfect, so I make wrongs.
Lastly, please do give me feedback.