
chapter 67

--MC POV--

"So how about starting with the presentation?" I proposed, looking at the teenager who was glaring at me.

"Starting? It's a little too late to say starting" She said.

"She is my little sister Cora" Intervened Laura.

"I'm thankful you didn't forget we are sister" replied Cora with an annoyed look.

"Did something happened yesterday?" asked Derek from the side.

"Nothing, I just roughed her up a little during the rescue. Unfortunately we weren't aware of her presence and we were caught by surprise" I said, and Cora became red as she tried to control her expression from showing her embarrassment or anger, I'm not sure about which one, but I'm certain she too wants to hide this from Derek.

"Where were you?" questioned Derek.

"Just like you, I thought I was alone and wandered around going from pack to pack, till I heard that there was a new Hale alpha and I came here, but I was intercepted on my way by the alpha pack" she said.

"Why did you not try to look into the accident immediately and understand if someone else survived?" Asked Erika, who had been spectating the conversation.

"I just did what I was taught" answered Cora with a low voice.

"We were trained to run away and hide if we were caught alone by hunters. Wait for the pack to arrives before fighting back that was our philosophy, but… we never came for her. I should have looked into it better" said Laura.

"It doesn't matter, I'm finally back with my family, and a strong pack, who defeated even the alpha pack"

"Actually e weren't the ones who killed them. The job was mostly done by Jennifer and Deucalion is still alive" said Scott.

Our number had been growing and right now we were all gathered to sum up what happened during the eclipse.

Scott while he wasn't a member of Derek pack he was not as distant as he was earlier.

"Speaking of Jennifer where did she go? Her corpse was not there anymore when I went back" asked Derek.

I just kept my expression straight and feigned ignorance, as I didn't want them to know my involvement with Jennifer or at least not now.


"Is this going to become a tradition?" I asked Laura as I caught her awake too.

It was night and me, Lydia and Malia had decided to stay with her, after all I missed Laura too much during these days to just leave her immediately.

"I was thinking of these last weeks" she said as she played with a glass.

"It must have been difficult" I walked toward her and hugged her from behind.

"I trusted you to save me and I was also able to meet my sister, who I though was dead. I don't see it as a bad thing, it wasn't pleasant, but it ended well" I kept kissing her neck as she spoke and soon she leaned on me, laying the back of her head on my shoulder.

"I'm also thinking of what happened later, when I put my man dick inside my sister cunt" she added.

"It's only normal for an older sister to want the best for her younger sibling" I joked.

"I also want the best for you. Did you enjoy it?" she asked.

"Is this a trap?"

"No, a trap question would be something like: tell me what happened to Jennifer"

"How?" I asked after a small pause, knowing that hiding things further would just worsen the situation.

"You know how to fake your expression, but your heartbeat accelerated"

"You always listen to others' heartbeats? Do you trust people that little".

"It was more like a habit forced on me, when I was training under my mother. So, what are you hiding?"

"She survived from the wound Deucalion inflicted, so I killed her myself" I state.

"And? You wouldn't hide something like that" I like how they know me this well, but this moment it's not helping me.

"I already knew who she was and confronted her days ago, but rather than stopping I helped her hide herself. I wanted to use her against the alpha pack" I confessed finally, while looking in Laura's eyes, searching for traces of disgust.

"Do you regret it?" her tone didn't change; it was still soft and invited me to say the truth.

"Not as much as I should. Maybe things would have worked either way, but I didn't want to leave things to fate, not when it comes to my pride. Scott was able to end things without any further sacrifice, even Deucalion gave up on the alpha pack, and yet even now I would still do the same thing. What truly bother me of this situation is that I had to hide it from you all. People died, people I could have saved, but in my mind I only feel relieved that you survived and those people just fade into the background".

"Deucalion was once like Scott, he always tried to end things peacefully, till one day he realized that the word is too irrational to always use reason. He paid for his ingenuity with everything he had and that's what made him the monster he is now. You decided to compromise your moral code for the sake of your priorities, and maybe one day you'll find a better answer, but for now you did what you thought was best."

"You always know what to say don't you?" I asked her.

"I learned a lot under my mother" She replied.

"This goes over what your mother taught you, the person you have become is on you. You are an amazing woman and I know I can always count on you" my words seemed to truly touch her as she started thinking for some moments.

"Would you like to go on a walk?" she asked me.

--Laura Hale POV--

We were walking in the forest while holding each other hand, the atmosphere was relaxed and the natural sounds of the forest added a nice background that helped me think.

I remembered what Deucalion told me "You really resemble your mother; you are just as virtuous and responsible as she was, she was like a guide to us all".

In a certain sense it made me happy knowing that I was being compared to the woman I always admired.

I always followed her teaching and tried to emulate her to become a great alpha and a great older sister, but now I'm not an alpha anymore and Derek is already a grown up and has his own pack.

I also did something not very sisterly with Cora…

Have I become someone great?

What I know is that I want to find out what kind of person I am, explore my thoughts and grow, not to become someone like my mother, but to stand on my own two feet.

I want to become my own person.

Suddenly I felt like something in me had changed, I separated a moment from Thomas.

I knew this feeling, it is similar to when I transform, but at the same time it is different.

My hands morphed into pawns and my physiology greatly changed, I was on four, I was now a wolf.

It is ironic that just as I understood that I let the admiration for my mother influence me too much, I became a step closer to her.

Looking behind me I saw Thomas, who understanding what I wanted through our connection, started transforming in his animal form too and our walk soon became a competition as I wanted to experience the new freedom I felt.

(Remember to give me some power stones if you liked the chapter or write some comments. For example I would like to know what left you disappointed or what you liked the most of my story. I can already tell you that my new HP: fan fiction is coming out with a better quality as the chapters are longer from the start and I stopped using POVs.)

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