
Bonus Chapter: N

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> So what happened to Jeremiah?

N: He is finally out. That took some time. In this place, all his pent up fatigue from the road will come rushing back to him. The only reason you get only one wish is because you can only spend so much time conscious here. You're probably wondering about what I told him was. It was about his wish. His wish was to relive that event but with the people he traveled with. That would affect my law that states when a door is closed, I am the only one that can travel between it. Now I'm not saying I couldn't get it done if I wished to, I could but I won't. Humans must deal with their emotions and their decision making themselves. So what did I do? I made him dream. A dream where all he wanted came true. If you think about it, it's not so bad. He got appreciated, got a standing ovation and assurance that they were going to be alright. There is nothing he can do about it anyways so why not just let him think it's going to be just fine, you might ask. I had to let him know I lied because I need him to wake up sooner than normal. He is one of the few chosen ones for the next game I'm making. What do you think would happen if someone was at peace in a place with uninterrupted slumber? Exactly, it would just be uninterrupted slumber and that would be boring.

> Game? Did you just call their lives a game?

N: Yes. Humans are fickle and naรฏve things which make it even easier for me to manipulate.

> Why are you doing this?

N: No comment.

> Did you tamper with the events to make it impossible for some of them to pass through?

N: Yes. I didn't lie when I said no one had time to monitor 7 billion of them, at least "I" don't. So what happens is when a batch of people arrives here, I see all their memories and select the ones they have to relive door by door. It sounds like a hassle, right? But I have clones to ensure I can be efficient as possible. Back to topic, yes I do in fact tamper with the events sometimes. Like the one with Hana, I possessed that kid momentarily to get her back to life and stab her to stop her from answering. I couldn't let her pass through that event for reasons I won't disclose.

> How did Lisa, Aaron and Jeremiah die?

N: Jeremiah and Aaron already saw this but sure I'll tell you. Lisa's death was caused by none other than herself. Not soon after she killed George, she jumped off a bridge and hit her head on a rock. Jeremiah's death was rather random. It was a car accident. He was crossing the road and crazy truck driver ran into him. Aaron? Aaron was later caught and given the death sentence in prison. He died by the electrocution chair.

> Who are you?

N: I am just the one who guides souls after death. Some I despise, some I ignore and some I take a liking to. I do have another role but it's something we won't be discussing.

> What is this game you're planning?

N: I can't tell you the full details. Just know that getting to the end of the road is a condition to be met.

> When is Jeremiah going to wake up?

N: That's up to him and how long it takes for him to realize that he's dreaming. When he wakes up, he'll look for me and by then my preparations would have been complete.

> Why are you making humans players in your games?

N: No comment.

> Why no comment?

N: Ok fine. I like playing with humans because they are the reason I'm here so I might as well make the best of it.

> You seem veryโ€ฆ

N: Very what?

> I think the word I'm looking for here is human.

N: It would be in your best interests to not call me human again. Now be off. You'll do well to make sure you don't interfere much with the last stage of my plans.

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